01:42:52 Hayley edited Alive... OR ARE THEY (+54, /* Alarm */ +1): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50064&oldid=49567 01:42:53 Arkiver uploaded File:Yarus-icon.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AYarus-icon.png 01:42:54 Arkiver uploaded File:Yarus-logo-light-blue.jpg: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AYarus-logo-light-blue.jpg 01:43:52 Arkiver uploaded File:Yarus-logo-white.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AYarus-logo-white.png 01:43:53 Arkiver uploaded File:Yarus-logo-dark-blue.jpg: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AYarus-logo-dark-blue.jpg 01:44:53 Arkiver uploaded File:Yarus-screencapture.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AYarus-screencapture.png 02:36:02 PaulWise edited Mailman2 (+87, couple of potential instances, might be down): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50070&oldid=50034 04:03:18 FireonLive edited ЯRUS (+188, add link to source & tracker, mark as in progress): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50071&oldid=50061 04:07:19 FireonLive edited Current Projects (+120, add ЯRUS): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50072&oldid=50059 04:09:19 FireonLive edited ЯRUS (+195, something better than a blank page): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50073&oldid=50071 04:09:20 FireonLive edited ЯRUS (+34, add references section, oops): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50074&oldid=50073 04:11:35 thanks for keeping the wiki up to date fireonlive :) 04:11:56 :) 05:00:28 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (-6): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50075&oldid=50033 06:10:41 yzqzss|m: is this of any value? https://software-archive.tifan.la/ via https://old.reddit.com/r/opendirectories/comments/14mrm9z/ 06:39:04 fireonlive: This is @difan 's site. 06:39:04 Some of the dirs are mirrors of www.cn-dos.net (~firststep/, cndos.fam.cx/). Some other files should also be found in a Chinese "old software and CD archives project" ( http://nuduseng.com/laoguangpan.htm ). 06:39:04 I have his contact info, do you want me to ask which files are worth archiving? 06:39:04 (*the server has enough bandwidth to download as many as you want) 06:40:16 ah as long as its known to one of you :) 06:40:49 i just saw it pop up and was like hmmm better get it over to someone who might know more just in case 07:20:54 FireonLive edited Tiki (+966, Add all ArchiveBot jobs (with proper credit…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50076&oldid=50056 07:35:57 FireonLive edited Deathwatch (+209, add ЯRUS): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50077&oldid=50058 07:54:30 "All Twitter content seems to be behind a login wall today" https://masto.ai/@mg/110631881391528778 07:55:36 I was just reading Twitter messages an hour ago, now I have the same experience. 07:59:34 hmm, nitter still seems to work: https://nitter.net/SwiftOnSecurity , https://nitter.net/vxunderground/status/1674664082065043456 , https://nitter.net/VenakaIrenia/status/1674689006368354305 12:37:13 Nitter uses the official Twitter API I believe, or they do some kind of web scraping 12:37:41 We are T-1 Day away from Reddit API going private, except for if you provide your own API key which I believe is limited to either 60 or 100 requests per minute 12:37:53 at which point you might as well just setup your own Libreddit or teddit instance 12:38:05 *provide your own FREE api key 12:38:51 Nitter uses the *official Twitter app/site API key* 12:39:18 it's mildly shrouded I believe but I recall them saying they would not be affected by the newly announced-back-then paid API rules 12:39:48 I am getting a login wall to access a tweet on normal Twitter.com, canadian home IP 13:51:21 Infowars - the site is on possible bankruptcy and may need help regarding its archives. 15:13:30 arkiver, https://anonbin.io/ going offline tomorrow. Not sure if we did anything with that. 15:15:44 Microsoft Language Portal - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/language being removed today 15:16:50 Maybe #Y or qwarc? 