04:08:37 datechnoman yea I just noticed, I need to give that node back anyway so im shutting it down 04:08:41 will update my normal nodes though 04:21:41 Sure thing mate 06:04:00 I think I am sending it a little too hard :D 08:15:00 Oops sorry arkiver, fixed! Had that random issue where they fill the machine with core dumps so switched them off. Back on now 08:18:21 Ooh dozzle update supports merging all logs from a compose file, nice 11:47:33 !a https://transfer.archivete.am/2EYTx/pubmed_doi_identifiers.txt 11:47:34 datechnoman: Registering fjQQnLDs for '!a https://transfer.archivete.am/2EYTx/pubmed_doi_identifiers.txt' 11:47:41 datechnoman: Deduplicating and queuing 101727 items. (fjQQnLDs) 11:47:47 datechnoman: Deduplicated and queued 101727 items. (fjQQnLDs)