01:12:54 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/10oMhN/forum.brickset.com-inf-20231104-230951-5vn0j-ignored-offsite 01:13:01 JAA: Skipped 62 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/BVeWY/forum.brickset.com-inf-20231104-230951-5vn0j-ignored-offsite.bad-urls.txt (for 'https://transfer.archivete.am/10oMhN/forum.brickset.com-inf-20231104-230951-5vn0j-ignored-offsite') 01:13:02 JAA: Deduplicating and queuing 173430 items. (for 'https://transfer.archivete.am/10oMhN/forum.brickset.com-inf-20231104-230951-5vn0j-ignored-offsite') 01:13:11 JAA: Deduplicated and queued 173430 items. (for 'https://transfer.archivete.am/10oMhN/forum.brickset.com-inf-20231104-230951-5vn0j-ignored-offsite') 01:34:21 moving items to secondary again 12:29:13 going pretty slow currently, tons of either dead or erroring urls 12:48:57 "interesting" pattern https://transfer.archivete.am/HM0Sp/2023-11-07_12-48-24.txt (exclusively =0), not sure we can/should do something about that 12:49:25 `| rev | sort | rev` btw, very useful thing I learned today 12:53:48 https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/622283/what-is-the-application-of-rev-in-real-life#comment1164167_622314 _huh_ 13:31:52 Yup seeing a few status code zeros: https://share.aktheknight.co.uk/riJe0/dAVUvICU14.png/raw 13:32:11 Plus a bunch of 403: https://share.aktheknight.co.uk/riJe0/SexApaBa91.png/raw 13:33:29 The ratio of statuscode 0:403:200 is a bit unhappier: https://share.aktheknight.co.uk/riJe0/dIqiWuxi42.png/raw 13:34:56 the deepdyve ones have been around since we resumed I think, there is the occasional 200 on the doc subdomain, but I think the other ones are just links with an expired signature. getting 429 on the main site here 15:26:06 looks like we ran into some spam loops yes 16:24:59 deepdyve is out