00:50:44 FireonLive edited URLs (+74, Minor fixups): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50375&oldid=49700 00:52:44 FireonLive edited Template:CTA URL lists (+29, Hide the "User:" part of the link for that…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50376&oldid=49699 00:59:45 FireonLive edited Current Projects (-324, Remove DevPort. From 2015, devport.co…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50377&oldid=50345 01:06:46 FireonLive edited Yuku.com (+126, dead): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50378&oldid=48911 01:06:47 FireonLive edited Current Projects (-142, Remove yuzu): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50379&oldid=50377 01:07:07 yuzu? 01:07:11 damn you, loblaws 01:10:08 https://www.davidrevoy.com/article985/deleting-twitter-and-reddit-account 01:12:47 FireonLive edited Current Projects (-214, 5 years post-date let's remove the return…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50380&oldid=50379 01:13:01 ok no more editing 01:13:11 more drinking instead 01:13:17 🍻 01:36:51 FireonLive edited Current Projects (-15, Remove "Missed the Mark" in favour of just "On…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50381&oldid=50380 01:37:11 wasn't me 01:37:16 don't you say that h2ibot 01:37:20 🤫 02:09:12 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/images/d/d7/Threeplaces.jpg 02:10:13 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/images/1/1f/Oh_shit_archive_team_is_here.png 02:28:01 Arkiver uploaded File:Skyblog icon.jpg: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ASkyblog%20icon.jpg 02:28:02 FireonLive edited Current Projects (+31, move Wysp to finished): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50383&oldid=50381 02:28:11 rewby: i invited you to #bowlofpetunias for skyblog 02:28:16 can we please have a target there? 02:28:30 this would be 02:28:57 archiveteam_skyblog_ 02:29:01 FireonLive edited Template:Infobox project (-15, remove {{IA item}}, it just redirects to id now): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50384&oldid=50079 02:29:03 skyblog_ 02:29:08 Archive Team Skyblog: 02:29:14 (and channel is #bowlofpetunias ) 02:30:02 FireonLive edited Wysp (-5, Project has concluded): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50385&oldid=50307 02:30:38 fireonlive is doing cleaning :) 02:30:49 :) 02:31:09 I will switch over to french tumblr as soon as the project is live in the mean time I continue to run korean blogspot on lifesupport 02:31:21 flashfire42: yay :) 02:31:32 site seems pretty fast, so might be fun! 02:31:45 ooh 02:32:01 hahahaha yeah I ran one or 2 in archivebot and it is a lot like tumblr in that you can hammer it hard and a ton of links to itself and others 02:32:16 :) 02:32:20 and outlinks! :) 02:32:41 My ISP already wants my head and balls on seperate platters I dont wannna give them any reason more by running URLs 02:34:03 yeah haha 02:35:01 You would think loyalty would matter a tiny bit considering we have been with the same company since the early 2000s and through several corporate buyouts but 02:37:02 FireonLive edited Current Projects (-17, spoon meet mouth): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50386&oldid=50383 02:37:13 Thanks for all this wiki stuff fireonlive 02:37:41 ^_^ welcome :) 02:42:03 OrIdow6 edited Kienu (+61, We didn't get it): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50387&oldid=50355 02:46:04 Flashfire42 edited URLTeam/Warrior (+136, /* Warrior projects */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50388&oldid=50270 02:46:51 A reminder that I suck at Wiki formatting 02:47:04 Flashfire42 edited URLTeam/Warrior (+2, /* Warrior projects */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50389&oldid=50388 02:47:26 fireonlive if you wanna fix my formatting before I fuck it up further you would be a legend 02:49:04 pink :D 02:49:19 oh jesus lord wikitables 02:49:45 this is why I made a generator script for theapplewiki... 