00:16:01 I think my things died after that IPv6 config change, weird timing 00:16:25 rsync: [sender] failed to connect to optane10.targets.atinfra.net (2606:7940:32:14::10): Cannot assign requested address (99) 00:20:26 tbc1887: yep, thats a known issue currently 00:28:42 hello 02:25:33 tbc1887 imer - Thats the same issue im having :( 07:39:32 just reverted using --ipv6 for rsync 07:39:40 datechnoman: ^ 10:23:18 Thanks arkiver. Back to chewing urls again 10:23:55 yay :) 10:59:58 85k per min to be exact :D 19:35:22 Ahh I need to sort out ipv6 support on hel1 then 19:38:59 Anyone got any context about the "ipv6 for rsyncing to the target _for hetzner users_" change? Was there something wrong with ipv4? 19:40:29 AK: IPv4 is much more expensive than IPv6 (like two orders of magnitude), Hetzner accounts for a huge chunk of the traffic for obvious reasons, and Hetzner has working IPv6 that people can easily enable. 19:41:13 Sweet makes sense to me 19:41:51 Now to learn network_mode host and the `bind-address` configuration I need to seutp to make ipv6 work 🤔 19:42:13 Also, people have been asked to ensure they use IPv6 on Hetzner for at least a couple years now, and that didn't happen, so it was time for the stick. 19:46:18 🫣 19:47:12 What's the easiest way to test if it's working for me? I assume I still need the `bind-address` to ipv4 so I use that for outbound? 19:47:35 If you can upload, it's working. :-P 19:47:59 (No idea about the config details.) 19:51:02 My logs look all good 19:51:08 Wait did I already do this then 😕 19:53:22 https://share.aktheknight.co.uk/riJe0/HUqANAba95.png/raw 19:53:26 Now I'm confused 19:54:10 Oh wait is network-mode: host just making it all work because the host has ipv6 19:54:14 If so sweet eggplant was a genuis 19:54:18 *genius 20:46:04 AK: Setting network_mode to host is fine if your host has v6 yes 20:48:28 I use the following to check if ipv6 is working: docker run --rm -t busybox ping6 -c 4 google.com