01:05:24 Taiwanese novel website www.nch.com.tw shop.nch.com.tw and game forum forum.gch.com.tw www.gch.com.tw will be shut down on July 31, 2021 (UTC+8) 01:05:39 Could anyone archive them with archivebot? There might be more than 200,000 pages. 01:15:39 Hello yts98, do you have a source for the announcement for these websites shutting down? 01:37:42 Ryz: the announcement is on every page under www.nch.com.tw : 01:37:42 小說頻道網站、愛戀頻道網站、購物頻道網站,將於110年7月31日關站,專注於實體小說的出版。 ("小說頻道" website, "愛戀頻道" website, and "購物頻道" website will be closed on July 31, (Minguo )110, focusing on the publication of physical novels.) 01:39:18 Ah, the announcement did not mention the closure of *.gch.com.tw 01:44:25 Mm S: 01:46:16 Tell, this is going to be really tricky, especially not only it is a website in a non-English language, it may be really really big 01:50:56 yts98, I don't see the message on the shopping website http://shop.nch.com.tw/ - is it only http://www.nch.com.tw/ that is going down? 01:53:44 "購物頻道" is exactly shop.nch.com.tw . "愛戀頻道" (www.iren.com.tw) is already down. 01:58:53 yts98, I'm running both of the websites ( http://www.nch.com.tw/ and http://shop.nch.com.tw/ ) 02:03:25 Ryz thank you for helping. I'll check it on dashboard. 14:18:46 Anyone want to tell me the password for the Archivebot logs over at kiska's? I used to have access to the old logs... 18:19:33 Jake edited URLs (+301, (I didn't write this, JAA did, but this seems…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=47011&oldid=46545 18:24:11 can warrior do multiple projects at once? seems like a no right now 18:24:26 also where is data stored? is it viewable? 18:24:32 No, it can't. You'd have to run multiple instances. 18:25:26 That depends on the project. It's always somewhere on the Internet Archive in https://archive.org/details/archiveteam , but each project gets its own collection there. 18:25:44 Virtually all of it is available in the Wayback Machine, also. 18:26:18 I don't really understand what the warrior is doing, I just hope it is helping, I don't mind spending bandwidth on this 18:28:02 It's downloading *stuff* from sites we want to archive and then uploading it to our staging servers, from where it goes into the Internet Archive (after some processing). So yes, if your connection is clean and you're getting tasks, it's helping to archive something. :-) 18:28:53 What does it mean that my connection is clean? some websites are blocked, would this affect the warrior? 18:29:27 https://tracker.archiveteam.org/reddit/#show-all says I uploaded 283 items, so I asume it works fine 18:29:55 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior#Can_I_use_whatever_internet_access_for_the_Warrior.3F 18:31:01 I run the Warriro with sudo docker run --detach --name archiveteam-warrior-2 --label=com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true --restart=on-failure --publish 8001:8001 atdr.meo.ws/archiveteam/warrior-dockerfile To run multiple instances, do I just change the name and port, like --name archiveteam-warrior-3 --publish 8002:8002? 18:31:41 I want to run different projects and the Warrior seems easy to set up, so I'd prefer it if I used it instead of whatever else is available 18:32:33 Okay thank you, from what I understand there is checks in place? 18:32:48 gazorpazorp: The port inside the container stays the same, so `--publish 8002:8001` I think? I've never actually run the warrior and am not very familiar with Docker though. 18:32:53 Just tried it - localhost:8002 doesn't show anything 18:32:56 aha 18:33:00 I'll try that, thanks 18:33:37 JackeithWelley: There are some checks, but it's virtually impossible to catch all of the numerous ways how internet providers and governments manipulate internet connections... 18:35:20 The Reddit project in particular only retrieves content from Reddit's servers, I think, so if those aren't blocked, that might be fine, but that's not true in general and shouldn't be relied on. 18:35:36 Thats why I asked if the data was available, so I could double check if my warrior helps, I'm just gonna hope for the best, I named my warrior "Tscaraondocker" if there is a problem just dm me. thank you for your time 18:37:32 @JAA: I used 8002:8001 and it worked, but I can't seem to start any project (tried with pastebin, mediafire, github). A step in the right direction nonetheless 18:38:19 Ah, works with YouTube now! Cool, just doubled my productivity :) 19:14:42 JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (-15, /* 2021 */ Clean up FreeNAS URL): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=47012&oldid=47010 19:25:47 I threw Windows Community into AB, but there's a lot of JS shit going on, so that will be very incomplete I think. 19:26:06 That's shutting down 'at the end of July 2021'. 19:28:03 xD warrior caused my ip to get flaged so now I can't go on to archiveteam.org 19:45:28 Wut? In that case, that's definitely not a clean connection.