12:14:12 rewby|backup you around to have a quick peak at optane9? Hasnt been running healthy the past 24 odd hours :( Might be a backup on the packer side of things or something 12:14:32 I'll have a look at it in a bit. Had to have a lie down. 12:14:47 All good mate. Atleast your aware. Thanks! 15:45:22 I've fixed it I think 15:45:34 There weren't enough uploaders for telegram 15:58:36 rewby|backup: now that we currently may also have some more activity on youtube which could contribute, i've toned it down a few hours ago 15:58:41 but could increase it again soon 21:33:40 Thank you very much rewby|backup! 21:53:04 datechnoman: I wonder how Leaptel will respond if I run this at home :D 22:51:49 kiska - Well lately we have been processing much "cleaner" url's and not setting up many alarms. Totally up to you 22:51:56 Your internet connection after all ;) 22:52:41 I'd rather not get visited by three/four letter agencies :D