19:38:06 Just wondering, given that I am located in Germany and hence some gdpr stuff might happen (like excluding me from getting stuff) is that a problem in this project? 19:52:45 cc arkiver 19:58:14 I think the UK has a GDPR exception for "archives in the public interest" but not sure about Germany (also IANAL) 20:01:20 GDPR does not cover UK as it's an EU law 20:02:21 i think, but also IANAL 20:14:45 mwfc: Do you mean whether it's a problem to run a worker in the EU because websites might refuse to serve the content, so we might be archiving GDPR consent pages instead? If so, it depends, but if the blocks are done properly (i.e. HTTP 451 or outright connection refusals/timeouts), the retrieval will fail and be retried by another worker eventually. If it's an HTTP 200 with an error message, that probably would 20:14:51 be a problem. 20:16:53 (the blocks will not be done properly.) 20:17:31 Well, not by everyone, yeah. :-| 20:17:37 JAA: I am not sure the blocks will be done properly 20:18:14 But e.g. many US newspapers that can't be bothered to not collect user's data do return an HTTP 451 or at least 403. 20:18:33 website-specific projects can detect such blocks in the grabber code, but this generic url project would be a problem yeah :| 20:20:40 so: better to not contribute, or take the risk? 20:26:18 https://twitter.com/EricaZelic/status/1717394384948216296/photo/1 20:26:24 oh no eggdrop 20:26:43 but wait, is this why people are mad about .well-known/openid-configuration? 20:26:49 ,, channel set #// +nitter 20:26:49 ok: (no output) -4ms- 20:27:05 https://nitter.net/EricaZelic/status/1717394384948216296/photo/1 21:12:37 fireonlive: interesting 22:06:52 rewby: could something be filling up here? i see signs of rsync problems the last few hours