01:05:02 I'm seeing a disproportionate number of sitemaps from subdomains of app.br and gdom.org being queued, might be seo spam junk 08:05:38 https://irc.digitaldragon.dev/uploads/319e7e695008b475/image.png okay but why a "warning" ? 08:06:07 Exorcism: some government may not want you to connect to Tor 08:06:18 or some providers 08:06:29 Oh i see okay thanks! 08:06:35 you most certainly go on the "used Tor"-list of various countries (at least the US) if you connect to Tor 08:07:42 imer: yay, it was already odd nothing more showed up 08:07:50 well - that no expanding loops seemed to show up anymore 12:07:42 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Is67WANT/image.png 12:07:44 catchy name 16:14:27 also some hosting providers hate it, even without good reason. arkiver said I'm not allowed to refer to them as "fascist" any more. 16:57:01 nyany: uh :P 16:57:18 i should maybe limit the number of dots in the URLs discovered from PDFs 16:57:41 immibis: i hope you do agree somewhat with the idea/reason behind ir 16:57:43 it* 17:17:00 arkiver: there are loads more like it 17:17:13 i scaled down on my main box so I could scale up on telegram 17:17:56 nyany: yeah they come from the PDFs :/ 17:18:06 overall they should not actually take much resources 17:18:25 for example PDFs need to be actually processed and scanned for URL, while these very long dead URLs nearly need to processing 17:19:38 that's fair, i have more than enough cpu to handle it 17:24:00 you can probably go through hundreds/thousands of dead URLs before you reach the same resources used as for a say 50 page PDF (i'm did not measure this at all) 17:27:38 oh my poor i3-2130 server is dying lol 17:27:50 that's the server i call "rectum" 17:29:24 sitemaps and PDFs can be heavy :/ 17:29:34 lasts the first 3 or 4 days i believe for sitemaps 18:00:37 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/yAkluLwG/image.png 18:00:41 ah yes that's my favorite website 18:03:07 must be a sister site to https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/X2p29P4V/image.png 21:59:02 rectum, hardly knew 'em 21:59:04 :3