06:01:39 datechnoman++ 06:01:40 -eggdrop- [karma] 'datechnoman' now has 17 karma! 06:01:54 hmm 06:01:57 JAA++ 06:01:57 -eggdrop- [karma] 'JAA' now has 94 karma! 06:02:20 imer++ 06:02:21 -eggdrop- [karma] 'imer' now has 9 karma! 06:02:26 arkiver++ 06:02:26 -eggdrop- [karma] self karma is a selfish pursuit. 06:02:30 oh cant test myself 06:02:37 fuzzy80211++ 06:02:38 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fuzzy80211' now has 1 karma! 06:02:55 damn 06:03:02 this karma thing is not objective at all :P 06:03:15 arkiver++ 06:03:16 -eggdrop- [karma] 'arkiver' now has 31 karma! 06:03:20 there ya go 06:03:48 :P 06:40:45 arkiver ++ 06:40:45 -eggdrop- [karma] 'arkiver' now has 32 karma! 06:40:57 Don't even have to pay people off lol 06:41:05 Give it out for free xD 06:43:48 aww, we're not bribing people with karma increases? 06:49:01 One would have thought so. I guess not. Maybe instead of the tracker leaderboard it need to be a karma leaderboard lol 07:19:41 arkiver++ 07:19:41 -eggdrop- [karma] 'arkiver' now has 33 karma! 07:20:00 we need 36 more karma for arkiver to get to 69 07:33:59 i was not even talking about myself :P 07:34:16 fuzzy80211 with 1 karma shows the best example of subjectiveness 07:34:38 (but, let's not take it all too serious :P ) 08:28:19 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/OSbKc/edu_urls_batch_0000_000.txt 08:28:19 datechnoman: Registering 7nASNF3k for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/OSbKc/edu_urls_batch_0000_000.txt' 09:06:50 datechnoman: Skipped 4481 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/s3fQ7/edu_urls_batch_0000_000.txt.bad-urls.txt (7nASNF3k) 09:06:51 datechnoman: Fixed 2 unprintable URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/moXjm/edu_urls_batch_0000_000.txt.not-printable.txt (7nASNF3k) 09:06:52 datechnoman: Skipped 100 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/13frFS/edu_urls_batch_0000_000.txt.skipped.txt (7nASNF3k) 09:06:53 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 24995419 items. (7nASNF3k) 09:11:32 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/WOSx3/edu_urls_batch_0000_001.txt 09:11:32 datechnoman: Registering wNfiMn9C for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/WOSx3/edu_urls_batch_0000_001.txt' 09:49:11 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 24996053 items. (7nASNF3k) 10:01:35 datechnoman: Skipped 5222 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/g36ZU/edu_urls_batch_0000_001.txt.bad-urls.txt (wNfiMn9C) 10:01:36 datechnoman: Fixed 1 unprintable URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/HpRSm/edu_urls_batch_0000_001.txt.not-printable.txt (wNfiMn9C) 10:01:38 datechnoman: Skipped 100 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/yTHTI/edu_urls_batch_0000_001.txt.skipped.txt (wNfiMn9C) 10:01:39 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 24994678 items. (wNfiMn9C) 10:02:17 JAA: i see what you mean now regarding datechnoman and backlogs :^) 10:31:07 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 24995422 items. (wNfiMn9C) 11:00:07 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/jxs7W/edu_urls_batch_0000_002.txt 11:00:07 datechnoman: Registering 3r4fkSZ1 for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/jxs7W/edu_urls_batch_0000_002.txt' 11:30:19 datechnoman: Skipped 4566 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/udwKU/edu_urls_batch_0000_002.txt.bad-urls.txt (3r4fkSZ1) 11:30:20 datechnoman: Fixed 4 unprintable URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/15S6pC/edu_urls_batch_0000_002.txt.not-printable.txt (3r4fkSZ1) 11:30:22 datechnoman: Skipped 75 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/FY5Z/edu_urls_batch_0000_002.txt.skipped.txt (3r4fkSZ1) 11:30:23 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 18787319 items. (3r4fkSZ1) 11:53:01 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 18788031 items. (3r4fkSZ1) 12:59:06 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/NI6YH/edu_urls_batch_0001_000.txt 12:59:07 datechnoman: Registering rwC0NiIb for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/NI6YH/edu_urls_batch_0001_000.txt' 13:39:16 datechnoman: Skipped 5256 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/h7Lzv/edu_urls_batch_0001_000.txt.bad-urls.txt (rwC0NiIb) 13:39:17 datechnoman: Fixed 3 unprintable URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/RSgQs/edu_urls_batch_0001_000.txt.not-printable.txt (rwC0NiIb) 13:39:18 datechnoman: Skipped 68 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/3wy8R/edu_urls_batch_0001_000.txt.skipped.txt (rwC0NiIb) 13:39:19 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 24994676 items. (rwC0NiIb) 14:07:21 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 24995534 items. (rwC0NiIb) 16:00:20 TIL it strips spaces before applying karma changes, neat.