04:18:48 This just in: https://news.itsfoss.com/gitlab-inactive-projects-policy/ 04:19:33 they changed their mind already, see the twitter link above 04:22:35 yeah. 04:29:07 Thanks for sharing, though, in case others missed the news earlier. 04:30:00 Either way, a sigh of (partial) relief. 04:52:36 Thank you tech234a 04:53:38 gitlab could use a better revenue model.. afaik they only have the monthly subscriptions, which I'd imagine only a very small percentage of users need. they could add some kind of tip jar/bug bounty/donation system, to both help fund developers and take a cut for themselves, so they wouldn't have to worry so much about cash flow. 04:53:58 Glad they decided to change their policy 05:30:26 OrIdow6 created Gitlab (+1214, Creating this after what has been functionally…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Gitlab 05:36:27 Jake edited Gitlab (+3, Fix IRC channel): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=48785&oldid=48784 17:04:58 I know we're not IA, but seeing as how this is an AT project, could someone explain why the "Pomf Pillow Fight" tarballs might be 0 bytes? 17:05:05 e.g. https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_pomf_20150610151700 17:05:27 I was thinking it might be an upload error, but I see it on many of them. 17:07:39 In all likely it probably was an upload error 17:39:05 the tarballs will be 0 byte, if they _aren't_ then that's an issue 17:39:18 when the IA ingests the WARC, if there's anything they can't deal with then this gets moved into the tarball 17:40:47 I see. Thanks for the info, HCross. 19:04:47 Yeah good to know, I just assumed those were from jobs whose workers didn't respond 19:05:15 The more you know! 20:07:35 Small correction: the move to the tarball happens on our targets when packing individual WARC files into megawarcs. IA never modifies the uploaded data, but it would break and explode on malformed WARCs, so we filter those out before (but still keep them in case there's useful data inside and also to diagnose problems). 20:10:10 oh right yes 20:36:30 An update from GitLab's CEO https://twitter.com/sytses/status/1555344675761819648 sounds like they'd be accessible, but maybe just a bundle... 🤔 22:05:19 Havent been on ehre in ages. How can I add a URL to be archived via IRC? 22:05:21 *here 22:06:31 #archivebot is our main channel for archiving random sites and such. 22:06:37 thank you x1000 22:21:51 I swear I was able to use the archive commands - but I never remember IRC being on hackint? It was some other IRC server 22:25:08 CoolCanuck: used to be on Efnet but it had terrible stability - I'm sure someone else would have more to say about it 22:25:34 so Hackint it's been for the past few years or so 22:28:43 Sorry to hear that 22:29:49 All AB commands require voice now. (And just a general note, Instagram isn't really possible to archive.) 22:30:09 (at least, well, through AB) 22:30:22 I thought they had special scripts for things like insta, facebook, youtube, etc 22:33:41 Instagram and Facebook are really impossible due to ratelimits. YouTube has a standalone project. 22:38:26 I swear there was profiles. One was youtube... one was something to do with some sort of javascript chrome thing that made websites with heavy javascript archive better 22:38:32 Im not losing it I promise 22:39:35 so much has changed here since 2017 lol 22:47:01 guess i wouldnt be much use here lol 22:47:47 chromebot? 22:48:09 * joepie91|m recalls the same 22:48:20 There were problems with it and I don't believe it had great instagram support. I know we tried to integrate youtube-dl into archivebot at one point 22:49:03 it was phantomjs 22:52:06 ah phantomjs was removed by JAA 22:57:48 I was going to search logs, but they're locked down 23:38:09 this hardware brand is going to get spun off: https://www.turris.com/en/ https://heise.de/-7203898