05:17:51 Not sure if this is the right place, what other internet search engines do you folks recommend for normal and specialized purposes in relation to internet archiving? I use DuckDuckGo normally, with Bing, and Google as a last result; then again, search results overall have been deteriorating more and more... :C 05:18:08 I also try using Yandex, I believe the Russian version, which gives different results than the English version oO; 05:24:08 IIRC DuckDuckGo gets its results from bing - I generally only use it and bing 05:24:49 Yandex is probably good for russian stuff, and https://search.yahoo.co.jp/ is good for japanese stuff, but I don't use them as general things 05:26:54 That said, google (and ddg) treat site:sinapism.net differently from site:www.sinapism.net, and you'll get fewer resutls. ddg/bing is also more willing to treat binary files as if they were text. 05:27:59 Google also supports site:*.sinapism.net -site:www.sinapism.net which is useful for subdomains (though not useful here). ddg does not support the * one (it does still support -) 12:24:31 hi 12:25:09 i naively thought wget-lua --save-headers --max-redirect=0 --content-on-error https://tiny.cc/PirateChangelog would save the redirect headers, but alas it doesn't... 12:25:57 i understand you don't want to change the command line interface, but maybe some kind of pre-flight lua script could adjust things when someone extended the logic to support this case? 12:28:04 Harzilein: We use wget-lua with WARC output rather than writing the body to a file 12:29:38 (Which is kind of a standardized version of --save-headers) 12:29:41 hmm... yeah, that makes sense 12:30:20 wonder if there is an importer for warc-formatted responses into polipo format... 12:30:48 Looks like vanilla wget doesn't save anything either 12:31:28 yeah, that's why i thought adding additional command line options over the lua ones would probably not be accepted into the wget-lua code 12:31:48 but a buffed out lua api for such cases might 12:32:06 but maybe the warc workaround isn't too bad 12:32:08 What changes are you thinking of? 12:32:42 OrIdow6: modifying the user agent object (if such a thing exists) to also save headers when there is _no_ content 12:32:55 (i.e. a dictionary entry) 12:33:25 Ah 12:33:29 s/to also/to allow to also/ 12:34:02 i.e. with no lua loaded to explicitely enable it, it'd still behave like wget 12:35:01 I don't think adding that as a command-line option would cause us much trouble? It'd make the --help a line longer, but aside from that sounds like it'd only be a few little differences 12:35:54 A change like that might benefit more people being added to the vanilla wget (which has not taken stuff from wget-lua in I think close to a decade now) 12:36:23 arent't the wget2 people at the help at wget now? 12:36:29 helm* 12:36:55 i.e. they'd consider it in maintenance mode 12:37:46 Oh, yeah 12:37:52 Haven't really been keeping track of that 12:38:31 Well, if you want to PR it, feel free; I'm not in control of the repo so it's not my decision but I don't think the people who do would mind 12:45:44 :) 12:56:22 Bzc6p edited Indafotó (+76, /* Archiving */ Some details): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50468&oldid=49975 18:33:51 looks like we have backfeed issues 18:34:44 nobody tell immibis 19:49:10 what's going on with the tracker? 19:49:31 there's almost no completed items 19:49:38 I'm getting "Failed to submit discovered URLs.wantreadnil" on imgur 19:50:28 but todo keeps going down, so workers are getting items, and apparently failing them? I guess claims is going up fast 19:51:39 it may make sense to pause the projects so we stop giving out more items? 19:59:48 arkiver: ^ 20:07:34 Being worked on 20:07:37 issue has been located 20:07:58 nicolas17: arkiver replied to you in #imgone 20:08:20 no worries about this issues will be resolved very soon 20:47:31 dw take your time to resolve it, I'm just concerned about the item-trashing *until* it's resolved 20:56:09 Issue is still ongoing by the look of it I will pause the warrior for the time being 21:13:38 yeah, should pause all projects on the tracker side imo :/ 21:14:11 cc arkiver 21:25:35 I think there's some redis related fuckery going on 21:25:40 It's being worked on as far as I knwo 21:34:19 pausing projects 21:34:22 should soon be back up 21:39:50 imgur todo is still going down 🤔 21:41:14 uh 21:41:45 therew go 21:52:40 skyblog also dequeueing 2000/min? 21:52:53 ah no old numbers, sorry 21:53:03 it's fine