08:23:40 Ryz: that may the case if it's not in wikidata 08:24:05 much of the news stuff comes from wikidata, it may be best to see about adding the website to wikidata with the right metadata. we'll pick up on it then as well 08:24:16 that way we make both this project and wikidata more complete 08:29:55 Worth mentioning that we probably do get most if not all content distributed via Newswire.com indirectly since they, well, distribute this stuff to many outlets that likely appear somewhere in our lists. 08:29:59 But yeah, agreed. 08:52:36 ...Does creating a Wikidata account mean it covers all the other Wikimedia stuff too? Like Wikipedia? 08:58:12 Yes, all Wikimedia Foundation sites use a single global account system. 09:16:56 Ryz: ping me please when you've created it, i'll do a new run on getting data from wikidata then 09:19:36 more juicy sources :D 09:20:20 I saw that a bunch of these news wire services are not on Wikidata. 09:22:06 Or in some cases, they are, but the links go to the homepages, not the PR feeds. 09:23:49 For example, https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q376399 does that, but the interesting page with all PRs would be https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/news-releases-list/ instead. 09:25:01 I wonder whether WD has a property that could be used for something like the latter. If not, it might be tricky to get it in there. 15:38:47 arkiver, I believe I made an account, please show me how to do this and how it applies to the rest of the entries usually for this project 15:56:56 does the news site already have an item on wikidata? if yes, you could add the site to there and make sure the news site is marked as news site 15:56:59 it will then be picked up 15:57:02 or you make a new entry 15:58:23 for example this one https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2877626 16:02:06 TheTechRobo: it is true. Police are not on your side. At least if you aren't a billionaire or their boss. 16:02:19 this is true in every country 16:03:28 Mmm, tis why I'm trying to figure out how to make a new entry and such ><; 16:04:21 What a minute, this doesn't count arkiver? https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q376399 16:05:25 There's also this, https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q11790928 - but it doesn't look complete or filled enough 16:35:32 Ryz: PR Newswire != Newswire 16:35:55 The second one is for the general concept of a newswire, not that particular one. 16:39:32 right 16:44:45 Hmm... 16:47:46 I don't see an item for einpresswire.com either. 16:48:03 But we have that on another list already. 16:48:39 But yeah, not sure how the 'link for the page which has the actual content' fits the WD model. 16:51:43 Here it is so far arkiver and JAA: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q124976778 17:02:22 I can't find a property that seems appropriate for https://www.newswire.com/newsroom . Do you know one, arkiver? 17:03:33 We could list the RSS feeds under https://www.newswire.com/feeds with P1019 in this case, but not all of these sites have one, I think. 17:05:28 "Newswire is a press release distribution platform" from their about page 17:05:47 perhaps we can add "news" "press releases" "news site" if something like that is available? 17:06:33 but if it all becomes too difficult, a PR to the urls-sources repo will also do the trick i guess, just make sure to list https://www.newswire.com/newsroom 17:08:01 I have a feeling that it would require the creation of a new property. That's a bit of a bureaucratic process, I believe. 17:13:11 yeah unless someone volunteers, better to PR it to urls-sources on github Ryz 17:13:32 Oh fun, I made an account for adding stuff for the express purpose to feed to #// and I find something that arkiver and JAA did not account for at all :/ 17:14:00 At Wikimedia has a multipurpose, I seriously can't think of anything with GitHub at all when creating an account 17:14:01 Ryz: love edge cases 17:14:22 Beyond for that one specific task or idea~ 17:21:18 My tolerance of creating new user accounts has been hit for the time being, meh s: 23:13:14 Oh, newswire.com's RSS feeds are 410 Gone. Welp. 23:43:59 :|