00:05:40 thanks pabs & pokechu22! :) 00:31:41 operanews.com - The publication is ceasing and is to be absorbed into another publication. No idea what will happen to the site. https://apnews.com/article/opera-news-shutdown-metropolitan-opera-guild-11a2f328e49f03f5e93a56a11dca5d9e 01:07:30 FireonLive edited WikiTeam (+319, Add WikiBot): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50481&oldid=50480 01:07:31 FireonLive edited WikiTeam (-1, WikiTeam3): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50482&oldid=50481 01:08:37 oop i got beaten 01:08:47 whoever looks at the moderation queue should drop my edit 01:09:22 i'm sure yours is better :3 01:15:19 nulldata: I started an archivebot job for that 01:17:32 FireonLive edited WikiTeam (+4, we don't need no education....): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50483&oldid=50482 01:19:52 we don't need no thot control... 01:27:40 Thanks! 01:31:34 Pokechu22 edited WikiTeam (+18, looks pretty bad here, but…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50484&oldid=50483 02:26:25 yeah dummy is way better thanks 02:26:36 i shall attempt to remember this exists haha 05:51:42 https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/15/23833707/tweetdeck-xpro-paid-service-x-premium-twitter 05:51:44 TweetDeck is officially becoming a paid service 12:02:43 It wasn't? 14:19:07 archive.today has been down 14:53:00 Was working about 30 minutes ago lol - https://archive.ph/ seems to be working 14:54:36 captcha loop here 14:55:59 @nulldata thanks, going on erros, even on https://www.proxysite.com/pt/ 14:59:07 lol just refreshed .ph again and now getting captcha too 15:01:53 https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/archive.ph?proto=https is not just me 15:55:39 any news anyone? 16:46:29 I mean, someone wrote an article indicating that Internet Archive's wayback was a crusty-musty and the future of web archiving was using a bespoke archiving site run by a shadowy russian 16:47:01 ooh, spill the tea 16:47:14 ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ 🫖 16:47:57 (but jesus lord, lol) 16:48:30 https://gyrovague.com/2023/08/05/archive-today-on-the-trail-of-the-mysterious-guerrilla-archivist-of-the-internet/ 16:48:48 "However, the Wayback Machine is slow, clunky, frequently errors out, and most importantly, it’s very easy for websites to opt out, retroactively erasing all their content forever. In contrast, archive.today has no opt-outs or erase buttons: like it or not, they store everything and it’s not going anywhere, with some limited exceptions for law enforcement, child porn, etc." 16:49:25 Dude, when I go to the DMV, they are slow, clunky, and the lines can be annoying. But I went down to the I-5 overpass and some guy named Jake handed me a license in, like, minutes. 16:50:00 there is now a 'ghostarchive' as well 16:52:36 SketchCow: I guess the guy's idea is “eff the law” or something? 17:06:20 archive.ph works for me but archive.today and archive.is are captcha loops that look like they're the cloudflare captcha but don't actually seem to be it 17:07:31 oh loooord 17:09:20 I'm all for there being more than one internet archivy thing. It's healthy. 17:09:31 Pinning it as a zero sum game or comparing apples to tiny tiny tiny oranges is not. 17:10:02 for sure. it also seems to be someone’s hobby project.. which don’t put all eggs in one basket i’d say 17:10:22 but by all means submit things to multiple 17:11:38 ghostarchive uses JAA’s “favourite” library as well to do the actual page saving I believe 17:27:36 yes IA is slow but that's kind of a given when you're a non-profit storing petabytes 17:28:47 and it's not really that bad - 5 or 6 seconds in the worst cases (at least in my experience) 17:32:58 a big chunk of the article doxxing the guy seems uncalled for, coulda just said it seems to be run by one person 17:33:13 then go into finances or whatever 17:34:18 not to say IA is perfect ultra superstar either i mean is anything or anyone? i’m sure there’s improvements on IA’s side that will happen in time (or could be solicited). same goes for everything i make lol 17:34:59 but yeah i’m not throwing the baby out yhere 17:35:24 Don't throw _any_ babies out there xD 17:38:32 xP 18:26:53 Bwhahah @ dmv analogy there 18:27:03 yeah haha 19:20:06 !ig b11g8l7rk0fbbh766fmnugf9d ^https?://idev\.afdb\.org/fr/ 19:21:36 katocala: this isn't #archivebot 19:21:42 !ig b11g8l7rk0fbbh766fmnugf9d ^https?://idev\.afdb\.org/en/taxonomy/term/.*/(delete|edit|translations|add)$ 19:22:07 of course...its my kind of day 19:25:03 anonfiles has shut down: https://anonfiles.com/ 19:25:54 someone SPN'd the shutdown notice 19:25:59 (https://web.archive.org/web/20230816132531/https://anonfiles.com/) 20:58:08 Pokechu22 edited Yandex (+500): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50485&oldid=48332 22:40:16 Well Nitter is broken again. Thanks Musk. 22:47:01 yeah :/ 22:47:06 had to silence eggdrop 23:06:42 eggdrop used Nitter? 23:19:24 just a simple text substitution for links here and in -ot 23:19:29 for those w/o twitter accounts 23:19:37 (and in hackernews) 23:27:07 Ah right, yes. 23:27:25 which is a helpful feature. :-) 23:28:24 :) 23:52:24 Can someone explain the ipv6 bug in wpull atm 23:52:46 Preferably ELI5