15:19:34 Megame: is there much to save for anonbin.io? 15:19:58 If https://old.reddit.com/r/Twitter/comments/14mskki/can_anyone_still_view_twitter_without_having_an/ is to be believed, and I'm encountering it too, Twitter content is currently login-only 15:20:46 Ryz yes, confirmed myself as well. And seeing a lot of people on the fediverse having the same login prompt 15:20:59 what's with all these last minute shutdown announcements 15:21:00 arkiver, not sure, just saw it on deathwatch 15:21:02 for archiving twitter, nitter instances are the best option now it seems 15:21:13 nstrom|m, the old web is being ripped from our hands with little fanfare. 15:22:50 It seems the Reddit drama has sent stuff into motion 15:23:40 i would also theorize that VC funding has dried up given inflation and also people realizing that a lot of stuff just is not worth what was put into it 15:24:38 two reason: 1. higher interest rates, 2. LLMs 15:25:02 LLMs affecting the web? 15:25:06 in term of content dying? 15:25:49 platforms mostly lived off ads, paid accounts, private data selling 15:26:02 they did not have an incentive to make user generated content private 15:26:06 now there is one - LLMs 15:26:27 Ah, I get it 15:26:29 :( 15:26:54 There are some genuine uses for some of those LLM applications. Not so much the generative ones, but ones that can identify and pull content out of other content. 15:26:57 im not sure how else to describe it 15:27:08 Content has become synonym for money even more. 15:28:56 rktk: autoplagiarism? 15:29:04 no, like... 15:29:10 like ai voice generators 15:29:19 autofraud! 15:29:23 for making funny lines from like, video game characters 15:29:48 "toys" 15:43:39 auto gay smut generators 15:43:45 i mean uh, homework helpers 15:54:12 Anyone using a small low power device you can plug in somewhere and run some warriors on? If so, what are you using? 15:54:58 My go to would be a Raspberry Pi, but that's not an option as I understood it. 15:58:41 https://tech.lgbt/@chrisisgr8/110632745147278593 16:00:46 rktk: 🥵 16:01:07 also nothing arm as i understand 16:01:42 not quite ready/arm isn’t verified to produce 👌🏻 the good soup 16:03:34 Can just hardcode a login cookie for archive requests to Twitter 16:04:31 woof. has anyone poked around at doing a vocaroo archive recently? 16:04:43 mgrandi, that requires a twitter account, which often requires a phone number verification 16:05:05 you could pull a nitter i guess 16:05:18 what’s up with vocaroo? 16:05:36 Apparently the embed functionality works, but given from all the spam I get from people on telegram, a phone number is not great security 16:06:39 fireonlive, nothing but it just seems like it's something that's next to go 16:06:54 it's been online since 2007 and there's all sorts of tiny bits of data floating around the net, that could be lost, if it went 16:07:01 ties in to 4chan threads often, too 16:07:35 mgrandi, no a phone number is not good security. rather twitter wants to make signing up for a new account harder 16:07:58 but given there's quite literally billions of available phone numbers in the world, and so many online services that automate for verification... it's useless 16:08:06 nitter is the way to go forward I feel for twitter archival 16:08:37 What does nitter do to get past twitter 's lack of API / phone number verification? 16:08:52 mgrandi, as mentioned above most likely using the official twitter in-house API key/access 16:09:07 that is my guess, based on a previous discussion about them mentioning they are "not affected by the API going paid" 16:09:53 Sorry. im totally wrong. From nitter readme: "Uses Twitter's unofficial API (no rate limits or developer account required)" 16:10:13 an ok 16:10:18 ah* 16:10:25 https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/issues/916 16:10:36 it seems though this change HAS affected Nitter, but on accounts rather than tweets as a whole 16:10:47 uhoh 16:10:51 *shrug* at this point 16:10:58 im just blowing guesses all over tbh 16:12:05 hello 16:12:09 hi 16:12:17 got interesting information on twitter? PM me! don't dump it in a publicly logged channel 16:13:34 do we need an #archiveteam-afterdark for an unlogged option haha 16:20:32 razul: I've got a UDOO x86 over here that I was planning on running warriors on, but I'm evidently too dumb for docker. Made a nice mount for it because I'm not too dumb for fusion 360 though :D So in the meantime I'm still just running VMs on my laptop. 