00:00:01 ab crawl 00:01:16 I don't think most of the quotes are public? At least I don't think the archivebot crawl had most of them 00:01:41 pokechu22: you mean missing numbers? 00:02:13 I think number gaps are for quotes rejected or not yet approved 00:02:21 Yeah, e.g. on https://web.archive.org/web/20201205093556/http://www.bash.org/?latest it goes from 966262 to 966243 (though I guess that's not the crawl number). And yeah, that's my guess as to why the gaps exist 00:02:25 yeah there's only "21096 quotes approved; 2049 quotes pending" 00:02:31 as of 2023-07-08 00:02:44 https://web.archive.org/web/20230708202217/http://bash.org/?latest 00:02:48 (see footer) 00:02:54 there must be a ton of spam submitted 00:03:21 and rejected doesn't count as either approved or pending 00:03:22 as of 2023-07-19 it was "21096 quotes approved; 2079 quotes pending" 00:03:34 oh 00:03:38 lol the same 00:03:50 the site was abandoned and mods weren't approving anything for yeeeaaars 00:04:42 iirc they briefly started again, and then stopped again 00:05:18 it's been down briefly before, which makes me suspect that somebody's out there still responding to scream tests 00:05:45 but yeah, last i checked our coverage of it was pretty complete 00:06:14 https://transfer.archivete.am/NU9w1/bash.org-as-textfiles.tar 00:06:18 if someone wants my textfiles 00:06:21 enjoy lol 00:06:29 (unlike bash.im, which, sad) 00:06:46 never heard of bash.im :o 00:06:53 ah, russian that's why 00:07:07 war casualty 00:07:19 oh 00:07:21 :/ 00:07:48 yeah :( 00:07:48 'zero padded filenames are you a fucking idiot?' 00:07:52 yes fireonlive is thankyou 00:08:10 ye that sucks :( 00:30:51 i always read your nick as anacron at first 😅 00:33:37 fireonlive: Whose now? 00:55:00 Myusernameisanything edited URLTeam (+242, /* "Official" shorteners */ adding url shortner.): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50421&oldid=50311 01:07:02 01:13:23 PM -+rss- nic.funet.fi: Serving freely distributable files with FTP since 1990: https://www.funet.fi/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37015585 01:07:10 neat history on those (and a coupleothers in the comments) 01:07:21 wonder of archive.org has copies 01:07:31 qyxojzh|m: Arcoran n's 02:50:19 TheTechRobo edited Webs (-2, No items have been handed out for awhile but…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50422&oldid=50416 02:59:20 FireonLive edited Webs (-1, fix tremendous, grievous, error): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50423&oldid=50422 03:00:31 :3 03:09:23 Switchnode edited Skyblog (+159, project is go): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50424&oldid=50199 03:12:31 who be switchnode 03:12:47 hm projects.json says the imgur project is "short term" 03:13:46 i guess we expected to stop at some point 03:14:12 with the weechat filters my guess is thu ban 03:14:16 :3 03:15:24 fireonlive: at the current rate, with the IDs I have, there's imgur work for a couple of months 03:15:57 ahh haha 03:16:13 Egloos is at like -50 days til completion. We arent very good at planning 03:17:19 egloos was mostly out of my radar, let me check 03:18:41 flashfire42: are we constantly adding more stuff to the egloos queue? 03:18:50 'cause the current queue is like 5h ETA 03:19:27 I have no idea. I am not privy to the internals of the trackers except for the urlteam one and I still bumble around that 03:19:43 🧇 03:19:54 OrIdow6 would know 03:20:22 nicolas17: Yes, it constantly adds items 03:20:31 Or at least it will be for most of the project 03:20:43 so the ETA from current queue is as meaningless as for imgur, okay :) 03:20:54 fireonlive: Switchnode is thuban I believe 03:21:01 ah :D 03:21:07 Where is this ETA being reported from? 03:21:30 I remember there being one on the old Grafana 03:21:49 OrIdow6: I have an ugly command line python script, that some day I'll rewrite in JS for people to use on the web 03:22:04 nicolas17: Oh 03:22:06 it polls https://legacy-api.arpa.li/{project}/stats.json and does some math 03:22:36 Neat 03:26:11 i like how we're still using the legacy api :3 03:26:37 I use that because it's what the tracker website uses on load 03:26:51 then it connects to the websocket to update 03:27:16 but I don't need that level of realtime info 03:27:27 ye i didn't mean like you specifically 03:27:55 is this even documented? 