16:40:03 I remember days when this got up to 100m items queued 16:42:27 I dont want to know how much is currently stashed away.. gotta be an amount 16:51:55 hundreds of millions 16:53:00 archiveteam running a mini heritrix 16:53:53 we're way bigger :P 16:54:37 oh, interesting. How many unique warrior IPs are there? :) 17:00:40 java 😱 17:02:21 https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2009/01/12/by-installing-java-you-will-be-able-to-experience-the-power-of-java/ 17:03:48 This is the stash just for reddit outlinks I think. There might be more stashes, but this is the one I remember. https://tracker.archiveteam.org/urls-stash-reddit/#show-all 17:04:27 I was thinking it would have grown more since I last saw it, but I forgot shreddit was off for a while too 17:05:02 Queuing for parent URL https://www.ayalon-ins.co.il/radware_waf/?_event_transid=bfb0238d1a96a255b4adde0c2fd9da7be5f1407bb993342c012cefbdf2972895. 17:05:02 Queuing URL https://www.ayalon-ins.co.il/radware_waf/?_event_transid=3db86df06b40cb55dc77f974e419c0bc48d869511d80c181f15165a014517732. 17:05:05 looks to be a loop 17:05:47 "radware_waf" 🦹 17:10:04 So, a billion urls easy? IA will love us once we destroy their newly fixed storage situation haha 17:11:23 * arkiver is trying to prevent that 17:12:15 we're often walking some delicate line between "too much" (IA side) and "not enough" (both sides) 17:12:46 doing a good job of that as far as I can tell from the outside :) 17:12:57 thanks :) 17:13:03 last weeks have been challenging 17:13:12 and we have the big youtube troubles before the IA problems 17:13:46 are they breaking archiving along with the ad popup? 17:13:57 ad popup? 17:14:04 oh youtube 17:14:04 no 17:14:05 adblock 17:14:34 rules for what could be queued for youtube project were too relaxed, and we did *a lot* for a few days with me not restricting that in time 17:14:53 ah 18:00:05 down-the-tube is probably the single most dangerous thing for ia. It's throughput can go off the roof if not held back lol. 18:01:09 we could probably undue all their progress in a single day if the limits were removed 18:02:32 between the queue and what's stashed I imagine there's somewhere near 300TB waiting to be archived 18:04:46 moving a stash from yesterday back 18:05:05 vokunal|m: there's a lot stashed and yes 18:15:24 Oh good, something for my workers to get stuck into for a bit 19:36:41 AK: enjoy :) 19:40:37 Not sure how many you put in but we do seem to be getting through them haha 19:41:43 I have 2 vps:s and my home server running a few projects so always good when they are not idle. Though its good to wait for IA to become ready again for the cheer amount these projects produce 22:15:38 arkiver: Ack