00:28:26 AK: 400TiB 🥳 07:41:52 Woop 🥳that's a lot of data 12:25:52 it occurred to me today that local businesses disappear a lot, and that mapping services like OSM or Google Maps might be a good source of links to them, could be good for this project to get front pages and front page links of them? 15:31:53 I manually went through my city on google maps trying to find as many small businesses as I could. I only got around 200 before I got tired and gave up. I'm sure there was an automated way to do it, but i like things the hard way for some reason 15:32:32 Yeah, that would be great. 16:11:05 i believe openstreetmap has some but businesses are even less likely to list there versus google 16:11:23 oh OSM was mentioned, need coffee 19:34:59 arkiver, things that are queued with !a, do they only get the page or do we get any links from them? 19:35:28 AK: only the page and embedded images/etc