00:02:07 hmm ye :3 00:34:52 IIRC I asked this before and it’s ‘bullshit’ 00:34:57 this used to be the off topic channel 00:35:06 #Archiveteam used to be for discussion 00:37:28 Oh, hence the BS 00:39:44 * pabs wonders if its time to change the channel list to be more self explanatory: #archiveteam-announce #archiveteam-discuss #archiveteam-offtopic etc 00:40:09 (and make the existing channels redirects to the new ones, if hackint can do that) 00:40:29 https://archive.fart.website/bin/irclogger_log/archiveteam-bs?date=2012-10-10,Wed&sel=44#l44 00:41:08 Cannot join #archiveteam-announce - Channel is invite only.; Cannot join #archiveteam-discuss - Channel is invite only.; Cannot join #archiveteam-offtopic - Channel is invite only. 00:41:10 damn it. 00:41:15 pabs: ye, forwarding is possible 00:41:20 see #helloworld for an example 00:43:32 https://archive.fart.website/bin/irclogger_log/archiveteam?date=2015-03-28,Sat&sel=107#l107 00:43:37 it does mean bullshit :D 00:43:54 i guess the 2012 was more canonical, bute h 00:44:08 oh, someone already created those, huh 00:44:45 not registered with chanserv, but presumably JAA or someone is idling in there :) 01:02:24 i kind of prefer 'bs' to 'discuss' anyway 01:09:59 we can retcon it to bikeshed ;) 01:10:58 though ot is said to be for that :D 01:11:15 cow dung it stays 01:11:52 This is for on-topic bikeshedding - ot is for off-topic bikeshedding 01:16:16 that works :D 01:16:21 bikeshedding it is 01:51:58 fuck. 01:52:29 oh never mind, crisis averted 01:53:58 https://community.poly.com bought by HP, links broken/gone. but, content seems to now be merged to the 'HP community' under HP's GENIUS naming scheme of https://h30434.www3.hp.com 01:54:26 i've read somewhere the h#####.www3 is basically an asset number for the server whatever runs on. because that's how they do it in enterprise shit land 02:05:29 Polycom had some pretty rock solid desk phones. I have no doubt HP will run what is left right into the ground. RIP 02:13:13 * fireonlive pours one out 02:18:04 fireonlive: terrifying naming scheme, wonder if that qualifies all of hp.com for archiving :) 02:18:23 or at least h*.www3.hp.com :) 02:19:29 hmm might do :) 02:20:07 anything poly.com most likely as it is slowly absorbed like community.poly.com suddenly was 02:20:31 i like how https?://poly.com is conrefused for me, but www. works 02:20:35 very, very enterprise 02:22:04 also their old domain which was polycom.com pre-poly re-branding; e.g. https://documents.polycom.com which goes to https://docs.poly.com now. dunno if anything lives on at the old one 02:25:27 http://spectralink.polycom.com/global/ seems to be one 02:25:34 (open directory) 02:25:47 the root redirects to https://www.spectralink.com 02:29:11 s3 bucket(?), no directory listing sadly: https://downloads.polycom.com/strategic_partners/ibm/IBM_RMX_Integration_Solution_Release_Notes.pdf https://downloads.polycom.com/voice/voip/sip_sw_releases_matrix.html 02:31:39 http://voipt2.polycom.com 02:42:10 some more: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/305f6bc1/ 02:45:49 Yts98 edited CUE! -See You Everyday- (+6, Update project status): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50347&oldid=46609 03:03:01 https://www.poly.com https://spaces.poly.com https://partners.poly.com/ https://blogs.poly.com https://realaccess.poly.com https://docs.poly.com https://info.lens.poly.com https://info.ztp.poly.com (some stuff on https://support.poly.com/ main page redirects to https://www.poly.com which links to stuff on support. there's also a sitemap, though 03:03:02 but who knows if it's actually working fully ;); https://support.poly.com/support/s/sitemap.xml) https://careers.poly.com https://staged.poly.com https://api.lens.poly.com https://info-dev.clariti.poly.com https://newsroom.poly.com/ https://learningcenter.poly.com/plconline/PolyU/Docs/Poly_Training_Course_Catalog_Update_Q3FY21.pdf 03:03:02 https://media-kb.poly.com/ProductionFiles/docs/HearingAidCompatibility.pdf https://media-kb.poly.com/ProductionFiles/docs/BBPRO5100DataSheet.pdf 03:18:55 Yts98 edited ITunes U (+43, Mark status as offline, clean up