02:53:02 Yeah editing the wiki is one of the worst parts 03:55:46 FireonLive edited Current Projects (-89, Remove Kinja, is dead): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50390&oldid=50386 03:56:43 f 03:56:48 also hi wiki 04:20:45 DEBUG:root:Attempting GET https://forums.tomshardware.com/styles/tomshardware/future/icon-instagram2.png {} {} \n $ 04:20:58 i think that means my forum-dl of tomshardware worked :3 lol 04:21:24 77GB in total 🤔 04:32:52 FireonLive edited URLTeam/Warrior (+544, Add aka-ms): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50391&oldid=50389 04:32:54 flashfire42: ^ 04:32:57 :3 04:33:01 thank you 04:33:06 :) 04:33:19 oops i forgot ot change the number 04:34:53 FireonLive edited URLTeam/Warrior (-4, fix # scanned): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50392&oldid=50391 04:36:53 FireonLive edited URLTeam/Warrior (+42, zero-pad month and day for current projects…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50393&oldid=50392 04:37:16 flashfire42: small change; using {{CURRENTDAY2}} so they're zero-padded (2023-08-04 instead of 2023-8-4) 04:37:32 i changed currentmonth to 2... but ugh just realized an alias for current month 04:38:53 FireonLive edited URLTeam/Warrior (-21, oops, {{CURRENTMONTH2}} is equivalent to…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50394&oldid=50393 04:44:55 FireonLive edited URLTeam/Warrior (+123, Hide the "editor's baseball"): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50395&oldid=50394 05:14:00 FireonLive edited URLTeam/Warrior (+583, add go-microsoft-com): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50396&oldid=50395 05:16:00 FireonLive edited URLTeam/Warrior (+0, reflect param in tracker): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50397&oldid=50396 05:26:18 https://blogs.gnome.org/aday/2023/08/02/what-to-do-with-the-gnome-wiki/ 05:26:47 ^ might be time to archive wiki.gnome.org 05:32:37 oof 05:37:49 flashfire42 is archivebotting it 05:37:59 🕵️‍♂️ 05:38:12 as to how successful that grab will be who the fuck knows 05:38:19 🤞 05:48:06 FireonLive edited URLTeam/Warrior (+34, why, Microsoft, why): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50398&oldid=50397 06:00:02 @rktk: hidden palace is back up, maybe worth saving a copy while we can 06:03:44 does the site fall over easily? 06:03:47 cc mgrandi 06:04:11 i.e. if someone scraped it 06:04:23 It was down a few days ago and and I randomly remembered to check on it 06:04:38 ah ok hm 06:04:51 i'll throw in #wikibot as there doesn't seem to be any coverage dump wise 06:05:32 11:04:58 PM fireonlive: Launched job d20c541c-6ffc-44a0-90eb-b33791282203! (WikiTeam3) 06:05:45 will update here as to its final status 06:06:03 Awesome, thanks! And yeah rktk mentioned it and their twitter didn't say anything so I was hoping it was temporary 06:08:17 always good to grab it just in case 06:08:21 and np =] 06:08:31 DigitalDragons is also keeping an eye on it 06:08:40 i'm about to head to bed soonish 06:09:32 Is that your bot? :) 06:10:23 it's DigitalDragons' :) 06:10:39 Ahh k 06:10:43 I might need to kill it and run without files 06:10:45 Total file size for all files: 5,859,424,276,288 bytes (5.33 TB). 06:10:52 woah 06:11:02 Lolololol 06:11:21 "such as prototypes, hardware, source code, artwork, and more" 06:11:28 Lives up to it's name 06:12:09 it would seem that this needs special handling 06:12:28 I take it that mediawiki can tell you the metadata of the size of all files? That was fast 06:12:37 indeed! https://hiddenpalace.org/Special:MediaStatistics 06:12:58 I guess the ones I was testing it was disabled/notworking so I forgot to check 06:13:11 5tb in one item will even make IA unhappy 06:13:13 that's a late night "my bad" there 06:14:10 a lot of the mirrors of the files are already on archive.org 06:14:17 Will make the hiddenpalacr site also unhappy 06:14:39 i guess text only would be a good starting point 06:15:19 Are they? I thought that was the other site that was similar to hidden palace that shut down this year 06:16:18 Also a lot of these probably have thorny copyright issues 06:17:10 Best to let the experts handle that I guess 06:19:54 Re-running with just page dumps 06:20:44 thanks! :) 06:20:52 now to bed for me haha 06:32:04 I see https://archive.org/details/hiddenpalace but it seems like a very selective grab (only 2gb) of just things that can be emulated on IA 07:20:49 Is there a WBM copy 07:20:53 ? 07:28:45 No captures under files.hiddenpalace.org/* 07:34:48 there are archivebot jobs for the main domain, but not files. 07:38:34 actually no, there are captures 07:38:51 and I just can't use the WBM 07:39:00 doesn't seem complete though (?) 07:41:11 more than 10k captures of files.hiddenpalace.org but likely incomplete 07:43:25 there are ~53k files 07:46:42 Unless you explore the CDX and count the urls all I can tell you is there is over 10k captures of that domain in wayback 07:47:39 :( 07:47:55 I better sleep lol 09:35:48 Exorcism uploaded File:Thisismyjam-logo.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AThisismyjam-logo.png 09:35:49 Exorcism uploaded File:Thisismyjam-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AThisismyjam-screenshot.png 09:37:48 Exorcism edited This Is My Jam (+67): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50401&oldid=50371 09:38:41 They are hotlinking the archive? 