00:00:12 i just checked out threads.net. they return 404 to rate limit you 00:01:18 also POST requests :/ 00:01:22 -_______- 00:01:31 fuck sake 00:01:52 yeah it's not looking great 00:02:01 Instagram with text instead of images 00:02:25 let's hope it does not become popular 00:02:40 agreed 00:03:44 for what it's worth, they claim they will eventually support "fediverse", so _maybe_ those APIs would be easy to access? 00:03:57 we'll see 00:04:02 i doubt they'll make it free somehow 00:04:07 i mean open 00:05:07 FB created a Substack competitor in 2021 and closed it in 2022 this will probably be the same 00:05:08 would be very facebook of them 00:05:33 there's a lot of infighting in the fediverse about allowing vs not allowing Threads 00:05:41 and I think this is Meta's goal 00:05:44 how popular is substack nowadays? 00:05:50 worth a continuous project? 00:06:04 once everyone is fighting with everyone else and they destroy the fediverse, goal accomplished, close Threads 00:06:06 i can't remember, did that ever get thrown into #// with the sitemaps? 00:06:23 looks like you can upload photos and videos to it 00:06:37 nicolas17: oh yeah, i too think this is about meta throwing a community 1000x large than the largest community in the fediverse, and then practically taking over or claiming the fediverse 00:07:06 arkiver: there's already instances threatening to defederate instances that *don't* block Threads 00:07:15 there's also no "following" feed 00:07:34 so even though say i follow whoever; i just see a stream of ????? people 00:07:37 nicolas17: sigh :/ 00:07:58 to be honest i do get a little annoyed sometimes by these tons of little fights between instances 00:08:04 nicolas17: serious-fucking-ly 00:08:07 -_- 00:08:26 if meta wanted fediverse posts they'd just go take them; not launch threads lol 00:08:41 it all fits into their metaverse idea 00:08:45 they just need control over it 00:08:57 it has the same content rules as instagram so no nudity which means it will probably die a quick death 00:09:03 being the largest in a space practically means you have control 00:09:11 tzt: lol 00:09:27 lol yep 00:09:32 tzt: like how instagram is totally dead now? 00:09:45 the feed is also 100% algo at the moment; probably due to waiting for people to onboard 00:09:48 We dont archive fediverse stuff I dont think anymore as archiveteam. Or at least not mastodon 00:10:07 so if you had rock hard dicks popping up and you didn't follow that person people would get mad™ 00:10:21 arkiver: https://paste.debian.net/plain/1285057 this was posted in infosec.exchange along with a poll, I think it's a "local-only post" so it's only visible on infosec.exchange (which is probably a good idea to avoid floods of fake votes) 00:10:26 plus, like all the issues around porn 00:11:11 i really need to use mastodon more 00:11:21 love the idea; need a good client lol 00:11:31 maybe whatver the ex tweetbot devs are making on ios 00:11:59 mastodon blog on threads: https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2023/07/what-to-know-about-threads/ 00:12:14 fireonlive: Ivory? I think it's already in the appstore 00:12:32 ah yes! that one 00:13:18 do you know who made the post on infosec.ex? 00:13:52 "According to the App Store listing for the Threads app, it collects a variety of data, which stands out in comparison to the Mastodon app, which collects none" this is misleading 00:13:56 found it 00:14:07 it read like him but the stupid thing was collapsed on the feed lol 00:14:39 (not that I have an account there :D) 00:15:11 https://mastodon.delroth.net/@delroth/110653703937022194 00:15:34 "Mastodon reporting an empty list here is in fact very obviously wrong. When you log in to mastodon.social from the Mastodon app, you are sharing contact info (email address), identifiers, as well as usage data. So at the very least you should conclude Threads is doing a better job of informing its users re: privacy than Mastodon gGmbH is." 00:15:35 i see snowflake type IDs on threads 00:16:05 hmm 00:16:07 arkiver is snowflake a tech term or are you using the generic internet term? 00:16:11 tech term 00:16:14 it's instagram post IDs 00:16:22 https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/a/2010/announcing-snowflake 00:16:31 tzt: any good source on instagram post IDs? 00:16:35 i see numeric IDs too 00:17:41 is there a search interface to threads? 00:18:34 uhhh one sec 00:18:39 hxxps://www.threads.net/t/CuVYy5Fvrrd 00:19:01 yes 00:19:07 fireonlive: only with login? 00:19:08 but it looks like it only finds accounts 00:19:12 hmm 00:19:23 hxxps://www.instagram.com/p/CuVVaOMPNOT/ 00:19:25 yeah i can't seem to find a web version yet 00:20:04 tzt: i see 00:20:29 at the bottom of that is interesting: "Get the Threads app to see more replies." 