09:46:37 ah. was wondering why my worker was seemingly queuing all of amazon music >35=200 https://music.amazon.com/albums/sitemap-469-1.xml.gz 09:47:28 guess it is sitemap day 10:46:28 yeah... 10:46:35 first of the month again 10:47:26 imer: amazon music sitemaps sound good to have though, nice overview as well of what has been released 10:47:44 of course, just wondering what was going on before I realized haha 10:48:04 now if amazon music shuts down and they kill their sitemaps we can find it anyway :P 10:48:08 'Ah shit, here we go again...' :-) 10:48:17 saving sitemaps has been useful in at least one case, but i forgot which one that was 10:48:34 JAA: hah :) 10:49:39 arkiver: Searched my logs, it was ЯRUS. 11:55:27 that explains why my load looks much healthier, load average: 80.43, 126.85, 113.6 12:31:42 "healthier" :D load average: 81.80, 83.72, 86.28 14:36:30 https://lounge.kuhaon.fun/folder/ca582a9d0c342acf/image.png Might need this screenshot later :P 14:38:16 Also for the memez https://lounge.kuhaon.fun/folder/57b6923e5a9c196b/87w8u5.jpg 19:51:48 :-)