00:01:02 I can do site:insert.site.here tricks 00:03:15 Well yeah, I mean complete discovery. 00:03:28 /shrug 00:06:37 Gooshka: that is not related to t.me right? but a separate things 00:06:42 why do you think it will be shut down? 00:07:42 t.me is telegram's URL shortener, tamtam seems to be an entirely different service 00:13:34 we can see if we can do something 00:13:48 i still need to get the VK project up too, but that will likely start after the IA problems are fully fixed 00:14:01 will have a deeper look at this 00:14:59 Well I cant help with VK I am banned from them via IP from what I can tell 00:18:00 ouch 00:18:47 https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/eea540087865dd2d/image.png either that or its blocked by my ISP? 00:21:12 VK is DNS-blocked in Australia. 00:22:05 the more you know 00:22:30 It'd probably work fine if you used a decent DNS server rathern than your ISP's. 00:22:42 rather* 00:22:53 lol fair enough 00:25:59 https://mkx9delh5a.execute-api.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/520977d0b3820a5f/image.png 00:27:13 PaulWise edited Deathwatch (+120, QNAPedia shutting down in W4 2023, AB in…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50553&oldid=50547 00:28:30, you mean. 00:28:49 (Or .9 if you like 'malware filtering', I guess.) 00:32:50 ugh malware filtering 00:32:56 but ye :) 03:30:14 "[Action Advised] Review the actions you need to take before the Firebase Dynamic Links service is shutdown" "We’re writing to let you know that we will shutdown the Firebase Dynamic Links service on August 25, 2025." 03:30:30 will repeat in urlteam too; but they're finally sending out emails to their customers now. 03:36:32 full email: https://bpa.st/5XKHQU64QBNVKJDTCP5ZP24KME 07:04:48 So, google will kill firebase dynamic link service on august 25, 2025. 07:08:04 does AT have a way of saving Vimeo videos to the IA WBM? 07:09:16 or users for that matter, the founder of this died: https://vimeo.com/parkyproductions 07:11:42 Tubeup? 07:14:03 that wouldn't do WBM though? 07:24:39 arkiver: wowturkey also has a bad habit of censoring some external links as ads, using the string "reklam_link" 11:21:12 Not sure if this was something that should be in the main channel. 11:21:14 https://www.science.org/content/article/long-running-promed-email-service-alerting-world-disease-outbreaks-trouble 11:21:43 That's a site worth considering for "backup" in wayback before it goes paywall ? 11:30:56 I can't list on the wiki, as I'm banned their due to previous incompetence 12:06:26 PaulWise edited AdelaideUniversityMerger (+7500, add unisa.edu.au domains, merger getting closer…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50554&oldid=50303 14:20:50 wowturkey archiving still ongoing for more than a day, 2M+ items 14:26:53 Hi, i'm trying to run the docker for gfycat but getting the folowing error: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seesaw/task.py", line 88, in enqueue self.process(item) File "", line 87, in process Failed CheckIP for Item socket.gaierror: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution 14:27:35 i've tried deleting it, running again, still getting the same error 14:29:40 Hi gponUser, looks like either the docker container doesnt have internet access or the dns is borked, can you try running a "regular" container with any extra arguments to check what's going on? 14:30:09 "docker run -it debian:stable bash" for example to see if you can access "the internet" in there (apt update or something) 14:30:40 ^ thats missing an "--rm" I think so it removes the container once you close it, my bad 14:32:24 dns might be an issue if you have "weird" dns config on the host that's running the docker container, might need to specify dns via "--dns" in the run command then (had that happen in the past myself) 14:44:22 thanks imer, the container indeed didn't have network acess 14:44:35 I started it again passing --dns as argument and it's working 15:10:29 Re main channel, localhost not working for the warrior VM makes no sense to me. If you have an IPv6-only system, welp, but they clearly don't since works. If you don't have an IPv6-only system, localhost should resolve to either both and ::1 or only the former. If it's both, the browser should try Happy Eyeballs and succeed on IPv4. If it's only the IPv4, the point is moot. So 15:10:35 yeah, sounds like a broken host. 15:11:05 (Is a truly pure IPv6-only host even possible? I'd expect *lots* of shit to break there.) 15:24:08 gponUser: Please use, not, since that's what we use for the actual archival as well. 15:36:42 at least w the project docker images , ipv6 only doesn't work, the check ip stuff fails 16:00:12 JAA thanks for the tip, I'm changing it now 17:17:06 Update on Mannie's message from #archiveteam earlier: they also emailed us, and 'localhost' is working fine for them now, as it should. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 17:45:22 hm, i want to add cnblogs.com to fire drill, but i feel like that page needs a bit of cleanup. for one thing, what's the difference between 'endangered' and 'alarm'? 18:02:40 also, there's some overlap with the 'reprieves and reanimations' section of deathwatch 18:27:39 how would people feel about a reorganization into the following categories: 18:29:21 1) troubled (sites which have lost data/been unstable/announced the possibility of a shutdown, but without a clear timeline, eg the pirate bay) 18:29:50 2) abandoned (sites with missing operators which might disappear unexpectedly, eg bash.org) 18:30:22 3) troubled past (as 1 but with a clear recovery, eg ymntd) 18:31:25 4) declining (sites with financial or organizational issues for which we would still expect any shutdown to be controlled, eg tumblr) 18:31:59 5) healthy (important enough to archive but without apparent issues, eg wikipedia) 18:32:02 ? 18:35:14 moving reprieves from deathwatch to fire drill when they occur will be slightly less convenient than moving them to a different section of deathwatch, but imo they'll be significantly more useful in the latter context 18:43:02 (for reference: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Deathwatch ) 18:43:17 oosp 18:43:43 for real, reference: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Fire_Drill 18:47:16 proposal sounds good to me; incl. moving reprives to Fire Drill so they're more in 'active view' 18:48:57 the one thing i love is clear definitions 19:18:53 Jurta edited Twitter (+6, fix ref tag): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50555&oldid=50528 19:24:35 Was it just me or did hackint's IRC Services die earlier? I was unable to authenticate to them multiple times. 19:24:40 Came back not too long ago though 19:25:44 rewby: they did, or their upstream IRCd did, yeah 19:25:45 Yep, they died for a bit 19:26:12 not visible from ing,chaostel,nuke,guybrush 19:26:22 Borked my irc client's autorejoin stuff 19:27:45 There was a netsplit earlier 20:09:27 hi all, I have not received any messages in the past ~17 hours or so, so please ping again or post again if you think i should know about something 20:15:23 how horrible, i thought you were here with 4 nines of availability! 20:16:19 arkiver: wowturkey archive turned out to be larger than i expected 20:16:20 :P 20:17:42 it has about 9.340.000 messages actually 20:20:00 erkinalp: yeah seems like it, it's nicely sequential 20:36:10 we'll need to do another round of archival, preferrably incremental, starting from 24 hours before this one's start 20:41:27 is there any further news on how much longer the IA ingest capacity workaround that was put in place, will last? 20:43:00 hopefully a few more days 20:43:14 i hope we can finish #deadcat before it goes down again 20:43:42 likewise 20:43:43 another week or so before a partial more permanent solution is in place, and after that some other 2 weeks and then it'll be all good again 21:00:15 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (+7): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50556&oldid=50552