00:08:29 05:06:08 PM -ChanServ- #🔥 is now registered to fireonlive. < i propose all future AT project channels are henceforth just an emoji or a string of emoji 00:08:32 :3 00:11:47 +1, i wouldn't even know how to use emojis other than copying them off the unicode site :P 00:17:10 :D 00:17:28 haha 00:26:40 uh no one whois me 00:26:45 i'm too lazy to set modes 04:07:37 Ufarwisan edited Miraheze (+58, linkify ia for clarity): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49991&oldid=49988 05:01:03 Heya folks, is there a project that archives Mega.nz files? Like https://mega.nz/file/am5A2AiR#H9BaK1gf-SubdLBd7Alv1Jw_W9v24C_PAM3tcLQF1S0 ? From https://old.reddit.com/r/abandonware/comments/tyi5oa/request_winbrick2000_full_version/ 06:40:06 arkiver: crossreferencing the i.redd.it images against the CDX api atm, [J]AA gave me a pointer on how to pull the data down efficiently 13:15:22 Ryz, probably no current project given mega links often contain a lot of copyright content, but beyond that they need the complete URL with the ID and Key, which sometimes is not done by someone sharing a link 13:15:46 also, mega.nz has a 5GB/day limit per IP address even with free accounts, so it makes it prohibitively harder to do without a premium account 13:16:08 you could use MegaBasterd as a downloader manager but it's not really convenient if you want to automate something 13:16:26 (speaking all from my experience trying to grab a bunch of mega links... i gave up) 13:53:23 and due to how mega works its impossible to wayback, too 13:54:11 its a steaming pile of javascript. Ryz: probably the simplest to manually mirror the files itself to the IA if they are lost media or similarly important 14:42:42 ^ that's pretty much the only way, using your system as an intermediary 14:42:47 and, well, having a premium account. 14:43:22 even with a Pro 1 account you only get 2TB of transfer a month 14:44:20 their flexi plan offers the ability to get like 100TB + but it really adds up in price, that said if you're desperate to grab a ton of content, it's like 260 EUR for 100TB of transfer 14:44:38 https://help.mega.io/plans-storage/space-storage/pay-as-you-go 14:44:46 it's a PAYG so it would be what you use 14:45:18 oh and "For Free users, the amount of data that can be downloaded from their IP in six hours is limited. " so it's 5GB/IP/6hrs 14:47:06 Are Tor exit relays blocked? 14:48:04 I don't think so, but you'll have slow transfer speeds, and you'd have to restart your local tor instance to force a exit node change, once you hit a limit 14:48:10 like systemctl restart tor sorta thing 14:48:27 also because it's a tor exit node, someone else may or probably did the same thing 6 hrs before you 14:48:38 same with VPNs I would assume. it's a gamble 14:50:11 Possibly worse with VPNs, they may have less IP end points. 14:55:09 yes exactly 14:59:00 in general it's cases like this where... you should just pay to transfer a bunch of shit. which sucks but archival does come with costs at some point 17:03:16 YetAnotherArchiver edited Deathwatch (+428, add tianya.cn and https://itbbs.pconline.com.cn): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49992&oldid=49948 17:05:17 JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+66, /* 2023 */ Add link to official PConline BBS…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49993&oldid=49992 20:23:31 mega seems to do ipv6, so that might be a possibility 20:23:46 depending on how they limit it 20:27:44 Would it be possible they limit on /64 ranges? 20:27:55 Or even worse, /48 20:30:09 It would replicate the NAT behaviour of IPv4, one IP per household/business 20:31:16 Getting larger IPv6 blocks is a lot easier/cheaper than getting large IPv4 blocks though. 20:31:28 ^ 20:53:04 if mega have any good network engineers, they'll be limiting by IPv6 /64 at least, and possibly also by /56 and /48 since those are common delegations in residential IPv6 internet 21:15:12 i'd guess some of the people here would have access to one or more /32's they could borrow a good distribution of ips from 22:24:17 Hans5958 edited URLTeam (-2999, Checking round on 2023-06-22): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49994&oldid=49941 22:24:18 Hans5958 edited URLTeam/Dead (+3989, Checking round on 2023-06-22): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49995&oldid=49812 23:00:23 JAABot edited URLTeam/Dead (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=49996&oldid=49995 23:21:15 i dont think we'll be archiving mega soon