00:05:12 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ZOWA also a project for this would be a good idea 00:39:38 https://itbbs.pconline.com.cn/ did we do anything for this shutting down at the end of the month I think I tried to archivebot it but it didnt go great 01:38:16 arkiver, JAA, regarding what flashfire42 is saying as reminders ^ 01:39:03 ZOWA has a bit of a reprieve but would be good to do soon. Uploads have finished but it will be up until I think september and the Chinese forum goes down at the end of august 01:39:14 And if I recall it didnt play nice with AB 01:44:01 01:01:22 PM -+rss- Robbie Robertson has died: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/09/arts/music/robbie-robertson-dead.html https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37068230 02:13:02 i should really get #Y to a state in which everyone can queued jobs to it 02:28:44 arkiver: >:) 02:29:06 urls-2-electric-boo-ga-loo? 02:29:53 * pabs wonders how #Y will work 02:33:09 archivebot-accidental-ddos-edition 02:35:56 (though i assume it won't move at the speed of #//) 02:39:39 brrrrrrrrrr 06:19:56 "https://wiki.archiveteam.org/..." <- Seems to be sequential video urls, which is nice 13:29:08 Rockstar Games has 'acquired' FiveM and RedM. Could someone throw https://cfx.re/ https://fivem.net/ https://redm.gg/ https://forum.cfx.re/ into AB? Rockstar has a really bad history when it comes to supporting modders and I fear this won't end good. 13:30:09 I also mentioned their git in #gitgud 15:02:29 Xentax, a popular video game reverse engineering community, is trying to find a new owner. Someone tried running it in AB but didn't have perms. https://forum.xentax.com/ 15:03:21 Also, https://wiki.xentax.com/index.php/Game_File_Format_Central 15:06:45 we covered xentax quite well earlier this year https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/?q=xentax.com 17:55:57 ... what is this archive.org thing I see today 17:56:05 Files marked with PADLOCK are not available for download 17:56:51 warcs? 17:56:55 yeah 17:57:17 https://archive.org/download/archiveteam_urls_20230808174457_1c18dbb2 17:57:19 Pretty sure that applies to crawls from IA (e.g. save page now) and some of the companies that donated data, but not to archiveteam crawls 17:57:24 hmm, or not? 17:57:39 it applies to archiveteam urls/telegram/reddit only 17:58:06 why though? 17:58:47 recent IA policy extended it to some archiveteam projects too 17:58:54 iirc it's a legal thing, when people request their data be removed from the WBM it isn't practical to rebuild the warcs to remove it 17:59:03 ahh... 17:59:07 so they just block the warcs from download 18:00:47 ah, there goes someone's dream of crunching IA's data for reddit :p 18:00:54 but it totally makes sense 18:01:54 should I not upload .warc files then? 18:02:04 I dont want people to not be able to download a backup... 18:02:27 I believe it's done on a case-by-case basis and not something you should worry about, but I don't know the details 18:02:52 rktk: warc files you upload won't appear on the wayback machine anyway 18:02:56 ^^ I believe it's only large scale crawls in the WBM that they restrict 18:02:57 so they are not affected by this 18:03:10 archivebot for example is fine: https://archive.org/download/archiveteam_archivebot_go_20230801144518_30e4f410 18:03:11 boo :( 18:04:46 Does anyone know the name of the subreddit that documents like... some kind of major event, fandom, etc. in a nice detailed way? 18:04:50 it's not bestofredditorupdates 18:05:07 pokechu22, nicolas17 DigitalDragons thank you 18:05:53 https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/ perhaps? 18:06:00 ^ thank you 19:06:58 looks like Adobe Acrobat Reader (DC) is rebranding to just Adobe Acrobat 19:07:18 https://helpx.adobe.com/ca/reader/faq.html links to "the Reader download page" (https://get.adobe.com/ca/reader/) which just 404s now 19:14:02 ah never mind, https://get.adobe.com/reader/download is the right URL. i18n sucks :) 20:30:37 Would anybody happen to know how to find a Mastodon server's stats? For instance, on https://tacobelllabs.net/about I can see "81 active users" but I don't know if this is the total number of users or only the ones on-line. 20:32:54 It's nothing mandatory per se, but I wanted to add it to https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Mastodon#Other_archives_or_attempts once AB finishes it. 20:43:04 Never mind. I think it failed anyway. 20:44:11 I don't use Mastodon so I apologize for my ignorance.