02:33:32 so i should start again too AK? ;) 02:44:00 i encourage all competition for the tracker leaderboards 02:44:02 :3 02:44:42 Number must go up. 02:47:44 are y'all just running hetzner/similar boxes for this project? 02:56:05 I think the tracker should have monthly leaderboards or something like that 02:58:10 gamify all the things 03:01:00 michaelblob: ye, or random VPS. you will probably get abuse notices from clueless fuckwits who think they know how to manage a website/server/network, though 03:01:33 'you accessed https:///.well-known/? holy shit you're compromised!' 03:01:52 i ran this project on my home server and got a visit from the FBI so i stopped lmao 03:01:54 (or abusive, or literally the worst, etc) just have to deal with that 03:01:57 lmao 03:02:20 what were they asking you 03:02:40 a bunch of fluff until "is anyone in your household being radicalized" 03:02:41 oh also increased risk of captchas/denials/etc from stuff like youtube/facebook/etc 03:02:48 oh fun 03:03:06 i think this was around the time we added geopolitically sensitive sites into here 03:03:14 ahh 03:03:16 great story to tell at parties hahahaha 03:03:22 lmao yeah 03:03:42 at least one professor has asked me about the FBI so far 03:04:59 they're watching :o 03:10:47 Oh boy 03:11:14 Was this in 2021 by any chance? 03:11:47 I know someone who got raided and sued for uploading CSAM from his internet connection 03:12:01 eventually sanity prevailed and the judge agreed that running a tor exit node is not a crime 03:16:25 but it turns out there were reasons (campaigning against electronic voting and other political stuff) why authorities might have targeted him and looked specifically into his traffic, and when they found the illegal stuff over tor it was a super convenient excuse to get him in trouble 03:20:12 Oh hey, I also had a visit from the FBI in 2021 when I briefly ran this from my home connection. Allegedly I hit an "absolutely terrible and brutal" ISIS recruitment site "several times". I politely explained to the clueless agent what we actually do, and he seemed satisfied since he barely understood what a URL was. 03:21:29 I assume we hit a honeypot site that they were monitoring, but I have absolutely no evidence of that aside from the fact that it would be odd if my ISP just randomly said "hey FBI, take a look at this shit" 03:23:31 I'm torn between "maybe I should run this since there's no FBI in Argentina and authorities have much less of a clue to monitor internet traffic" and "maybe I should stay the hell away" 03:25:52 I've been happily running it from Hetzner for 2+ years. Works well enough for me and I don't have to worry about any 3 letter agencies showing up 03:32:07 =] 03:32:11 but sheesh lol 03:50:20 JAA: no this was march 2022 03:51:02 they just said my IP showed up on a list they grabbed (probably) from my ISP 08:02:15 Queuing bot shutting down. 08:04:03 Queuing bot started. 08:04:54 Queuing bot shutting down. 08:05:18 Queuing bot started. 21:33:19 fyi you can piss off hetzner enough tolock up your account 21:33:36 You didn't know that? 21:34:04 All I was running was downthetube and mediaonfire on my hetzner server and they locked my ip 21:34:29 oh i am well aware 21:34:42 I was about to say. you of all people should be an expert 21:34:42 lol 21:34:57 was a general fyi 21:35:14 Oh, I didn't even see the lengthy Hetzner discussion just above 21:35:14 ya i learned the hard way and havent spent time fighting with them 21:35:34 As per usual I come to a channel and glance the last 3-4 messages and then screw something up 21:37:06 :P 21:37:39 will they ban me if i just delete the server and make a new one? o.O 21:38:20 i think thats what really pissed them off. had a dedi that i deleted because they were unhappy and been locked since 21:43:11 I had my first two accounts locked the instant I made them because i was on a vpn. took me a while to figure out why and I was pretty mad