01:15:19 JAA, arkiver: who would be the person to ping re fche's report that the cert is expired on https://gitorious.org/ ? 01:19:43 who runs that again? 01:24:13 the IP is in AS10565 - Silicon Valley Colocation, Inc. 01:24:59 the domain whois is redacted 01:25:56 ah, the wiki says user:chronomex https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Gitorious 01:26:33 contrary to their wiki page, they aren't on IRC :( https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/User:Chronomex 01:27:26 arkiver: ^ 01:28:01 “ This page was last edited on 22 February 2011, at 17:14.” 01:28:16 so shall we all sign on for the last time, one way or another 01:28:29 pabs: maybe they’re on efnet still? 01:30:04 perhaps, I'm not on efnet, anyone else here on there? 01:58:04 there's a mailto on the page 02:04:57 TheTechRobo edited Twitch.tv (+115, Link to #burnthetwitch IA collection): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50418&oldid=49452 02:09:52 i don’t see it 02:10:38 TheTechRobo: what groups are you in? https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Special:Preferences 02:10:56 fireonlive: Autoconfirmed users, Automoderated users, Users 02:11:08 hm me too 02:11:22 fireonlive: if you're meaning the chronomex page, I meant on the gitorious.org page itself 02:11:29 o 02:11:46 ye 02:16:37 mailto:gitorious-%25⊙xn 02:17:00 TheTechRobo edited Tumblr (-5, Change from 'Partially saved' to 'On hiatus' as…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50419&oldid=50054 02:17:42 though, the xtrc.net homepage doesn't exactly inspire confidence 02:18:15 yeah :/ 02:24:26 Time to archive the archive? 02:25:35 did we finish Clara.io or is it partially saved? todo is at 0 02:26:01 also it still seems open 02:26:22 open? 02:26:30 ob 02:26:32 oh 02:26:33 wrbsite 02:26:35 ye 02:36:03 TheTechRobo edited Google Drive (-1, I think this is on hiatus): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50420&oldid=50284 02:37:38 should Webs be declared 'saved' (though the archive is a bit old)? 02:40:25 and same with Issuu 04:23:48 fche: did you try the mailto address on the gitorious.org page? 04:24:03 mailto:gitorious-%25⊙xn 04:26:43 the %25 is interesting 04:29:23 indeed the domain seems like it is hijacked though 04:31:36 seems to have been that content since 2010: https://web.archive.org/web/20101023105637/xrtc.net/ 04:32:02 including the weird you need javascript popup (it's on) and the mysql error) 04:32:39 04:32:40 :) 04:33:15 ah js thing is intentional lol 04:50:15 hmm, the front page GitLab are involved. maybe they know who to contact 05:00:01 i'd try the xtrc email first ig 05:00:08 though idk when that archive thing happened 08:48:30 Through many name changes, I can't actually remember who it is that looks after that 08:48:31 will check 13:09:49 vim author died https://groups.google.com/g/vim_announce/c/tWahca9zkt4 13:52:24 oh shit 13:52:38 :wq 14:00:36 pabs: i've thrown some stuffs to ab, feel free to complete and take care of anything you find 14:01:34 will try to take a look, maybe Monday 19:19:51 fireonlive: The %25 is probably to prevent scrapers 23:43:22 um, bash.org has been down for several days now 23:46:09 uhoh 23:46:25 i wonder where i put my last scrape of it… 23:46:47 Last time I checked, there hadn't been a new page since the last AB scrape 23:47:03 (and the AB scrape had been a few years before I checked; I think I checked last year?) 23:47:38 2023-02-05 00:50:15 @pokechu22 I think there's been 5 new posts: https://web.archive.org/web/20201205094622/http://bash.org/?browse&p=422 / https://web.archive.org/web/20201205093556/http://www.bash.org/?latest is what was grabbed then (and those have been naturally found by other crawls I think) 23:47:58 oh, ~/bash.org 23:48:19 oh awesome. 23:48:42 mine are just .txt files :) 23:48:46 no metadata 23:49:00 made 2023-01-08 lol 23:49:35 the only real metadata was votes so i ignored it 23:49:36 fireonlive: ~~why does that remind me of Leyland “V/Vm” James Kirby's microblog~~ 23:50:29 x3 i do remember a couple blogs that were just txt files in a directory 23:51:27 latest id i have seems to be 895141 23:51:34 fireonlive: https://brainwashed.com/vvm I believe? 23:51:46 hmm 23:53:09 20,640 quotes. maybe i got limited or missed some 23:53:20 or there was a loss of power and i forgot lol 23:54:12 hmmm might have been 23:56:32 script i have was supposed to try up to 995906 :) 23:59:44 just based on the total number at the bottom looks like i’m missing 456 of them, sad 23:59:55 glad someone did an an crawl though