formatting): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50348&oldid=47927 03:21:36 huh, it said pastebin lol 03:21:56 :) 03:21:56 FireonLive edited WikiTeam (+25, archiving_type = other (thanks yts98, missed that)): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50349&oldid=50332 03:23:32 trying to get rid of outdated "closing" projects :p 03:24:09 :) 03:24:19 wiki needs a lot of love 03:27:57 FireonLive edited LGTM.com (-186, It's dead): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50350&oldid=48894 03:31:58 FireonLive edited Karayou.com (+39, still kicking, sorta): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50351&oldid=49563 03:45:38 Is blog.pl eventually saved or not? I didn't find it in archivebot or AT IA items 03:52:14 i see a few on https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/?q=blog.pl 03:52:43 not sure about the "roughly 100k of these were retrieved" (maybe that was another method before fart.website?) 03:53:56 couple more in https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/?q=blog.onet.pl 03:54:51 actually could be some of the blog.pls in the first fart has the homepages of the ~100k blogs (ab does one level of outlink by default) 03:56:19 JAA would know more, having been the project lead 04:12:05 Yts98 edited Blox (+40, Mark status as offline; several pages were…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50352&oldid=36088 04:13:32 yts98++ 05:00:14 Tech234a edited Gfycat (+80, Note Snap Inc. ownership): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50353&oldid=50279 05:09:20 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Blog.pl#Archival_efforts ? 05:14:56 i think they're looking to link to the data 05:16:40 Ah 05:41:04 Oh, I was going to ask blox.pl instead of blog.pl lol 05:41:24 😠 05:41:26 lol 05:41:38 easy mistake x3 05:42:04 The last mention of blox.pl I saw is https://archive.fart.website/bin/irclogger_log/archiveteam-bs?date=2019-03-06,Wed&sel=93#l93 05:43:19 hmm yeah it's nowhere on https://hackint.logs.kiska.pw/?q=blox.pl&w=a (except right now) either 05:44:43 arkiver might have to dig deep into the memory banks 05:44:53 but it's possible it's a lost one 08:56:56 Switchnode edited ArchiveTeam Warrior (+1385, begin to distinguish between warrior and…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50354&oldid=50040 08:57:36 JAA: would appreciate a review ^ 08:57:44 this doesn't actually address most of the faq/troubleshooting section (either the fact that it doesn't clearly distinguish what's the warrior and what's dpos generally, or the fact that there's a lot of text shared between it and the 'running with docker' page), but it lays the groundwork for doing so 08:58:21 (and i did what i REALLY wanted to do, which was get the big long newbie-scaring command lines out from in front of the toc) 08:58:38 if we're serious about this we should move 'warrior projects' to 'dpos projects' and edit 'dev/infrastructure' accordingly. and probably decide whether it's "warrior" or "Warrior". i'm not gonna though cause i need sleep 08:59:47 I think it's a Warrior 08:59:48 well done though 09:00:07 btw, Sanqui, do you happen to have corresponding podman instructions for the docker commands in faq/troubleshooting? we might want to add them 09:00:25 (or wiki user Cody, but i don't know whether they're on irc) 09:00:39 Cody is probably a better bet, my setup was very basic and they improved it 09:00:58 I think my warrior is broken atm and I'm not even sure if it's podman's fault 09:01:12 been kinda doing other stuff but if I get back into it I can try to fix it up 09:01:29 it do be like that sometimes 09:01:58 night all 09:02:04 nin 09:28:00 Another idea for LLAMA or similar, have a bot that can rewrite wiki pages automatically 09:28:22 From chat logs 09:28:45 Maybe you'd ping it when something noteworthy happens 12:40:49 thuban, Sanqui: Re podman commands: We still have a PR open on https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/warrior-dockerfile/pull/77 about that 14:59:39 hello 15:50:43 bye 16:01:52 thuban: You're expecting me to remember anything from a project over 5 years ago? :-) 16:05:37 fireonlive: Checked my notes, I did some independent wpull stuff for blog.pl. The raw data is on IA but not included in the WBM because it's infested with rate limiting errors. I was going to produce a filtered version that would make browsing bearable, but the tooling didn't and still doesn't exist (WIP though, slowly). 