01:01:00 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (+1): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50477&oldid=50476 01:30:09 Updates on laradio.com: Someone downloaded that website using HTTrack: https://old.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/15qbofu/la_radio_website_closing_host_is_leaving/jw78vyz/ and uploaded to WeTransfer (mirror: https://transfer.archivete.am/oan6M/LA_Radio.zip). Also the majority of that website (almost all what Google etc. could find) is manually 01:30:10 backed up to archive today and ghostarchive. 01:44:11 ghostarchive? 03:12:40 arkiver: https://ghostarchive.org/about.html 03:50:44 webrecorder :D 03:52:43 oh no 04:50:26 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37130060 04:50:50 "Tell HN: t.co is adding a five-second delay to some domains" 04:53:47 not sure if this affects the URL shortener project or anything else 09:06:19 OrIdow6: I did a bash.org scrape in 2017 and posted it to ipfs, there's a link here but not sure if anybody is still hosting it: https://github.com/kpcyrd/bash.org-ipfs 10:19:59 kpcyrd: bash.org is fairly well-covered, it's the other quote DBs that may be lost 10:26:20 ah, rip 12:08:56 I'm trying to open a .warc file with replayweb.page but every time it errors out with "An unexpected error occured: TypeError: Failed to fetch" 14:34:42 tech234a: that is so silly :/ 15:10:55 aww, nitter is broken again 15:11:20 yeah :/ just turned auto linker off in -ot 15:26:40 oh wow, twitter.com works in AB with just -u firefox 15:27:13 the URL structure means it can't get much though 15:28:16 and of course it is all JavaScript, so doesn't grab any data 15:35:06 :( 16:11:59 means there is hope for socialbot to work again tho 18:00:17 pabs: yeah, i just came home and saw all my twitter rss feeds fail 18:13:02 https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/issues/983 18:43:54 i wish twitter offered native rss again, but that was murdered pre-elon 19:13:55 i use rss-bridge, it worked as of this morning 19:27:59 ah :( 19:28:08 they used to have some endpoint on twitter.com directly back in the day 19:28:14 i miss those days lol 19:31:03 seriously, i function with rss news exclusively, i wont create a twitter account even if they block my rss feed because i want a centralized spot where all the news aggregate to 19:33:32 ye i have my various channels on here and a few on my matrix homeserver :/ 19:33:40 (before that: rss2email lol) 19:41:23 kiska: grafana down? 19:42:38 no, just slow, it's ok now 21:32:39 "Important changes to your Google Domains account: Squarespace announces purchase of domain registrations" 21:32:41 just now?!?! 21:33:20 did they wake up and go 'oh right that thing we sold' 21:33:49 email links to https://domains.squarespace.com/ 21:46:02 https://mashable.com/article/discord-io-data-breach 21:46:17 (discord.io != Discord) 21:46:25 Probably nothing to archive there due to surprise shutdown 21:46:38 nstrom|m: i did throw their "temporary" homepage to ab 21:47:43 Might as well yeah 23:30:13 PaulWise edited WikiTeam (+747, add tips for what to do before archiving): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50478&oldid=50460 23:40:14 PaulWise edited WikiTeam (+1, fix link): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50479&oldid=50478 23:51:16 Pokechu22 edited WikiTeam (+165, /* Tips */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50480&oldid=50479