00:20:40 so you're limited i guess 00:21:19 its like instagram where the web version only shows ~10 comments on a post when signed out 00:21:23 ah 00:21:57 pff 00:22:00 "offensive words and phrases" are hidden by default 00:22:13 "Hide replies that contain offensive words, phrases or emoji." 00:22:21 can turn that off and also define your own block list 00:23:01 https://help.instagram.com/171172755868764/?ref=share 00:23:07 does anyone have an example of a profile o threads with many posts? 00:23:16 something that would need scrolling 00:23:20 is where it links to; so i guess they're learning on IG's infra 00:23:41 lets see 00:24:22 looks like some high profile people got early access; seeing posts from 2d ago from say gordon ramsay 00:25:09 hxxps://www.threads.net/@mosseri/replies 00:26:13 tzt: so it either shows a lot of posts or a limited number and no pagination? 00:26:25 https://notnow.dev/objects/5c57ce9a-a346-4b76-9d1a-85346762d7d5 l o l 00:27:08 when you click to view a post it limits the number of replies viewable 00:27:10 does anyone know if the app requires login? 00:27:19 "Personal News — I’ve joined Meta to work on Threads, an app built by @instagram! Can’t wait to craft the unreleased and shape the digital future together!" 00:27:19 it does 00:27:24 the future is federated, it's already here 00:27:26 tzt: yeah to 11 00:27:29 rktk: who? 00:27:34 and number of people that likes a post is limited to 100 00:27:35 nicolas17, a reply on Threads.net 00:28:05 fireonlive: and can I create an account? 00:28:15 the most recent replies are shown first 00:28:17 or is it invite only or instagram account only or some shit 00:28:18 it's linked to your insta only account it seems 00:28:26 yeah insta only 00:28:27 I think it's country-restricted too right now? 00:28:27 yeah 00:28:31 the UI looks like shit tbh 00:28:32 yes no EU 00:28:34 I cannot be bothered to create an instagram account for this 00:28:36 yeah it's only in the US and UK 00:28:37 works in Canada 00:28:41 https://www.programmableweb.com/ shut down on 2022-10-31: https://web.archive.org/web/20221010220313/https://www.programmableweb.com/news/programmableweb-being-retired/brief/2022/10/10 00:28:48 nicolas17, it's just not worth it 00:28:51 so the list isn't fully accurate i guess? 00:28:52 Domain stopped resolving in the past couple days or so. 00:28:56 nicolas17, make a mastodon account, you'll be fine 00:28:59 rktk: oh I meant for research 00:29:02 lol 00:29:02 I'm not gonna *use* it 00:29:09 I wanted to peek at the API and stuff 00:29:44 JAA: :( 00:30:06 i have a 'research' instagram account so uh 00:30:17 i'm already bad dragoned by meta anyways 00:30:23 so i figured i'd just take a little look 00:30:27 the app doesn't even have a signup button? how did Apple allow this 00:30:44 silly nicolas17 00:30:54 the rules don't apply to netflix, meta, et 00:30:55 c 00:31:32 it's like instagram it uses POST requests to a GraphQL API for everything so it doesn't work in the WBM 00:32:50 JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+376, /* 2022 */ Add ProgrammableWeb): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50126&oldid=50125 00:40:24 arkiver: so the problem is the web app doesn't load all data, only the mobile apps do, and you want to know how that works? 00:40:37 I *could* make a throwaway instagram account and sign up for threads and poke around in the app while capturing network traffic, but how much do we really care? 00:41:31 it seems like you can't use threads - at this time - to follow non-threads users 00:41:47 i.e. i can't pop in @bob⊙pe and follow him 00:42:00 so it might just be one-way for now? 00:42:28 I thought federation didn't work in *either* direction yet 00:43:58 oh maybe 00:44:08 i haen't tried reverse cowgirl yet 00:44:18 o_o 00:44:20 been all over the place 00:44:56 damn you fireonlive i nearly drenched my monitor spitting out my drink when I read that 00:45:59 yep no feds at least from my test instance for @zuck⊙hn 00:46:01 fireonlive: :D 00:46:03 oops 00:46:04 flashfire42: :D 01:01:30 fireonlive - Wait, The Zuck is on a Hentai story site that federates?! :P 01:03:46 :P 01:05:17 Hopefully no kids forget the "t" when going to threads.net :P 01:06:22 xD 01:06:36 it's like whitehouse.com vs whitehouse.gov back in the day 01:07:20 ok it's now some weird betting site 01:07:24 previously: porn site 01:49:11 lol hreads should become a federated Mastodon site for Hentai posts purely as a troll 03:26:23 Wickedplayer494 edited Surrender at 20 (+120, Happy 