01:06:52 EvanBoehs|m: for the forum itself, just link to the forum from here and someone will run it through archivebot. also tell us any URL patterns you had to ignore during your crawl. 01:08:08 and if you have a list of other individual URLs you want saved, put them in a text file, one per line and upload it to https://transfer.archivete.am/ 02:32:16 "Evan Boehs: for the forum itself..." <- Thanks. I've started a grab-site job 02:32:39 I will upload the WARC when it's done 02:33:02 that won't get into web.archive.org though 02:33:25 if you tell us the forum, then we can put it through archivebot, which will get into web.archive.org 02:37:30 pabs: oh, #archivebot? 02:38:41 yes 02:39:05 Sorry it's been a long day :), thanks for the patience 02:39:52 the parameters are: the forum URL, plus any URL patterns we should ignore, and how much delay to add between each request, and how many parallel requests should be run 02:51:04 "the parameters are: the forum..." <- could I be voiced? I put in a request but it's in use by others so I think it's already obscured 02:51:34 repeat what you said on #archivebot here and someone will get to it later 02:53:01 Oh. "!a http://letterstocrushes.com/" "Logic is the admin's been inactive for years, I tried to reach him various ways about security issues, it's been 2 years and no response. Site's been around for a decade, I posted many as a teenager years ago and I'd be sad to see them inevitably gone" 02:53:25 and its a forum right? 02:54:05 pabs: Yes, custom programmed so forum endpoints won't be an issue, only outlinks 02:54:06 katocala started it for you, please watch the job on archivebot.com and poke them about any issues 02:54:13 pabs: sounds good 02:54:58 EvanBoehs|m: also you may waht to check if there are subdomains https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Finding_subdomains 02:55:52 pabs: What's considered an issue? I saw it briefly touch eff and wikipedia files but it moved on 02:57:16 like if the bot gets banned the site breaks, we need to slow the job down a lot until it recovers 02:57:34 pabs: Oooh ok more severe stuff got it 02:58:03 or if the bot gets into a loop of URLs that don't exist or there are too many of them, then we should ignore those 02:58:31 Makes sense. Thanks for everything again. This community seems wonderful 02:59:37 no probs. welcome :) 12:32:43 Arkiver uploaded File:Docker (container engine) logo.png (From…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ADocker%20%28container%20engine%29%20logo.png 14:45:09 Arkiver edited Dev/Infrastructure (-220, incorrect): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49885&oldid=49411