00:18:04 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 18761461 items. (RwHG0dM4) 01:03:04 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/8vGcw/urls_batch_0000_002.txt 01:03:04 datechnoman: Registering qWD2C5kS for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/8vGcw/urls_batch_0000_002.txt' 01:38:51 datechnoman: Skipped 4691 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/Z7S0O/urls_batch_0000_002.txt.bad-urls.txt (qWD2C5kS) 01:38:55 datechnoman: Skipped 68 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/pJSNn/urls_batch_0000_002.txt.skipped.txt (qWD2C5kS) 01:38:56 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 20273057 items. (qWD2C5kS) 02:08:11 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 20273363 items. (qWD2C5kS) 05:55:02 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/u5GN1/urls_batch_0001_000.txt 05:55:02 datechnoman: Registering wtj7vItD for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/u5GN1/urls_batch_0001_000.txt' 06:16:03 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/u8J2L/urls_batch_0000_000.txt 06:16:06 datechnoman: Registering rECKQnY7 for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/u8J2L/urls_batch_0000_000.txt' 06:27:46 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 1757019 items. (rECKQnY7) 06:30:19 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 1757019 items. (rECKQnY7) 06:49:24 datechnoman: Skipped 5955 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/14L1dW/urls_batch_0001_000.txt.bad-urls.txt (wtj7vItD) 06:49:27 datechnoman: Skipped 137 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/10m156/urls_batch_0001_000.txt.skipped.txt (wtj7vItD) 06:49:28 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 24993907 items. (wtj7vItD) 07:27:06 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 24994210 items. (wtj7vItD) 07:46:03 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/109qSC/urls_batch_0001_001.txt 07:46:03 datechnoman: Registering HJhhW5Tz for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/109qSC/urls_batch_0001_001.txt' 08:33:15 datechnoman: Skipped 6824 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/70JGR/urls_batch_0001_001.txt.bad-urls.txt (HJhhW5Tz) 08:33:19 datechnoman: Skipped 45 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/98q7f/urls_batch_0001_001.txt.skipped.txt (HJhhW5Tz) 08:33:21 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 24993131 items. (HJhhW5Tz) 09:04:25 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 24993387 items. (HJhhW5Tz) 09:46:34 Queuing bot shutting down. 09:46:46 Queuing bot started. 09:59:12 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/apdpp/urls_batch_0001_002.txt 10:00:23 !status 10:00:31 datechnoman: yeah i think it 10:00:44 datechnoman: yeah i think it's due to the enormous backlog of messages in #telegrab that the bot responds slow 10:00:58 i believe h2ibot has some limit on messages passed on to IRC 10:10:08 Ahhh ok! Thanks arkiver 10:10:11 I'll standby 10:10:41 Didnt know they were rippen so hard on #telegrab 11:02:41 datechnoman: Registering KLtbKQF4 for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/apdpp/urls_batch_0001_002.txt' 11:05:16 datechnoman: Jobs running: 1, jobs waiting for a slot: 0. 11:06:58 there we go 11:10:50 <3 11:10:53 yay :D 11:11:05 Poor thing is getting hammered 11:26:56 datechnoman: Skipped 3831 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/u7LmQ/urls_batch_0001_002.txt.bad-urls.txt (KLtbKQF4) 11:26:57 datechnoman: Skipped 51 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/YGiWd/urls_batch_0001_002.txt.skipped.txt (KLtbKQF4) 11:26:58 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 17243272 items. (KLtbKQF4) 11:33:29 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 17243484 items. (KLtbKQF4) 12:07:48 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/15eESS/urls_batch_0002_000.txt 12:09:37 datechnoman: Registering hN59o6Jm for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/15eESS/urls_batch_0002_000.txt' 12:31:06 Taken from #telegrab. This explain the slowness :-P "Jobs running: 4, jobs waiting for a slot: 2594." 12:41:08 offt yeah backlog central :O 12:57:45 datechnoman: Skipped 5462 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/BzQM4/urls_batch_0002_000.txt.bad-urls.txt (hN59o6Jm) 12:57:48 datechnoman: Skipped 110 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/10kDI2/urls_batch_0002_000.txt.skipped.txt (hN59o6Jm) 12:57:49 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 24994427 items. (hN59o6Jm) 12:58:40 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/Y0ie8/urls_batch_0002_001.txt 12:58:40 datechnoman: Registering SqlseOv6 for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/Y0ie8/urls_batch_0002_001.txt' 13:35:27 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 24994723 items. (hN59o6Jm) 13:57:12 so how much disk space does the offloader have to work with? :D 13:59:02 datechnoman: Skipped 5473 invalid URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/150AnW/urls_batch_0002_001.txt.bad-urls.txt (SqlseOv6) 13:59:07 datechnoman: Skipped 80 very long URLs: https://transfer.archivete.am/111DCC/urls_batch_0002_001.txt.skipped.txt (SqlseOv6) 13:59:09 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 24994447 items. (SqlseOv6) 14:30:50 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 24994821 items. (SqlseOv6) 14:33:35 arkiver: The limit is 1 message per second, but #telegrab isn't being posted to constantly. There are pauses while it's scanning channels, and then the queue is empty. 14:35:27 !status 14:35:28 JAA: Jobs running: 0, jobs waiting for a slot: 0. 14:36:18 Oh, it was spamming 'waiting for a slot' messages at the time, yeah, those are probably not necessary. :-P