7/5): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50127&oldid=50041 03:54:44 nickofnicks: if you could, i think it would be very interesting to poke around the mobile/app traffic of threads 04:26:15 I created an instagram account with an email alias and it got instantly suspended by their fraud detection stuff, and now it wants my *phone number* to activate it 04:29:11 that sounds about right for big company social media nowadays 04:30:00 happened to me on twitter a few years back making an account for a project 04:30:48 well on the off chance I want to make a proper account with my proper email address in the future, I wouldn't want it linked to the same phone number as the test account for API fuckery 04:30:55 yeah i needed a new twitter account for $reason and it wouldn't even send the verification email even though it claimed it did 04:31:06 had to use phone number :/ 04:31:36 it sent me the verification email 04:31:50 I entered the code from the email, chose a username 04:31:55 "your account has been suspended" 04:32:18 to contest the suspension, it made me give my email *again*, and send me *another* code, and after entering that it wants my phone number 04:33:28 ugh 05:49:52 h2ibot seems to be dead in both #imgone and #mediaonfire (but not #codearchiver, though it doesn't actually do anything useful there to my understanding beyond responding to !help) 05:50:33 might also be dead on #down-the-tube 05:51:22 JAA: h2ibot dead 05:51:51 Also dead on #gitgud. Very weird that it works on #codearchiver then 05:52:34 okay, I tried to sign up for instagram on the mobile app instead (using a different email address) and that went even worse, it blocked me too but when I tried to "appeal" the block, I'm now stuck on a screen saying "an unexpected error occured" 05:52:47 with a refresh button that doesn't actually do anything 05:53:42 if I had a proper account, I would now be unable to use it 05:53:53 because there is no way to logout or anything 05:57:14 I believe the bot is run on a server on IA's network that arkiver_ runs 05:57:26 So most likely related 06:02:12 unbelievable that both instagram and threads have this dead-end error screen from which you can't even logout to login with another account 06:15:43 welp idk how to try this without giving them my phone number 06:15:56 unless someone wants to give me their throwaway account credentials :p 06:16:43 thought you were going to ask for someone's phone number 06:16:45 :p 06:21:58 nicolas17: did u try those free phone numbers 06:22:04 sms thing online 06:26:00 prepaid sim should also work 06:26:52 usually they detect voip numbers 06:36:30 IDK: those are likely to be detected 06:36:39 that_lurker: and those would need going Outside 06:38:49 cant you order them from the internet? If you have a phone with esim support then there would be no wait time either 06:50:08 that_lurker: I mean it's 3am 06:52:12 nicolas17: thats when the best decisions and orders are made :P 06:56:53 lmao I found a disposable phone number thing that works for free 06:57:11 oh it let you work it w/ insta? nice 06:57:28 and now it asks for a SELFIE HOLDING A PAPER WITH A VERIFICATION CODE 06:57:30 I give up 06:57:38 signing up for a bank needs less stuff 07:00:00 ah right! 07:00:11 i forgot the face verification stuff... so weird 07:00:23 you using a vpn/tor/etc to sign up? 07:00:31 nope 07:00:35 weird 07:01:14 maybe using something⊙nx was suspicious to them 07:01:28 or the number was flagged 07:01:49 that_lurker: I mean before that 07:02:01 I signed up, gave email + name + password, no more info than that 07:02:18 and they blocked the account because that was suspicious enough for them 07:02:27 trying to unblock it, *then* they ask for a phone number 07:02:31 ahh 07:03:32 yeah that is a hassle and a half. I ran a script using my instagram account once and the millisecond it started they locked my account 07:04:29 I refuse to do bank-grade KYC to sign up for instagram 08:07:38 they just want to force-extract more data. i pi-holed it out on my main computers (servers are exempt from that due to archival usage) 08:08:22 anything meta-owned is immediately treated as contagious, no usage anymore 08:12:04 greetings, am i able to seek help of archiving all my channel's videos? 08:52:46 should stick around a bit longer then :D 10:50:14 I listed about half of Wysp.ys a bit ago but the script crashed 10:58:41 Seems unauthenticated users can view "Mature: content: yes" posts but not list them 11:31:14 Is there any indication that the Adult site of Gfycat, redgifs is also being discontinued? 11:31:37 I'll have to do some researching on redgifs first. 