08:27:34 backfeed just about gone 16:21:58 It's been that way for a while, I think? 16:23:15 JAA: no it's been going up and down 16:23:35 Ah 16:23:52 The few times I looked, it was always small. lol 16:23:55 JAA: now it jus came back again 16:23:57 just* 23:11:43 it's about how you use- 23:12:29 *bonk* 23:13:16 uwu 23:14:29 lol 23:16:05 time to make meme 23:17:46 <_< 23:18:20 https://lounge.kuhaon.fun/folder/c9ff9d828c73483c/87br43.jpg 23:24:00 :D 23:51:22 could someone archive these urls: 23:51:23 https://www.mediafire.com/?5cc3e6r1va0xvfn 23:51:23 http://www.mediafire.com/download/8lhjzrf64nppww6/Sukisho_1_-_First_Limit_%5BPlatinum_Label%5D.rar 23:51:23 https://www.mediafire.com/download/fntlxzhfcb5kmqv/DMMd+reconnect+-+Fullset.zip 23:51:23 they're patches for VN yaoi games and given the content of these products we have little to no mirrors or anything else that preserves these files 23:56:07 Ruk8: #mediaonfire 23:56:42 thx, do I need to post urls related to mediafire here from now on? 23:58:59 #mediaonfire can grab the site and the file itself I think. I don't think anything specific needs to go here from that 23:59:53 No, MediaFire is better handled by the, well, MediaFire project. This is a generic thing, and it's not suitable for lists of URLs on a single host (risk of accidental DDoS) or anything where you care about successful retrieval (although that's not guaranteed over there either).