01:19:20 Yellow, a logistics provider, is closing and expected to file for bankruptcy. https://www.myyellow.com/ https://hollandregional.com/ https://newpenn.com/ https://yrc.com/ https://reddawayregional.com/ 01:19:26 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/28/business/bailout-trucking-firm-yellow-yrc-shutdown.html 01:37:49 06:37:10 PM -+rss- A Man Who Opened a Store Selling Heroin and Cocaine Has Died from an Overdose: https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7b7p3/jerry-martin-man-opened-cocaine-heroin-dead https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36915828 03:39:18 Paul2520 edited URLTeam (+150, /* Alive */ dlsh.it): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50311&oldid=49994 06:38:51 PaulWise edited IRC/Logs (+28, another IRC logs site): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50312&oldid=50142 06:45:52 PaulWise edited Mailman2 (+300, add more mailman2 instances): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50313&oldid=50286 20:15:27 you're not gonna believe this, guys, but it turns out that when you parallelize tasks, they go faster 20:21:22 wow. 20:27:59 :O?!?! 20:28:05 Mind blown. 20:28:44 thuban: ah, the first half of "performance realizations" 20:29:01 'so you want to build a task queue' 20:29:01 (the second half is when you find out that fuck, sometimes they don't, and it gets slower) 20:29:44 ("this bash script was 10x faster than my mapreduce cluster at the same task" is the silicon valley edition of that process) 20:39:03 (that's my day job :P) 20:47:43 thuban: writing bash scripts that replace mapreduce clusters? :p 20:48:43 testing to see whether you should! 20:49:08 why mapreduce when you can mapenhance 21:02:11 joepie91|m: dont tell me how often that happens: people cook their own thing instead of using the good old speedy shell. 21:02:48 sometimes data locality matters too 21:03:46 wouldn't say I'd go so far as to call bash "good" :p 21:03:53 i store all my important data in influxdb cloud :) 21:04:17 fireonlive: ah, is that what your nickname is a reference to? :D 21:04:27 x3 21:04:45 essentially :D 21:05:01 :D 21:09:49 joepie91|m: i mean, it makes me laugh where people are desperate to sort dataset and there i am with `sort`. 21:14:21 InfluxDB: "But the plans were on display!" 21:19:24 lmao yeah I immediately had to think of that one, when reading their response 21:23:11 xD yuuuup 23:58:08 Gumoraes edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+28, Added): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50314&oldid=50289