03:28:24 I just used the dev tools on the tracker webpage and fumbled my way into the data I needed as if it was a proprietary website :P 03:28:49 officially not 03:28:51 that i know of 03:36:28 FireonLive edited Current Projects (-1, move Skyblog to current; editor-baseball:…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50425&oldid=50390 03:38:28 FireonLive edited GitHub (+24, DPoS): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50426&oldid=49550 03:54:31 TheTechRobo edited URLs (+487, Add some caveats re submitting URLs): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50427&oldid=50375 03:54:43 feel free to clean up that sentence, it isn't written the best 05:01:05 BPCZ: would you use these? :p https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=636191201815333 05:09:07 that does indeed look nice if I was incompetent 05:11:39 too bad I barely ever have issues with copper cables, they tend to be a run once never think about again thing 05:12:17 give me that for optical cables and I'll give you a gorrillian dollars. Those fuckers break all the time and are a bitch to have techs get anything right 05:18:26 ooh that would be cool for optical 15:17:22 OrIdow6: I have a very rudimentary ETA on my grafana 16:18:54 TheTechRobo edited DPReview (-2, Change DPoS project to 'on hiatus' as nothing…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50428&oldid=50230 16:20:54 TheTechRobo edited Is It Normal? (+511, Turn this into a readable page): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50429&oldid=48449 16:21:54 TheTechRobo edited YouTube (-24, Use [[Template:IRC]] for IRC channel. Correct…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50430&oldid=50235 16:36:02 Do you still have any plans for archiving https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Claranet_Netherlands_Personal_Web_Pages ? 19:33:41 Fireonlive. Wow. My neighbor passed from cancer this morning as well. Interesting coincidence. 19:33:53 oh wow :c 19:33:58 sorry to hear :( 19:35:05 It happened literally 20 minutes before you posted that. Sorry to hear about Jakob 19:35:42 haven't heard of him before personally but thought i'd post it here as i stumbled upon it 19:35:55 death is a strange thing 20:48:37 and we're all doomed to experience it one day 20:49:53 well, not all of us see it as doomed 20:49:58 but yeah 22:38:10 bah, the warrior page says to check project readmes if you want to run scripts bare-metal but the new project readme template doesn't have that information anymore. 22:38:30 should we put it somewhere else or are we just Officially Deprecating that whole option? 22:50:26 Part of me feels like we should have a Graveyard for people to pay our respects to 22:50:40 I say “Graveyard” since I don't know how to properly call it 22:51:01 we discussed an 'obsolete' namespace for the wiki recently 23:12:28 I partially discovered items for Xuite and am still discovering more: github.com/yts98/xuite-items 23:16:19 Everyone, any suggestion on the channel name of Xuite? 23:18:32 I want to preserve a video from a TV website, it's in DASH format, should I remux it to .mp4 and upload it as an item, or archive the .mpd and video segments in a WARC, or give archivebot a URL list and let it do that for me? 23:19:41 let's make a channel for xuite! i'm not sure if this word has a meaning, perhaps we can have a play on words in the language of this word 23:20:19 I'm also wondering how long I should wait to upload it publicly, considering copyright and such; the website says "available until 23-07-2025" but it feels risky to keep it *locally* until then :P 23:23:32 ah yes 23:23:40 yts98: shall we go with simply #sweet ? 23:24:13 let 23:24:18 let's do #sweet for xuite 23:24:33 arkiver: it sounds good if that channel isn't registered yet :) 23:29:28 yts98 legend I was worried I was gonna have to keep throwing them at AB 23:30:13 Yts98 edited Xuite (+38, Update archiving type and IRC channel name): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50431&oldid=50198 23:31:13 Yts98 edited Current Projects (-9, add IRC channel for Xuite): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50432&oldid=50425 23:41:08 nicolas17_: #1 and #3 imho