08:50:37 rewby could I ask for a quick check on optane9? Is everything running "normal"? Been backlogged for a bit and not sure if it's IA or a packer issue 08:53:20 hah was just looking at that too, seems like #down-the-tube got a batch of videos at about the same time as tracker issues 08:54:10 target issues* 08:54:18 * imer goes to get more coffee 09:16:58 No harm in a quick health check :) 09:17:31 It is running very slow compared to normal 11:28:44 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/gVhkR/filtered_pdf_files.txt 11:28:44 datechnoman: Registering hRduEyJu for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/gVhkR/filtered_pdf_files.txt' 11:28:55 datechnoman: Skipped 84 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/DjSHS/filtered_pdf_files.txt.bad-urls.txt (hRduEyJu) 11:28:56 datechnoman: Skipped 1 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/rhzYM/filtered_pdf_files.txt.skipped.txt (hRduEyJu) 11:28:57 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 356797 items. (hRduEyJu) 11:29:17 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 356797 items. (hRduEyJu) 13:02:52 imer: Can confirm that down-the-tube has been running smoothly. I tagged my main worker at over 700Mbps down about 5 minutes ago 20:26:53 Telegram project and URL project keeps coming to a halt every couple of minutes 20:27:00 works for a minute or two and then gets stuck for 5+ 20:35:54 My youngest task is 18 seconds old, so _something_ got through and made room for a new one to start. But yeah, everyone else is stuck uploading. It's slow, but not stopped. 20:41:16 Yeah some things get through but its a stop and start thing going on