00:50:21 !a 00:50:22 Darken: Invalid privileges, need one of ('@', '+'). 01:15:24 Oh yeah, that Flickr stuff is gone and todo:backfeed is empty now. 01:15:34 Might still be some in claims of course. 01:16:11 arkiver: I'm going to leave the pattern limit as is for now. Feel free to remove it though if you think that's better. 01:55:34 still seeing the occasional flickr link -> images pop up 01:55:41 got through the backlog though 02:46:37 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/eyFqg/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt 02:46:38 datechnoman: Registering OkISl2YH for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/eyFqg/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt' 02:46:42 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 9773 items. (OkISl2YH) 02:46:48 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 9773 items. (OkISl2YH) 04:43:40 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/I9RGS/export_discord_cdn_1706589731.txt 04:43:41 project10: Invalid privileges, need one of ('@', '+'). 04:43:52 derp 04:46:17 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/I9RGS/export_discord_cdn_1706589731.txt 04:46:18 fireonlive: Registering lMUF9jVU for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/I9RGS/export_discord_cdn_1706589731.txt' 04:46:31 fireonlive: Fixed 2 unprintable URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/QR0wy/export_discord_cdn_1706589731.txt.not-printable.txt (lMUF9jVU) 04:46:32 fireonlive: Deduplicating and queuing 380324 items. (lMUF9jVU) 04:46:55 !a https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/333616902171656197/384363023797714955/unknown.png 04:46:55 fireonlive: Registering 34rIfXPu for '!a https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/333616902171656197/384363023797714955/unknown.png' 04:46:56 fireonlive: Not a transfer.archivete.am URL. (34rIfXPu) 04:46:57 !a https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/712082512993583118/776651327785926656/image0.jpg 04:46:57 fireonlive: Something went wrong. (34rIfXPu) 04:46:58 fireonlive: Registering jCQAewGi for '!a https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/712082512993583118/776651327785926656/image0.jpg' 04:46:59 fireonlive: Not a transfer.archivete.am URL. (jCQAewGi) 04:47:00 boo 04:47:00 fireonlive: Something went wrong. (jCQAewGi) 04:47:05 fireonlive: Deduplicated and queued 380324 items. (lMUF9jVU) 04:47:51 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/SgJIO/discordcdn.txt 04:47:51 fireonlive: Registering FH6QOd3E for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/SgJIO/discordcdn.txt' 04:47:52 fireonlive: Deduplicating and queuing 2 items. (FH6QOd3E) 04:47:53 fireonlive: Deduplicated and queued 2 items. (FH6QOd3E) 11:59:06 JAA: alright, i'll probably remove it when we're through all current queues 23:51:08 arkiver: should we add the dump of the open directory crawler here? https://odcrawler.xyz/download 23:51:29 hmm, doesn't seem to download here