03:58:22 I've scraped the past few months of dumps from wikiteam if anyone's interested. https://transfer.archivete.am/Ph7H4/urls-2024-03-11-wikiteam.txt 03:58:23 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/Ph7H4/urls-2024-03-11-wikiteam.txt 03:59:17 7,010,316 lines 04:00:05 * pabs thought arkiver said there was already some sort of backfeed from #wikibot to here... 04:02:05 i don't think so 04:02:49 wikiteam is mostly xml dumps 04:03:24 It'd take some pretty laborious code to be able to feed here through that 04:03:31 DigitalDragons: you shoving urls into a backfeed? 04:16:46 pabs: I extract links from #wikibot (for manual submission here later), but the extraction isn't great and I haven't had a chance to fix it yet, so nothing has been submitted so far 07:30:24 pabs: no 16:59:45 has anyone submitted ICANN zone files here