01:48:46 * pabs wonders if Google will also be uploading WARCs :) 07:08:58 Barto: the load, i hope 07:09:05 the $$, no idea 09:22:25 I feel for the average user it's hard to find the link to internet archive from Google 09:24:05 speaking of finding links in IA, how long does it usually take for links from this project to appear in wayback machine? 09:24:39 been on the lookout if the xrel stuff is working fine but i can't seem to find any snapshots 09:25:32 Typically it's a few hours but can take 1-2 days if they have large backlog to index and process 09:33:47 Anywhere from 1 hour to 1 week 09:54:37 maybe it has to do with backlog yeah. been a week since ther merge though