14:43:03 Woo 17:40:26 JAA/arkiver: we seem to be ddosing huahinnews.net, not sure if the site is legit or not https://transfer.archivete.am/OtxgG/2023-10-15_17-40-14.txt 17:41:40 queue is exploding as well 17:42:06 (although not sure if thats relate) 17:43:13 queue loop with comically long url: https://transfer.archivete.am/zQIzJ/2023-10-15_17-42-36.txt 18:18:03 Hmm yeah, those huahinnews.net URLs look a bit suspicious. 18:31:04 it calmed down pretty quick so I assumed someone did something (also queue went down again rapidly) 18:35:17 Doesn't look like anything was done about it. 18:35:30 Maybe just a burst, or it'll be back later with a vengeance. 18:49:00 weird. 19:31:47 just a burst 19:31:51 but indeed, i'll check this out 19:31:55 there are a few others like this too 19:57:08 25 req/s here to it again 20:01:17 very bursty 20:06:19 also no not legit, spam crap 20:21:10 taking out some loops 20:22:24 and will just filters out the huahinnews.net one 20:22:41 i can't match it easily with loops we've seen before, so it may be a new one or it's just this one site 20:23:00 if it's just this one site it's better to filter out, if others turn up like this, we'll ignore them by URL patterns 20:33:30 imer: fix is in 20:35:25 nice, thanks :) 23:03:11 queue seems to be growing again, only pattern I can see is "manga" sites though 23:04:46 ah. disq.us short links redirecting to "manga" sites 23:05:06 for example https://transfer.archivete.am/oeUCE/2023-10-15_23-04-52.txt 23:07:09 "some" sitemaps got picked up too https://transfer.archivete.am/g4Brm/webnovel.site.log 23:09:05 arkiver: queue is up by 4.5M in the last hour so might need attention, sorry for another ping ^