00:48:25 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/1gUjG/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt 00:49:29 !help 00:50:42 datechnoman: Registering xxMhI9js for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/1gUjG/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt' 00:50:43 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 14894 items. (xxMhI9js) 00:50:44 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 14894 items. (xxMhI9js) 00:50:56 datechnoman: Registering lJCOTOLM for '!help' 00:50:57 datechnoman: The following commands are available: (lJCOTOLM) 00:50:58 datechnoman: !help: Print this help message. (lJCOTOLM) 00:50:59 datechnoman: !a: Deduplicate and archive a list of URLs hosted on transfer.archivete.am. CAREFUL, DDOS. (lJCOTOLM) 00:51:52 Blame Fusl for the delay. :-P 01:01:17 Haha was going to ping but looks like it magically fixed! 01:01:18 Yay 01:01:23 I blame technology ;) 01:01:41 Well, #telegrab 01:02:00 Always causing problems haha 01:25:33 JAA: bot needs priorities :3 04:25:58 !a help 04:35:01 !uwu 07:21:51 imer: indeed got lost for me! 15:46:01 is that a no then? :D 15:56:52 we should do something with it yes 15:59:37 why is it growing so much thouhg 16:01:28 i'm going to figure this out tomorrow as well 16:03:09 it does keep pulling from the pdfs in secondary (filters I think?) so might be normal discovery, should calm down if we do secondary -> redo, backfeed -> secondary (did I get the priorities right?) if thats the case 16:03:19 also running a bit slow due to targets with vbox started again 16:04:51 it will keep pulling from todo:redo then 16:05:12 i'm thinking of taking out PDFs tomorrow for a short time to see what happens - if the queue actually goes down 16:05:29 i see some spammy stuff, but nothing horrible yet. though it could play a role at these numbers 16:51:56 the only loopy things I'm seeing in my logs are a couple sites that appear to be using a unix timestamp in their version number tag. example: https://transfer.archivete.am/DwMNN/at-urls3-2024-02-29T16-49-19.log 16:51:56 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/DwMNN/at-urls3-2024-02-29T16-49-19.log 16:52:14 that's aflratings.com.au. also seeing the same behavior from this site: https://peanutpantry.com/snacks/?ver= 16:52:55 (though that one is giving 409s to at least some of my workers at this point, they've probably been hammered for some days now) 16:53:10 other than that not seeing any major issues in logs 21:30:05 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/6wbt4/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt 21:30:06 datechnoman: Registering cEY3ZE5w for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/6wbt4/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt' 21:30:09 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 10195 items. (cEY3ZE5w) 21:30:11 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 10195 items. (cEY3ZE5w) 21:37:19 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/y1tVv/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt 21:37:20 datechnoman: Registering pkOvhrXI for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/y1tVv/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt' 21:37:26 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 15861 items. (pkOvhrXI) 21:37:30 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 15861 items. (pkOvhrXI) 22:29:03 http://dominiquefrot.com/media/video/JTPlus.ogg.ogg.ogg.ogg.ogg.ogg.ogg.ogg.mp4.mp4.mp4.mp4.mp4.webm[..] still seeing that one JAA, filter probably not working? 22:29:47 or it was specific for the other video 22:30:16 Yeah, another video, ugh 22:32:06 !help 22:32:07 fireonlive: Registering DYmNAfBv for '!help' 22:32:08 fireonlive: Maximum concurrent jobs: 2. (DYmNAfBv) 22:32:09 fireonlive: The following commands are available: (DYmNAfBv) 22:32:10 fireonlive: !help: Print this help message. (DYmNAfBv) 22:32:11 fireonlive: !a: Deduplicate and archive a list of URLs hosted on transfer.archivete.am. CAREFUL, DDOS. (DYmNAfBv) 22:32:15 Should be fixed now. 22:38:19 seems to have disappeared 22:39:58 New filter is ^https?://dominiquefrot%.com/media/video/.*%.og[gv]%.[mow]