03:06:50 Has a PR been made yet? 03:07:43 Alternatively, how about this; I continue to try find websites that haven't been covered in #// via Wikidata, to both benefit here and Wikidata, and if I find a edge case, you folks have to solve it instead~ 03:18:36 JAA: looks like some of them work, just not the 'Latest Press Releases' 03:18:44 some are 503 though 03:19:01 Ah, didn't check the categories, yeah. 03:19:15 weird they'd kill all though 03:19:53 Hanlon's razor? 03:20:17 :) 14:11:42 Seeing rsync errors at the mo: `@ERROR: max connections (-1) reached -- try again later` 14:12:38 Not sure who's targets these are running on, are they yours rewby? 14:13:06 Ahh it's optane9, rsync://optane9.targets.atinfra.net:8883/ateam-airsync/AKTheKnight/ 14:36:52 Ah yeah. Might be a bit busy 22:44:34 2=0 https://ww.w.w.w.w.wwwwwww.w.70..70..70..70..70..70..70..70..70..70..70..70..70..70..70..70..e..e..ee.ee.ee.ee.ee.ee.ee.ee.ee.ee.ee.ee.ee/ 22:44:34 eeeeee :) 22:51:41 we're due to "run out" soon as well :) 23:00:05 Still 80 million in out. Plenty to go 23:00:16 Massive stashes are ready also 23:00:29 Plus we have urls from #mataringa 23:00:38 We wont ever run out ;) 23:01:06 some things never change :) 23:01:12 hence the quotes haha 23:13:27 The blogger outlinks stash has over 8.30 Billion Urls xD 23:15:14 mostly dupes i'm sure :D 23:15:30 but yeah, lotsa work to get through 23:15:42 not enough money for hardware and power :( 23:25:47 Everything is de-duped on that list :P 23:26:33 dupes to this tracker of course! 23:27:33 JAA: can we get a filter on airbest.com? looks to be spam and is super slow https://transfer.archivete.am/BZSzj/2024-03-19_23-27-11.txt ~15req/s here 23:27:34 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/BZSzj/2024-03-19_23-27-11.txt 23:28:16 pages have been blank for me once they load after like 20s 23:28:51 oh, just got an error message leaking their db credentials (to localhost), thats funny 23:29:43 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Suco_Db_Exception' with message '无法连接数据库服务器. [No such file or directory]' in /repo/_master/librarys/Suco/Db/Adapter/Mysql.php:177 Stack trace: #0 /repo/_master/librarys/Suco/Db.php(65): Suco_Db_Adapter_Mysql->connect('localhost', '3306', '*CENSORED', '*CENSORED*', false) 23:29:50 hope thats fine to post :_ 23:31:42 *facepalm* 23:32:08 I bet that made it into the archives a few times, too. 23:32:10 mh, their main site seems legit 23:32:21 not sure what's with the subdomains though 23:32:32 yeah the 80mil reclaims should keep workers busy for a while, no worries here 23:32:48 Yeah, those [a-z0-9]*\d{2}www\.airbest\.com look suspicious. 23:33:59 A+ website security 23:46:11 JAA: https://transfer.archivete.am/7bFrA/2024-03-19_23-42-44.txt www.dragonline86.com looks spammy too. just typing in random garbage in the urls seems to return "content" of sorts, recursive queuing from the looks of it 23:46:11 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/7bFrA/2024-03-19_23-42-44.txt 23:46:35 airbest seems to be calming down, not sure if we just worked through urls or if you filtered 23:47:09 Didn't filter, was looking at it and then got sidetracked. 23:47:57 no worries :) 23:48:45 Looks like ~3% of the queue are airbest.com and ~16% are dragonline86.com. 23:48:55 Of todo:backfeed, that is. 23:50:54 Some of the latter appears to be a mirror of https://casino.guru/news or something like that. 23:51:10 Other parts match https://bonusmaniac.com/ 23:51:22 And other sites, too. 23:51:52 Weird spam site, I'll yeet it. 23:51:57 thanks :) 23:52:40 ^https?://www%.dragonline86%.com/ added 23:53:06 Filter rate 20%, which matches the number I saw just before adding the filter. 23:53:25 had been growing quite a bit 5/s -> 10/s in the past 5min or so, guess that makes sense if every page queues a few more 23:53:31 airbest.com continues to drop, so I think I'll just leave it for now. 23:53:50 yep, seems fine - seems fast as well again