11:32:42 From what I'm seeing, redgifs is not property of gfycat any longer. 11:32:44 Gyfcat banned adult content in 2019 in the app and created a new service, called redgifs, for that. This service was later sold to another company. 11:33:05 So no worries. 11:34:47 ah, ok wasn't sure as I've never used the adult site. 11:35:31 I understand. You are just looking out for those who do. 11:55:57 https://grapevine.is/news/2023/07/05/earthquakes-rocking-reykjanes-pointing-to-another-eruption/ 16:14:40 For the record, h2ibot was never dead. It's just the messenger. 16:15:30 pokechu22, nicolas17, that_lurker, datechnoman: ^ 16:16:08 But yeah, I bet all the scripts arkiver is running that use h2ibot for the IRC interactions died in the power outage. 16:18:12 i tried to say :D 17:11:41 h2ibot is amazing 17:11:58 also why is it in this channel? 17:12:31 Wiki edit announcements 17:12:37 oh right 17:12:39 forgot 'bout those 17:18:10 TheTechRobo edited Mailman2 (+33, add bglug.ca): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50128&oldid=50123 17:21:27 Google to introduce “Offerwall”: https://mastodon.social/@nixCraft/110667112869568493 17:22:32 “ 50% of visitors will see the message after 4 page views. Once visitors watch an ad, they will be able to access the page and the rest of the site for the next 24 hours.” could get in the way maybe for some of you for some sites in the future? if it’s just JS then workaroundable but just a heads up 17:26:42 For Offerwall does it sound like this applies to ANY site using adsense? as in, if you go to 4 different adsense sites then you'll be forced to see an ad? 17:26:58 sounds like hell for CGNAT users 17:30:55 it reads like it’s 4 per site (that has opted in) 17:31:32 to start it’ll probably be easy to bypass 17:31:48 bur we shall see… something to keep on the radar 17:32:26 web 3.0 returns to web 1.0 roots 17:32:37 forget this ad consumer capitalistic hell furture 18:35:00 in the future everything is just activitypub and people fighting over defederation 18:45:24 Entartet edited Deathwatch (+133, /* 2023 */ Skyblog says it will move the…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50129&oldid=50126 18:45:25 Entartet created Skyrock (+21, Redirect to [[Skyblog]].): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Skyrock 19:14:20 Has there been any interest in archiving Twitch? 19:15:03 #burnthetwitch 20:06:20 01:03:34 PM <+rss> Twitter is threatening to sue Meta over Threads [pdf]: https://cdn.sanity.io/files/ifn0l6bs/production/27109f01431939c8177d408d3c9848c3b46632cd.pdf → https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36621741 20:06:24 something to watch 20:06:29 the letter is.. something 20:09:41 "Meta deliberately assigned those employees to develop, in a matter of months, Meta's copycat "Threads" app with the specific intent they use Twitter's trade secrets and other intellectual property in order to accelerate the development..." 20:09:48 bruh it's literally a skin over instagram 20:11:04 i hope this is dragged out in court and all sorts of juicy documents are released 20:24:58 hey team 20:28:01 yo 20:40:06 fireonlive: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/286612533757083648/1126613486789726358/F0YH3xBaQAAjs3L.jpg 20:40:56 🤭 20:50:50 💩 20:52:16 Poop emoji would have been a better Tweet from Zuck lol 21:06:18 *surprized pikachu face* 21:06:45 free poop emojis: press⊙tc 21:06:50 the guys elon fired went to meta and built their own twitter? How (un)surprizing! 21:06:52 s/emojis/emoji/ 23:17:33 https://www.semafor.com/article/07/06/2023/twitter-is-threatening-to-sue-meta-over-threads 23:17:49 '“No one on the Threads engineering team is a former Twitter employee — that’s just not a thing,” he said.' 23:53:18 Random dumb idea: have a project that uses llama.cpp or the like to look for shutdown notices on homepages 23:53:59 hah nice 23:54:02 "building up a list of homepages" and "fetching them regularly" would take non-trivial work :P 23:54:07 run all front pages through rhat? 23:54:14 we can easily find them with #// 23:54:34 just running llama on them all seems very expensive 23:55:00 OrIdow6: whatever happened to the pushshift thing you were doing? 23:55:25 i mean... besides reddit neutering pushshift, i guess. 23:55:38 grep -Pi 'shut.?down|shutting down|sunset|etc' 23:55:59 can llama handle different languages? 23:56:02 at any rate my offer to label training/test data still stands 23:58:49 controversial question but has betaarchive ever been backed up? 23:59:05 A long time ago I saw the-eye had done some kind of copy, but I cannot find ANY evidence of this now. almost as if someone scrubbed it from the net...