19:43:49 hi all 19:44:16 as noted in #archiveteam , we have had to switch over to ipv6 for rsyncing to the target _for hetzner users_ 19:44:28 i have just released an update for rsync to prefer ipv6 over ipv4 19:45:03 do note however, that we need ipv4 as well as ipv6, as there are many sites that do not support ipv6 properly 19:45:15 so we cant have ipv6-only machines unfortunately 19:46:42 Just so you know, https://docs.docker.com/engine/daemon/ipv6/#use-ipv6-for-the-default-bridge-network will work just fine 19:53:08 rewby: are you implying that i need to setup a special docker bridge or the OOTB config is fine? 19:53:51 Barto: That link's instructions add v6 support to your default docker entwork 19:54:25 so i guess it's a yes :-) 19:54:30 No? 19:54:37 You don't need to setup anything special 19:54:43 Just drop the config lines into the docker config 19:54:45 Restart dockerd 19:54:47 And recreate containers 19:55:20 "out of the box" ipv6 is off on docker in my experience , you do need a little config 19:55:31 Yeah, but you don't need a special bridge tiehr 19:55:32 *either 19:57:59 I will try that config at some point rewby, I have mine setup slightly differently but that way may be more reliable 19:58:09 nstrom|m: There's many ways to do thsi 19:58:13 It depends on your setup 19:58:37 The main reason for doing this is that ipv4 transit is expensive and due to $complexreasons v6 is cheap for this machine 19:58:47 And we are talking at least high triple digits savings. 19:59:02 * nstrom|m nods 20:05:07 ah, is it a volume discount since the ipv6 header is bigger? /s 20:05:16 wonder if we could/should put something in the grab image logs that says whether or not it's using ipv6 successfully 20:05:27 not that we can really control what rsync says 20:06:08 but otherwise you don't really know since it just "works" either way and looks the same 20:06:46 might help some people if they think it's supposed to be using v6 and isn't for whatever reason 20:08:40 imer: Peering agreements can be funny 20:08:49 yeah, is it he? 20:09:15 If you slide alcohol to network engineers you can get a lot to happen 20:09:25 That's all I will say 20:09:42 right :) 20:10:14 lol 21:52:33 rewby: coming back to ipv6, shouldnt that get documented somewhere on the wiki? 21:54:28 Barto: Thanks for volunteering! 21:54:31 ;-) 21:54:45 There's https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Running_Archive_Team_Projects_with_Docker#Enabling_IPv6 but it needs some updates. 21:55:04 Apparently Docker finally figured out how to support IPv6 without experimental mode. 21:55:30 But no idea about the rest either. (I only use Docker on one host anymore, and it doesn't have IPv6.) 21:58:19 * Barto runs away 21:58:41 we'll see when i can do that over the weekend, i have some latency 22:00:11 i already spent my afternoon at work doing some documentation, so what the hell :D 22:00:13 There should also be a short TL;DR version of that page with the important bits how to get up and running. But we can do that once we have the correct current information there. 22:00:27 Would also be good to note which Docker version moved IPv6 from experimental to stable. 22:00:36 I briefly looked for that earlier but couldn't find it. 22:00:47 (Emphasis on 'briefly') 22:06:16 And yeah, writing docs is not exactly fun. :-) 22:08:55 it only takes 5 minutes for it to become obsolete sometimes