00:08:24 madpro|m: you may be interested in #telegrab 00:30:55 we're getting _a lot_ of telegram 00:31:48 i hope anyone archiving Telegra, keeps the odd method of rate limiting they have in mind 00:31:57 i think most don't 02:18:01 RedHat moving away from their Bugzilla instance: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel⊙lfo/thread/U7TZRWXVUGBCHS6EBJIBSFAVPFUHHV7J/#UANUVDVNG4JEPXIECAVORWYZWGAIGVWZ 02:18:22 https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/the-future-of-bugzilla-in-fedora/37735 06:19:11 OrIdow6 edited Ownlog.com (+201, Apparently dead): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49094&oldid=47432 06:23:04 arkiver: Was ownlog ever run? I've marked it as dead and not saved on the wiki but there are some indications in the IRC logs there was an attempt to create a channel for it 06:27:59 And for anyone else who looks into this, if I'm not mistaken fotolog.pl and fotolog.com.br were separate sites, and https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_fotolog is only the second 15:52:11 Hi 15:56:57 I have successfully set up my archivebot server and pipeline. I have also configured it to upload finished warcs onto my ftp server. But... I am wondering, how does archiveteam set new pipelines to coordinate with the others? 15:57:43 I mean, what do you do with the "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" key? 20:16:34 Retrofan (if youre reading logs): I'm not a pipeline operator, but they're SSH public keys, so... 20:49:30 Any reply please... 20:55:25 16:16 Retrofan (if youre reading logs): I'm not a pipeline operator, but they're SSH public keys, so... 20:57:00 Oh, I was offline at that time 21:01:00 I found some more info about that here: https://archivebot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/admin.html 21:01:03 Retrofan: That's why there are logs :-) https://hackint.logs.kiska.pw/ 21:01:51 also Jake I don't mind getting pinged :-) especially when you're quoting me, I might want to add context or something 21:02:07 fair. :) 21:14:31 I created a user "pipeline" on the server, and added my pipeline's SSH key to authorized_keys... and it worked! 21:18:34 I am wondering... I can see if I connect my pipeline machine using ssh to any user on the server side, it will connect to the archivebot system. I assumed that only the user on whom the archivebot was installed could access the system.  21:19:24 In other words... can used to connecting pipelines to the server side 21:23:16 OrIdow6^2: i believe we did something