00:41:08 I'm wrapping up my Mister Poll grab. If I swear on my honour that I didn't tamper with the WARCs, is there any chance they could be flagged for wayback ingestion? 00:42:17 Unrelated: how big are they? I'd be interested in a copy if nothing else! 00:42:34 also: Adult "ON" ? 00:42:35 About 11G total 00:42:37 Yes. 00:42:42 Legend 00:43:23 They have a pretty basic site that would be easily indexed to extract the Q&As 00:43:33 It's not quite done yet; I still have a couple of endpoints to recurse through, and also it seems that my first attempt had a problem with forums than a certain size (recursion level issue) 00:43:48 and yeah, their simple and consistent URL structure is a huge blessing 00:44:06 what are you using to clone? if you don't mind 00:44:09 wget-lua 00:44:16 I'll publish the scripts and stuff when I'm done 00:45:35 ever try grab-site? 00:45:43 I haven't tried that yet, no 00:45:52 https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/grab-site 00:46:36 yeah, I think I've looked at this before. Looks neat 00:47:24 While you are crawling you can update the settings, it's very good. 00:47:45 I did used to run an archivebot pipeline 00:47:51 Warrior? 00:48:10 no, a work server for #archivebot 00:49:11 Gotcha 00:49:54 Wonder whatever happened to yipdw 00:50:21 (the person who ran it) 00:51:58 Doesn't look to be very active 00:53:42 http://dashboard.at.ninjawedding.org/?showNicks=1 02:32:53 Any work on gemini, gopher or fediverse? 03:51:48 AFAIK: Never heard of it, not for several years, not for several years and there's a standing prohibition on it 05:48:09 Tech234a edited YouTube (+43, /* Older unlisted videos (July 2021) */ Give or…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=47023&oldid=47021 05:59:11 Tech234a edited YouTube (+509, /* Inactive accounts policy */ Significant…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=47024&oldid=47023 06:03:12 Tech234a edited List of lost online videos (+16, Update IRC network): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=47025&oldid=44874 16:33:38 Anything worth archiving regarding J. Allen Brack leaving Blizzard? 18:49:50 As a reminder: just under 1 month left for consumer classic Google Sites, just under 5 months for G Suite classic Google Sites 18:50:32 thanks tech234a 18:51:10 While a lot of sites have already been discovered (including every site I've come across in normal web browsing), there are definitely still some really small ones that haven't yet been discovered. 18:57:29 Tech234a edited Google Sites (+0, Update timeline for G Suite users): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=47026&oldid=45862 18:57:41 Ah yes, still A/B testing another new layout of a YouTube video (along with hiding the dislike count ratio being a separate thing): https://transfer.archivete.am/BZ7GJ/chrome_2021-08-03_11-53-53.png - https://transfer.archivete.am/zqMXl/chrome_2021-08-03_11-54-34.png 18:57:57 This time I caught it and screenshotted it~ 18:59:00 <[42]> ratio? what do you mean? 19:01:53 <[42]> oh the bar under the votes 19:04:13 For a separate A/B, Instead of showing the number of dislikes, it just hides or does away the number with just the word 'Dislike' followed by the thumbs down 19:04:32 <[42]> ah 19:04:53 <[42]> fun