00:41:44 SUSE to go from a public company to a private one: https://opensourcewatch.beehiiv.com/p/suse-go-private 01:07:53 R.I.P.? 01:27:35 Remains to be seen. Public companies lately are pushed to squeeze out infinity growing profits, long-term effects be damned. Going private could give them breathing room to focus on actually creating value. All depends on the capital firm and their goals. Some have a standard MO of buying companies and selling piecemeal. 01:34:48 indeed 01:35:06 whenever some company i like announces they're going public or IPOing i always clench my butthole and wonder how they're going to ruin it lol 01:47:25 I remember when suse was getting sold every other year because companies kept ending up with it and didn't remember how, they just came with some huge IP purchase 01:47:38 last I checked it was vmware? 03:04:11 found this about twitter auth: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/issues/983#issuecomment-1683134811 03:05:10 there might be hope... 05:15:15 deeplink example for bluesky, authgated sadly: https://bsky.app/profile/archive.org/post/3k564fpkchh2x 09:39:59 hi folks o/ sorry for spamming #archiveteam :$ 10:19:40 Found the Bluesky thing I was thinking of, it's third-party: https://skeeet.xyz/?url=https://bsky.app/profile/archive.org/post/3k564fpkchh2x 10:31:44 ooooo interesting, after that it only works for a specific post and not a profile, but its still interesting c: 10:50:05 Exorcism edited Site exploration (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50492&oldid=50344 13:50:44 Entartet edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine/Partial exclusions (+125, Sorted the list alphabetically. Added…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50493&oldid=50124 14:52:55 Exorcism edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+19): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50494&oldid=50451 15:00:56 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50495&oldid=50494 15:14:47 Twitter is a VERY strong exception to "taking it private makes things better" 15:15:07 The exception proves the rule. 16:16:12 Exorcism uploaded File:Kamtape-logo.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AKamtape-logo.png 16:16:13 Exorcism uploaded File:Kamtape-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AKamtape-screenshot.png 16:18:12 Exorcism created KamTape (+329, Created page with "{{Infobox project | logo =…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=KamTape 17:00:02 Twitter is removing the ability to block. https://mstdn.party/@gwensnyder/110911387709956828 17:10:57 Harassers around the world rejoice… 17:21:54 i got so lost in the rabbit hole that i came back here to post what nulldata posted 17:22:10 after opening nulldata’s link lol 18:12:32 Exorcism uploaded File:Tracle-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ATracle-screenshot.png 18:14:33 Exorcism uploaded File:Tracle-logo.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ATracle-logo.png 18:16:33 Exorcism created Tracle (+320, Created page with "{{Infobox project | logo =…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Tracle 18:32:46 TheTechRobo fireonlive : on the topic of warcs with private cookies or personal data in the replies from the other day on #archiveteam, do we have guidelines on how to deal with them? I'm guessing altering the warc files to remove or replace them is a no-no 18:33:34 JAA is the warc-master; but from what I understand altering the WARCs is an absolute no 18:33:48 it also messes with things like hashes etc in the warcs themselves 18:36:30 Correct 18:37:56 for stuff where personal info might be in it, e.g. facebook, i'd try to get a throwaway facebook account, then reset your session afterwards (go through their invalidate any existing sessions/cookies) 18:48:09 ok thanks, yeah in my case it was a few warcs of articles behind paywalls and not wanting to get my accounts banned (probably fine just to hold onto the warcs for a year or two for those), but was also curious how it's done in general 18:52:35 :) 18:52:45 Generally, we archive publicly available content. Things using accounts are virtually always excluded from the WBM, although they can be uploaded to IA so a motivated person could load the WARCs with something like pywb. 18:54:34 If it's sensitive like your example (not a throwaway etc.), yeah, keep it private or only share it with trusted people. It's also possible to upload it to IA and lock down access there, which would preserve the data without your actively keeping it safe while preventing access by random people. 19:13:19 oh so are you saying to always keep them off the general web collections, or would it be fine to add them to WBM if the website dies? 19:15:32 Their general policy is to not accept such WARCs into the WBM. There may be exceptions (I know of at least one in a past AT project). 19:20:39 is there a way for "normal" people to view non wbm warcs on archive.org? 19:20:51 doesnt look like it from checking an item 19:22:21 You have to download the WARC and then throw it into an appropriate software. The webrecorder people have something online where you can load a WARC, I believe? That would at least avoid having to install something etc. (And the webrecorder stuff is 'fine' if it's just about casual read access.) 19:27:16 yeah, replayweb.page 19:27:59 JAA: what would you do if I started writing warcs with warcio? :P 20:06:16 TheTechRobo: you'd be yeeted into the sun 20:07:20 Accurate :-) 20:08:37 https://i.imgur.com/lOqIMur.png 20:08:43 how many levels of english is this 20:09:54 speaking of.. i was trying mikolaj|m's forum-dl with my tom's hardware dump and then JAA's tools on it to extract outlinks but I guess it uses the webrecorder family or something because it was very unhappy :( 20:10:10 (i had it write warcs) 20:10:15 well, /a/ warc 20:10:47 DogsRNice: the british are taking over! 21:27:08 FireonLive edited Current Projects (+0, It's "Xuite"): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50502&oldid=50475 21:27:49 ? 21:28:22 https://mkx9delh5a.execute-api.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/a95e2f9ab3945b0c/image.png 21:28:24 i wasn't done but ok 21:30:08 FireonLive edited Current Projects (+0, Undo revision 50502; weird semi-done…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50503&oldid=50502 21:30:20 idk what happened there lol 23:10:38 hello, are there any plans on archiving bandcamp? 23:26:40 https://twitter.com/JimBrowning11/status/1692619914626871399 23:26:40 nitter: https://nitter.net/JimBrowning11/status/1692619914626871399 23:26:47 throwing in DTT, but interesting.