20:39:27 Hi! I'm currently looking to archive the comments section on https://www.xrel.to/ as the mods are a bit trigger happy with deleting stuff and to preserve edits and similar. New comments show up on the frontpage, there is no other feed of sort. 20:39:48 xREL still exists. :o 20:40:00 If it helps, I could provide an up to date list somewhere as I'm grabbing the links from IRC anyway. 20:40:22 It's still going well yeah! Piece of digital heritage tbh. 20:42:55 So what we could do here is retrieve the homepage regularly and follow one layer of links. That would include the comment links. 20:44:05 When we aren't backlogged due to *gestures broadly in the general direction of datechnoman*, that should be fairly reliable. 20:45:35 That would be great! How regularly are we talking, just out of curiosity? 20:46:56 The lowest we've gone is intervals of one minute. Realistically, it doesn't exactly work out to actually being one minute, but normally every couple minutes at least: https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://news.ycombinator.com/newcomments 20:47:23 You can see in the graph when we started this. :-P 20:50:13 Haha yeah, quite the spike. That sounds great and I would really appreciate it. Done my share of TBs in various projects here so I'm stoked to contribute something content wise. 20:55:29 in datechnoman's defense, if we could queue to lower priority lists via bot that wouldn't be an issue ;p 20:56:39 knecht4: Note that we'd only fetch each comment once, shortly after it's posted. (Although we'd probably catch some edits via the embedding on the homepage.) 20:56:55 Are edits announced on IRC? 20:58:11 Archiving the comments in the frontpage would at least catch edits in comments above the most recent I guess. 20:58:30 And no, only new comments, reviews and forum posts are announced. 20:58:58 The comments are where the "value" lies I would argue. 21:18:05 I'm always to blame these days lol! 21:18:24 I haven't queued anything in like 48 hours here :P 21:18:29 I should be given a medal 21:19:45 2024-08-14 05:29:40, that's not 48 hours. :-P 21:20:14 But yeah, prioritising/queueing to secondary or whatever would be nice. 21:20:24 I know it's been on the wishlist for years. 21:40:00 Always pulling out the logs to be right. I thought we were friends....! 21:40:19 <3 21:40:46 In my defense I typically let's the backlog clear out before adding more. This batch just has seemed to keep growing 21:49:44 Sooo when can I turn off my half baked irc archivebot? :^)