04:35:12 ERROR: max connections (500) reached that’s unusual 04:36:39 looks to be mostly -1 though 04:39:17 Yeah the target is getting hammered 04:39:26 Looks like we are punching through porn videos again 04:39:30 *sigh* 04:39:40 Anything with twincdn.com 04:44:00 imer https://transfer.archivete.am/z3Bj6/Screenshot%202024-04-12%20144301.png 04:44:00 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/z3Bj6/Screenshot%202024-04-12%20144301.png 04:44:20 nom nom nom 04:47:44 datechnoman: is it at least gay? 🥺 04:48:16 Dont think so xD fireonlive - lets see what the logs say... one moment 04:48:25 xP 04:51:26 Ahhh dam cant tell. All the urls are to images and vidoes without names (just random items numbers) so have no idea without clicking on a million of the things lol 04:51:42 I remember seeing some urls with the video names on them yesterday... 04:54:37 fireonlive https://transfer.archivete.am/X8eDG/porn_urls_sample.txt 04:54:38 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/X8eDG/porn_urls_sample.txt 04:55:05 aw 04:55:12 lets see... 04:55:13 Thats only from a few mins of logs. Nothing to exciting for you. Just a bunch of dildo, strap-on and milf action :D 04:55:33 :'( 04:55:52 sad sad :D 04:56:10 man stuffs dildo in woman's mouth 05:00:17 ^^ What can i say? I dont make the rules... ^^ 06:02:48 :p 06:03:02 i'd know you'd change it for me :3 07:01:13 Awww backfeed died :( 07:13:25 ye :( 07:57:47 i might turn back recent changes again, we first need to let the various queued drain 08:06:29 First we need a working backfeed :P 08:07:23 yeah 08:07:36 Gonna spin down as I assume Fusl_ is the only person who can fix it? 08:07:50 that is correct yeah 08:08:40 Ack no worries. Dam. We were making good progress! 08:11:10 I will not feel whole again until #// is back online I pinged Fusl_ but I assume that is all went can do atm :( 13:26:48 all seems well, a machine needs a reboot 13:29:13 * katia reboots random machine 13:29:20 hope that helps!!! 22:03:47 Spin back up time :D 23:04:47 Yay nice and smooth. Back at it again :)