16:21:19 fireonlive: nah as soon as you say "please don't log this public channel", someone figures there must be a reason why, and logs it. 16:21:56 true 16:24:29 https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/30/23779764/twitter-blocks-unregistered-users-account-tweets 16:25:35 Personal/private logs aren't the issue. Some of our channels (including this one) have public logs, which can be read by anyone with an internet connection. 16:26:01 hm if afterdark is too long it could be -ad as well :p 16:26:14 but yeah 16:26:40 "say the line, media companies!" 16:27:04 "When asked for comment on Monday morning, Twitter promptly responded to NPR's email with a scat symbol." 16:27:28 literal shit show (i am sure that comment has been made a thousand times) 16:27:32 :D 16:27:38 i'll be off for several hours 16:27:43 oki 16:27:50 see ya arkiver 16:27:53 =] 16:28:12 :) 16:28:20 That comment will never get old. 16:28:27 Neither will the emoji: 💩 16:32:13 💩 16:38:30 Now comes the question of which version of the 💩 emoji you like the best https://emojipedia.org/pile-of-poo/ 16:38:55 always apple's 16:38:59 :3 16:39:48 i dislike the animated emoji trend, i feel it's taking away what i'm trying to convey most of the time 16:39:52 especially on telegram 16:39:53 The twitter emoji sticker is good as well https://em-content.zobj.net/thumbs/120/twitter/348/pile-of-poo_1f4a9.png 16:40:19 yeah animated ones are wierd 16:40:37 The flies are a nice touch though. 16:40:57 it is a nice sticker 16:42:43 myself: I'll buy myself some HP prodesk minipc's I think, for 125 euros per piece here, with some good specs. In fact, I'm going to pick some up now. 16:44:38 oh that's nice of you to buy myself some gear 17:24:27 fireonlive: All of Apple's emojis are superior to all others. Which is kind of funny, because I despise Macs and working on their products. But their emojis are the only tolerable ones to me. The rest are flat ugly things that ought to be burned up, lol. 17:25:59 I wonder if the Twitter login wall will affect the fandom people I know saving Twitter fic. Some are just copy/pasting anyway, but I know some attempts were made to use more automated tools. 17:28:07 Small scale archiving can probably be fixed with just using your own account's login 17:35:09 Yeah, I suspect they're doing that. 17:35:39 * Doranwen doesn't have a Twitter account and doesn't plan on getting one, but has never been involved in saving stuff from there other than the occasional video. 18:49:10 JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+0, /* 2023 */ Fix ЯRUS link): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50078&oldid=50077 18:49:33 whoops 18:51:41 "June 30: Template:ЯRUS, a Rus" lol 18:51:47 🤦‍♂️ 18:52:20 It happens, I've done the same thing before but worse. :-P 18:52:32 x3 18:52:42 Mine included the namespace, so it would've actually transcluded the page. 18:52:47 oops 18:52:53 Oops 18:53:01 Fortunately, the target page didn't exist at the time. :-) 18:53:20 i tried to make ArchiveBot linkable last night in Template:Infobox_project like DPoS is 18:53:28 then i was like i'm not ready for this level of wikitext 18:53:40 especially at this time of night lol 18:54:02 s/linkable/a link to [[ArchiveBot]]/ 18:54:47 oh good :3 18:55:14 Oh, I thought AB was linked. 18:55:22 But yeah, that template is fun. 18:55:23 doesn't seem to be 18:55:26 yeah haha 18:55:45 {{ #ifeq: {{#replace:{{#replace:{{#replace:{{#replace:, ... 18:55:48 i opened it up and was like huh ok lets see... tried a couple things with 'show changes' and was like ok not tonight 18:55:58 yeah xD 18:59:12 JustAnotherArchivist edited Template:Infobox project (+39, Link ArchiveBot in 'Archiving type' row): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50079&oldid=48916 19:00:12 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (+6): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50080&oldid=50075 19:00:40 ahh i see 19:00:42 thanks JAA :D 19:01:39 :-) 19:01:50 Also took me a minute to wrap my head around it again. 19:11:43 haha i bet 19:25:46 not necessarily archiveteam; but was there ever a pornhub archive/backup before "the great purgening"? 