00:40:54 https://hs-pages.perso.orange.fr/ guess I aint doing orange stuff just yet 00:49:28 oop 00:49:55 Flashfire42 edited ISP Hosting (+143): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50486&oldid=49843 00:50:58 ISP web hosting was a mistake?] 00:51:24 oh right shaw used to have webhosting too 00:51:39 No it made sense at the time as an incentive but these days to make a decent website you need more than it is profitable for an ISP to give away for free 00:52:02 hmmm true 02:37:13 PaulWise edited Mailman2 (+0, RedHat lists in danger, jobs in progress): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50487&oldid=50313 02:37:48 pabs: yikes 02:51:08 gdi 03:05:56 JAA: I read that bugzilla.redhat.com is going too 03:06:37 to be replaced by Jira, eww :( 03:07:59 jira? 03:08:02 grossssss 03:08:35 did atlassian sales take redhat execs on an all-you-can-eat hookers and blow party? 03:09:35 pabs: do you have an official post for both dying or is it watercooler 03:22:38 just IRC watercooler 03:23:34 from someone who used to work at RH "They shut down internal IRC, or have all but, and Bugzilla is going away to make room for Jira." 03:23:35 ah ok 03:23:44 geez 03:23:47 sad times 03:23:48 and the lists thing was on another channel 03:23:57 apparently they moved internal IRC to libera though 03:24:01 o_O 03:24:05 interesting 03:24:25 you'd think you'd want ultimate control voer that, unless it's fallback emergency only 03:24:36 and you're pushing slack/ms teams/google chat/whatever 03:27:22 PaulWise edited Bugzilla (+0, RedHat bugzilla in danger, job queued): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50488&oldid=50215 03:27:48 IBM Sametime (?) 03:32:52 i wonder if a grab of the linus tech tips forum would be a good idea 03:33:08 though looking at it its much larger than i was expecting 03:33:28 the power supply subforum has 500k posts alone 03:34:29 i have a partial one but got banned because did a big oops 03:35:15 oops 03:35:18 here were my raw-dog ignores for grab-site: https://bpa.st/YRVQ6SYJYKQ37FVEJ6RDD7OI7I 03:35:38 with comments (my first 'actual' grab-site attempt) 03:36:08 it was more outlink-focused and i was a bit constrained on space on that host 03:36:13 so you'd want to remove the ignore media stuff 03:36:17 and maybe other stuff :) 03:36:25 like the first one where it says don't go off linustechtips.com 03:38:46 lot of naivety in those comments :3 03:38:52 (and the rest) 03:39:08 i've read but not confirmed they have cloudflare up to 11 now 03:56:09 fireonlive - does seem to be the case, I've gotten fairly frequent human checks from Cloudflare yesterday and today when viewing the forums 03:57:02 ah darn 06:14:31 Canadian news ban finally hit me 06:14:36 on Facebook 06:15:26 https://mkx9delh5a.execute-api.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/9f495e1868c346f3/image.png 06:15:30 here's the error 07:15:42 https://community.wvu.edu/~jokatz/Closure/ 09:12:01 https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/08/rockstar-games-acquires-modding-team-that-it-previously-banned/ 10:41:33 pabs: Hmm, this sounds familiar from a few months ago...? I did something at the time, will check what needs to be rerun. 10:42:26 I have a regular AB crawl running now 10:42:56 might be good to run an enumeration for the REST API too though 10:43:26 I didn't find a regular AB crawl in the viewer site 10:43:47 No, it was an !ao < job. 10:44:18 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/docs/en/html/api/ 10:44:18 https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/20230125032633ckl1c and https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/202306242217328dzm9 10:44:35 ah, wonder if I should abort the crawl then? 10:45:15 it will pick up newer stuff though perhaps 10:47:22 I'll run another update job like that second one from June. 10:47:47 Not sure about the direct crawl. Recursing through Bugzilla is a bit of a pain. 11:01:42 JAA: re bugzilla.rh.com, from another channel "not going away as far as i know, but just not used for RHEL any more (all hail jira)" 11:19:00 pabs: Ack, thanks. Let's grab an up-to-date copy of the contents anyway. :-) 15:23:10 arkiver: what's the situation 15:29:27 df -h 15:29:31 er 15:30:33 is it just me or Cloudfare Captcha robot check has gone AWOL on some sites like fanfiction.com? 15:30:34 https://pasteboard.co/iSHjx8zmAyYa.jpg 15:30:41 Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 15:30:41 /dev/mapper/root 226G 197G 17G 93% / 15:30:45 thuban: ^ 15:31:07 :o 15:49:19 :3 16:10:36 Exorcism uploaded File:Bluesky-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ABluesky-screenshot.png 16:11:36 Exorcism uploaded File:Bluesky-logo.gif: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ABluesky-logo.gif 16:12:36 Exorcism created Bluesky (+373, Created page with "{{Infobox project | title =…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Bluesky 16:12:51 👀 16:26:03 are posts on bluesky publicly viewable now? 16:26:08 Exorcism: ^ 16:26:24 or is it still all closed 16:28:59 it's still closed 16:29:55 arkiver: ^ 16:30:18 pff :/ 16:31:49 i could have sworn someone linked to a post on bs via the web but i can’t find it now 16:32:16 but I was able to access it thanks to certain people, so if I have code I'll let you know 👀 16:34:21 Oh, and I'd like to know if it's possible to add youtube clones to the wiki ? 16:36:55 ah ok you need a login https://staging.bsky.app/profile/tomwarren.social 16:37:10 bluesky is so decentralized that you need an invite code to join the only instance that exists :( 16:37:46 i don’t immediately see any deep links to posts on twitter search 16:40:30 I'm pretty sure I also saw a website displaying Bluesky posts, but it may have been third-party. 16:45:27 ahh perhaps 16:45:37 it doesn’t help that bluesky itself seems to have at least 3 domains lol 16:45:59 blueskyweb.xyz bsky.social bsky.app 16:48:09 yep lmao 😭 17:16:27 Speaking of JIRA: Atlasian is ending support for Jira Server on Feb 15, 2024, leaving only the cloud version and the comically expensive datacenter version available: https://www.atlassian.com/migration/assess/journey-to-cloud 17:42:28 Good thing Atlassian Cloud is always stable and has never had multi-week outages! 19:54:27 bleh 19:58:41 hurray... 20:04:02 Support for purchasing Xbox 360 content will end July 2024. Though BC games will continue to be available. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2023/08/17/xbox-360-store-will-close-july-2024/ 20:25:14 I'm running skyblog and gfycat locally and on my VPS... all stuck on targets :( 20:25:35 it shouldn't take much of a buffer to be able to finish skyblog I think? 20:26:29 nicolas17: last I heard temp storage for skyblog was being sorted out, 1-2 day eta 20:26:55 "At least for this project, I should be able to get stuff sorted today/tomorrow" 20:27:01 0-1 day* 20:28:23 my last estimate was ~300GB left but the queue is *still* growing, so idk 21:45:07 nicolas17, imer: Yeah, I'm waiting for at-rsync3 to finish some inventory computation and then I'll enable it as a skyblog target. Should get me 30-50TB of space. 21:45:24 oh cool 21:45:33 good stuff :) 21:48:06 It won't be super fast 21:48:11 Talking maybe a gigabit if that 21:48:16 But at least it'll be consistent 21:49:19 The other projects have slightly less pressing deadlines, and as such should give me a few days to get a better setup fixed up that'll let us take multiple gigabits to make up for that 22:23:01 :)