03:08:25 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/e39vA/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com 03:08:26 datechnoman: Registering 8fB7VFl6 for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/e39vA/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com' 03:08:27 datechnoman: Something went wrong. (8fB7VFl6) 03:08:51 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/e39vA/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt 03:08:53 datechnoman: Registering kffzuiwa for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/e39vA/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt' 03:08:55 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 5917 items. (kffzuiwa) 03:08:59 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 5917 items. (kffzuiwa) 03:09:01 silly me 03:53:44 datechnoman: thank the gods for the bloom :3 04:40:55 The bloom is real 04:52:33 yeee 08:43:09 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/iINdb/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt 08:43:10 datechnoman: Registering y0xM18jr for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/iINdb/filtered_cdn.discordapp.com.txt' 08:43:11 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 6140 items. (y0xM18jr) 08:43:14 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 6140 items. (y0xM18jr) 17:06:47 i'm stashing the PDFs away for now 17:09:09 there may also be some slowness due to many filters, will move those into the project 17:20:16 imer: i hope the new update to the code will not increase CPU usage too much 17:20:40 100+ filter patterns from the tracker are now moved to the repo 17:24:29 ah it's also the first of the month... which means sitemaps 17:24:42 it's good to set the pdfs aside for now as we work through that as well 17:24:44 RIP CPUs 17:24:46 Happy new month! 17:25:05 18:25:00 up 36 days, 5:06, 1 user, load average: 325.36, 445.59, 499.13 17:25:09 Can confirm, CPU is melting 17:25:21 arkiver: are the filters just checked one by one or is there some extra compiling step going on? 17:25:36 if not might be worth investigating if thats a thing the lua regex lib can do 17:25:47 Interesting how quickly I seem to be getting a cpu drop with the new urls-grab release too 17:27:40 imer: one by one 17:28:31 there isnt such a thing as far as I can see 17:28:36 it's all sequential, so a ton of checks happening 17:28:41 it has slowed us down in the past 17:28:47 with the current number in there it could again 17:30:04 new minimum version is forced 17:30:33 filters that were moved to the code (all of them) have now been removed from the tracker 21:09:48 *happy tracker noises*