19:26:12 Not to my knowledge 19:27:18 Entartet edited Twitter (+202, Impossible to view tweets without logging into…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50081&oldid=49784 19:29:30 ah thanks kiska 19:29:38 i guess some bookmarks are dust in the wind 19:29:46 now i have a pipeline! 19:29:51 .... 19:29:56 the code kind! 19:32:19 Entartet edited Twitter (+189, /* Vital Signs */ Decreasing user activity.): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50082&oldid=50081 19:47:21 FireonLive edited Tiki (+15, link to Barto): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50083&oldid=50076 21:12:22 https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/issues/916 21:19:48 Nitter is dead too ? 21:19:48 * Exorcism|m uploaded an image: (96KiB) < https://matrix.hackint.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/PXzyzAKDNBlatXUtQFtOxuaj/Screenshot_2023-06-30-23-18-08-87_ce48f3669154ad2f53ee7715a6cfbfc3.jpg > 21:53:31 If Elon is to be believed, the Twitter post viewing restrictions are a "temporary" measure against "several hundred organizations" scraping Twitter data "extremely aggressively" https://github-production-user-asset-6210df.s3.amazonaws.com/71434691/250187597-4e190dba-3c5a-4acb-99ba-2e897fa69cbc.jpeg 21:53:31 https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1674887204580073474 21:54:26 .... 21:54:29 hm. 21:55:57 lol, so he blocks everyone, even residential ips? They really couldn't figure out the pattern of those orgs or propose them an official contract? 21:56:04 that's stupid 21:56:15 the "scraping orgs" can just set googlebot as their user agent and continue 21:56:43 or WhatsApp/2.0 21:57:13 unless he broke that as well now :P 21:58:25 ok this is returning 404 now: curl -v -A "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html) Chrome/113.0.5672.127 Safari/537.36" https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1674887204580073474 21:58:49 nicolas17: it's like the war on drugs, because you weaponize defense, the only answer is for everyone else to weaponize in response. Now the organization will start to obfuscate their traffic and you'll see jack shit in the logs. Congratz. 21:59:13 and next time you have an issue? You're screwed 21:59:17 it seems they actually broke googlebot now 21:59:27 lol, even better 22:04:20 please to report any bypases etc you find to arkiver directly and not in #archiveteam or here (or any publicly logged channel) 22:04:33 (as per arkiver's request) 22:04:51 (those got fucked though) 22:04:52 the bypasses I knew (googlebot and whatsapp) were publicly posted on twitter itself 22:05:15 ye just to keep in mind for future :3 22:05:19 googlebot is easy to verify by a IP lookup though, they document it somewhere on how to verify 22:05:22 should you find ?elon_mode=1 or something 22:05:25 they do indeed 22:05:40 scrape via google translate /s 22:06:11 ("Elon mode": supposedly a secret mode in Tesla self driving which bypassed some of the safety stuff including requiring the "hands on the wheel every so often" for autopilot) 22:06:15 :3 22:06:36 right now i doubt twitter even has a steering wheel 22:07:28 Barto: https://twitter.com/weisselbergers/status/1592262728080580610 22:08:16 i don't have a twitter account mate :D 22:09:13 please hold 22:09:14 i had a way to read them 2 hours ago, but it broke as well 22:09:15 https://archive.vn/1mMob 22:09:29 there ya go 22:09:29 I'm pretty sure archive.vn uses a logged in account though (they do for github at least) 22:09:36 that second link works 22:09:36 it does yeah 22:10:10 so yeah, that's what twitter has become 22:10:54 wow google translate is broken too 22:12:42 https://twitter-com.translate.goog/weisselbergers/status/1592262728080580610?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=es&_x_tr_hl=es&_x_tr_pto=wapp 22:14:01 'ERR_TOO_MANY_ACCEPT_CH_RESTARTS' 22:14:02 huh 22:16:09 it redirects to /home over and over 22:16:38 mm, never seen _CH_RESTARTS before 23:23:16 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36540957 23:23:23 it's exploding on hacker news somewhat 23:57:13 twitter: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1003752328228241439/1124474595890708580/Screenshot_20230630-145027.png