01:37:22 item request serve rate is suspiciously low as well 01:42:26 imer: I think that's because everything is coming from reclaim at the moment 01:42:32 s/everything/most things/ 01:43:13 mh, 12.8M is an oddly specific value for out cap though 01:47:45 I assume it's dipping into reclaim because the age of those claims is now above some cutoff 01:51:49 shouldn't it hand out a full batch of items then though? can never remember these super specific tracker behaviours 01:52:49 usually when it's pulling from reclaim it doesn't hand out full multi-item sets .. but my memory/observations may be sus 02:07:26 imer: yeah that is due to me 02:07:31 i'll move some stuff around 02:08:12 ah, great. as long as things are going as intended thats fine 02:08:56 well it was kind of a mistake 02:09:04 but it's clearing up not as fast as i'd like 02:21:34 i'm moving stuff around 02:30:39 thanks :) 02:30:58 looking much healthier 02:32:05 queue is magically shrinking :P 02:33:13 do love me some magic 02:35:58 magic solves all problems! 02:36:11 *apply magic* is my favorite solution to everything 13:45:44 Nice to see us chewing through todo] 13:53:15 Hmm, a lot of abergavennytownfc.com going through right now. 13:53:17 Looks spammy 13:53:29 arkiver: ^ 13:55:21 thanks JAA 13:57:58 what 13:58:02 "/upluds/" 14:00:03 derp 14:00:51 this looks like an older pattern but not quiet the same 14:13:27 JAA: that was a new loop actually, fixed 14:13:40 :-) 14:14:50 it's a mystery though why these sites exist 14:14:57 i don't see obvious malware on them 14:15:00 some SEO stuff? 14:15:15 I'd guess so, but yeah, not sure either. 14:16:36 My containers are all up to date 14:20:04 perfect :) 14:26:25 I wonder when #// got restarting 🤔 https://share.aktheknight.co.uk/riJe0/KArixEwa50.png/raw 14:26:45 *restarted 14:27:07 AK: hah! yep... 14:27:13 looks like your machines missed #// :) 14:27:28 I used this project as a way of benchmarking a machine the other day 14:27:28 lol 14:27:42 how did it do? 14:27:48 Rather well 14:28:17 i guess it could also be used to "test what happens if one visits random crazy sites" :P 14:28:34 Once we have a large todo I want to do some more testing to see how I can optimize my setup, but everytime I start testing we run out of items so I can't tell if the drop is my changes or the lack of todo haha 14:28:52 we have a ton of backlog 14:29:03 but at least until the end of this month, we'll not get started on that yet 14:29:27 I'm still annoyed I haven't got the BGP session I need to announce these IPs, and then I can go quickly on a few things 14:29:57 does this project have a ratelimit currently? 14:30:35 I have a 95th on a transit port I need to fill goddammit 14:30:36 no 14:34:06 got any number on how many items you've got hidden away in backlog arkiver? 14:34:32 1B+? 15:08:44 AK: hundreds of millions, may be a billion 15:10:37 😅Ooh that'll be fun when we start going through it 15:10:48 I see my dashboard is still working :D 15:11:05 AK: btw open this https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/33b3a39aeed723f2/image.png 15:11:18 Your computer will cry and so will my influxdb instance 15:11:46 https://share.aktheknight.co.uk/riJe0/TaRozOne94.png/raw Duplicated and edited the view I have open to show mean too :P 15:12:13 Wanna share this modification so I might be able to add it? 15:12:37 Oh you just added mean 15:13:23 yeah only because we're so spiky at the moment it was hard to tell what I was really doing 15:15:12 Ooops 15:15:15 PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 15:15:15 671 influxdb 20 0 61.8g 3.6g 2.6g S 365.6 23.3 1158:56 influxd 15:16:05 :) 15:34:44 AK: Wanna see the firehose that is influxdb logs? 15:35:56 Go on then 15:36:02 Here it is https://seashells.io/v/CqweV48Y 15:36:12 Have fun looking at it 15:37:30 it's beautiful 15:40:31 All the ingest only cost 13% of 1 vCPU 15:51:16 kiska/kiska5 are the per user graphs missing the WHERE to make them use the filter up the top? 15:51:59 Getting close to 400TB from me 16:00:18 https://irc.project10.net/uploads/dbcd48202bb93906/more.gif 16:04:26 AK: Possibly 16:08:53 You have to remember I threw together this thing in like 30 mins and called it a day :D 16:17:17 ahh didn't realise that haha. It's so useful for working out what's actually going on with my agents 16:17:36 (agents is not the right word, I'm just still in ci/cd brain from work) 16:18:24 agents can be the correct word in this context 16:18:40 Although crawler is more accurate 16:18:58 AK: refresh the dash it might be better 16:21:24 Although it'll still do this 16:21:24 PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 16:21:24 671 influxdb 20 0 61.8g 2.2g 1.1g S 362.5 14.0 1196:48 influxd 16:21:33 When you refresh :D 18:20:21 *.toccoafallsradio.org urls seem to be more K8 casino spam, seeing a bunch of those in logs 18:37:06 Doesn't seem to be exploding though, probably due to bans. I see =0s all over AK's logs for those. 18:40:50 Seems like claims will be gone in about 2-3 hours. 19:30:03 nstrom|m: those should be handled, but they are likely still a lot in claims (which are now being reclaimed)