16:07:58 you are a great note keeper! thanks for checking :) 16:09:06 and ye, having WBM full of 'you are rate limited' would be super gross 16:11:25 "I think Google Groips Files..." <- oh, so that was google groups **files**.. I see 16:11:58 do you perhaps also have archives of google groups message boards? 16:12:10 thuban: The warrior doesn't use project images. It just clones the project repo and tries to run the pipeline. Which is also why wget-at upgrades might break for a while on the warrior, because it still ships with an older version (until we rebuild the warrior image, which can only be done when the important projects are using the new wget-at version). 16:13:57 important eh :3 16:14:05 * fireonlive imagines the politiking 16:15:10 thuban: Other than that, it seems good, thanks a lot! 16:16:29 fireonlive: Not much. It can be summarised as 'nobody* runs URLs in the warrior, so we can ignore that; are all other active projects updated? good, rebuild triggered'. 16:16:44 ah :) 16:47:44 If anyone's interested, I've been working on a Reddit archiver/viewer: https://github.com/yakabuff/redarc 16:48:13 It can display pushshift dumps and fetch new threads if you have an API key 18:00:51 So, with Google starting to push for deleting inactive accounts starting in December, I'm pondering on what stuff to start saving, a real big one would be Blogspot :C 18:01:46 Would like help on what other areas to archive regarding Google user content... YouTube is very much out of our league since we have to much more picky on what to grab because hard drive space is something that has to be managed x_x; 18:02:11 There's also Google Drive stuff, but uhh... 18:03:45 ...Is YouTube included...? 18:14:52 youtube is not included: https://blog.google/technology/safety-security/updating-our-inactive-account-policies/ 18:31:38 yakabuff: postgres 😍 18:31:46 thanks! that looks super neat 18:32:14 :) 18:32:24 :) 18:32:53 I used to have a demo instance but reddit forced me to take it down 18:33:39 oof :/ 18:34:18 yakabuff, bet the only reason they said that is that otherwise everyone would be mad-rushing to archive anything YouTube related :/ 18:34:23 i guess they’re on a warpath 18:43:46 So, i think Wysp is saved. Tracker shows that everything is done. I think you can edit the page about the Wysp. 18:45:21 What about the Gfycat platform, is there some kind of work to set up the 2019-2023 project up? 19:18:47 soon! 19:18:54 ah they gone 19:19:20 VickoSaviour never stays in one place for too long 19:20:00 one might say too short, even 20:48:11 They also don't seem to grasp the concept of project channels. 20:54:03 Petchea created Kienu (+212, Created page with "{{Infobox project | URL =…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Kienu 20:55:03 Tomodachi94 edited INTERNETARCHIVE.BAK/ipfs implementation (+214, Note about…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50356&oldid=22152 20:55:04 Switchnode edited ArchiveTeam Warrior (+46, /* Warrior architecture and alternatives */…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50357&oldid=50354 21:23:08 Exorcism uploaded File:Lgtm-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ALgtm-screenshot.png 21:23:09 Exorcism edited LGTM.com (+30): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50359&oldid=50350 21:29:09 Exorcism uploaded File:Karayou-logo.gif: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AKarayou-logo.gif 21:29:10 Exorcism uploaded File:Karayou-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AKarayou-screenshot.png 21:30:09 Exorcism edited Karayou.com (+59): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50362&oldid=50351 21:39:11 Exorcism edited Archive.today (+148): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50363&oldid=47090 21:44:12 Yts98 edited Blox (-10, No, it's blog.pl rather than blox.pl that is…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50364&oldid=50352 22:00:15 Yts98 edited Picosong (+21, Mark status of Disqus comments as online): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50365&oldid=47749 22:06:16 Yts98 edited The Lighthouse Directory (+82, Update project status): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50366&oldid=47592 22:13:08 === The instructions to run the software/scripts are awful and they are difficult to set up. === 22:13:09 Well, excuuuuse me, princess! 