09:38:48 Exorcism uploaded File:Picosong-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3APicosong-screenshot.png 09:39:29 that is pretty great 09:39:48 Exorcism edited Picosong (+34): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50403&oldid=50365 09:39:49 instead of just disappearing they redirect to the wbm 09:40:48 Exorcism uploaded File:Blox-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ABlox-screenshot.png 09:41:48 Exorcism edited Blox (+29): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50405&oldid=50364 09:43:49 Exorcism uploaded File:Appledaily-logo.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AAppledaily-logo.png 09:43:50 Exorcism uploaded File:Appledaily-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AAppledaily-screenshot.png 09:44:49 Exorcism edited Apple Daily (+65): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50408&oldid=50369 09:47:49 OrIdow6 edited Blox (+18, Mention of Blog.pl, mention death in body): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50409&oldid=50405 09:48:49 OrIdow6 edited Blog.pl (+54, Not to be confused with Blox): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50410&oldid=47431 09:49:50 Exorcism uploaded File:Thelighthousedirectory-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AThelighthousedirectory-screenshot.png 09:49:51 Exorcism edited The Lighthouse Directory (+48): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50412&oldid=50366 09:49:52 Yts98 edited URLTeam/Warrior (-1): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50413&oldid=50398 09:51:50 Exorcism uploaded File:Yuku-logo.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AYuku-logo.png 09:51:51 Exorcism edited Yuku.com (+23): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50415&oldid=50378 09:54:16 So if we wanted a custom namespace for obsolete/junk, it would require some config changes to the wiki https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Using_custom_namespaces 11:05:46 fireonlive, i can't use irc 24/7, only to write the messages, and to see all of the others on hackint 11:07:17 and if i could see all of the project channels messages after i disconnect, that could be even better, but, alas, irc is irc. 11:23:43 and they left before I could tell them about a matrix bridge 11:42:10 they'll look at the logs presumably, so matrix bridge! :D 12:28:29 Balrog I am working back through the bing cache slowly but surely I’m also working on the other ISP hosting. 12:28:31 Not sure if you see this or not balrog 12:28:35 yeah I'm here :) 12:28:41 thanks for doing that 12:30:43 anyone checked if they just nuked the dns and the backend server is still up maybe? 12:30:54 not wbm grade, but if needed that'd allow archival still 12:31:52 nvm, apparently the domain is on the shitlist and doens't resolve through pihole 12:32:33 looks like its dead then. 12:36:47 looks like it's been on since 2009 16:52:57 hi, just wanted to report that the gitorious archive's https cert is expired (some years ago); someone needs to kick the letsencrypt bot 16:53:02 https://gitorious.org/ 16:54:57 balrog: I did a full backup of iinet more or less: https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/domain/urls-transfer.archivete.am-members.iinet.net.au_usernames.txt 16:55:06 pokechu22: awesome 16:55:30 but I don't think some of the other ones were covered 16:55:59 I assume there was notice ahead of time because I don't think I would have done that otherwise, but not 100% sure 16:57:28 Pretty sure it was based on a list flashfire42|m sent me 17:27:52 \join #archiveteam-ot 18:13:34 \kb fireonlive 21:22:03 Tech234a edited Webs (+357, Add shutdown date): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50416&oldid=47712 22:07:11 we did a lot on webs already IIRC 23:09:32 The person behind oldversion.com is looking for help: https://old.reddit.com/r/Archiveteam/comments/15i3dk9/anyone_interested_in_helping_with_oldversioncom/ 23:10:48 interesting 23:10:54 do we have a copy of that yet? 23:11:15 Don't think so. It's been on my list given the recent regular downtimes, but I didn't get around to it yet. 23:12:52 nice they are reaching out for help 23:13:05 not sure how big it is, but there's probably someone who can help out 23:16:38 >You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reason: 23:16:42 was like ah, it's over for me on the wiki 23:16:47 turns out i was logged out :p 23:18:28 FireonLive edited Wysp (+36, add link to data): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50417&oldid=50385 23:18:41 thanks for all this bookkeeping fireonlive 23:19:16 :) welcome 23:19:22 thanks for all y'all do too! 23:19:48 we all do our bits :) 23:20:17 😊