22:13:10 lmfao 22:16:18 FireonLive edited ArchiveTeam Warrior (+67, update docker commands per imer, include…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50367&oldid=50357 22:16:34 didn't touch podman... they should be the same for logs though? 22:21:19 FireonLive edited Running Archive Team Projects with Docker (+255, Include --include-restarting as per imer): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50368&oldid=49744 22:22:13 hmmmmmm 22:22:28 maybe urls shouldn't be our 'example' project there, with all our caveats 22:22:44 reddit probably makes more sense 22:22:45 it is the longest running one though. could pop shreddit in there I guess. 22:22:50 hey twins 22:22:54 will update 22:25:20 Yts98 edited Apple Daily (+230, Update project status, move {{inprogress}} to…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50369&oldid=48908 22:25:20 fireonlive: URLs is also the most dangerous project 22:25:31 so might want to be careful with setting it as example or default anywhere 22:26:20 FireonLive edited Running Archive Team Projects with Docker (+5, Change URLs project example to Reddit. URLs…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50370&oldid=50368 22:26:42 for sure.. don't want our first interaction with a new contributor/user to be 'hey i wanted to help but my ISP is threatening to disconnect me???' 22:26:58 :P 22:27:03 even if the notice is bullshit, it leaves a unexpected sour taste in their mouth 22:27:04 lol 22:27:07 :3 22:27:18 yep 22:27:22 Why is URLs "dangerous"? 22:27:32 I figured the "risk" was just getting your IP banned from random web sites 22:28:18 URLs is partially aimed at archiving outlinks from other sites 22:28:21 for example reddit 22:28:36 it can cause you to download any random crap someone might link to online 22:30:13 ye, and there's 'sinkholes' that (genuinely helpfully) try to alert you if you contact certain domains that you might be infected with X, or people might get angry if you access a file that was linked somewhere because 22:30:29 also, you might cause facebook/youtube/etc to start rate-limiting your IP, which would make you sad at your house 22:30:53 URLs/outlinks very important, but also quite the beat 22:30:56 s/beat/beast/ 22:38:41 while running URLs, i had multiple instances where my ISP would suddenly "temporarily suspend" my internet because of those abuse reports. This would get unsuspended by just clicking a checkbox in the router panel, complete a captcha (lol), or change the router password, no permanent things. 22:38:47 but yeah, don't run URLs at home :D 22:40:22 Yts98 edited This Is My Jam (+288, Update project status): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50371&oldid=46192 22:45:14 i have found the source of the rewby-pings: I see messages about rsync errors. Uh-oh! Something is not right. Please notify us immediately in the appropriate IRC channel. 22:45:27 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Running_Archive_Team_Projects_with_Docker&action=edit§ion=24 22:45:28 :p 22:46:23 FireonLive edited Running Archive Team Projects with Docker (-87, *spiderman pointing meme*): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50372&oldid=50370 22:46:45 i'll match it to the FAQ in https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=ArchiveTeam_Warrior&oldid=50367#I_see_messages_about_rsync_errors. which is more snesible 22:46:48 snenssbible 22:50:24 FireonLive edited Running Archive Team Projects with Docker (+255, save rewby's life): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50373&oldid=50372 22:51:00 :p 23:16:29 Yts98 edited Tribe.net (+346, Update project status): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50374&oldid=47641