00:26:27 https://mkx9delh5a.execute-api.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/7f25bd7e81a489fd/image.png wouldn't colours in our bots be nice? 👉👈 00:27:25 if we allow colors we risk you posting rainbows everywhere 00:32:40 * vokunal|m uploaded an image: (218KiB) < https://matrix.hackint.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/HHftEsXQvwMOSCOUzXpZvFoy/image.png > 00:41:38 nicolas17: :D true 00:41:43 vokunal|m: :3:3 02:19:43 today's quote of the day: [2023-09-01T01:40:00.153Z] flashfire42: Discovered up to post 121710869859683023218247804479373676196261015682379659744652619190137769397847752558953699299788695097 for channel OSM_cultural%2F22. (for 'https://t.me/OSM_cultural%2F22') [2023-09-01T01:41:00.281Z] flashfire42: Discovered up to post 02:19:43 2457447896165691779325126662625405098483245231062409415189794895295050308017626730392770237465618454793826205899803652416435766686153092434633236795730614476874043 02:19:43 760228017438279441478596637930273892836921 for channel OSM_cultural%2F22. (for 'https://t.me/OSM_cultural%2F22') 02:20:04 then to 8236888807499400545948953394284497365745891126537506311675949564552075374867158779078711886553708831197827992027080550811898473840220059004146068313688448722838852 02:20:04 6852327113300832649955225881285276181892207577185236346068973542945113634271913539063270836233371182598356342583499003166026121819795636716414521 02:20:05 lmao 02:20:15 your message here even got split into more than one 02:20:19 add it to the wiki? :P 02:20:41 xD 02:27:29 FireonLive created Archiveteam:IRC/Quotes (+2305, hello world): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Archiveteam%3AIRC/Quotes 02:27:35 cc arkiver ^ 02:28:57 (also flashfire42) 02:31:03 wasn't there a page already? 02:31:15 there was one for drunken archiving 02:31:23 but not one for just random quotes 02:31:32 there used to be an archiveteam quote DB website but.... 02:31:40 (it died, we have no backups) 02:32:07 but not one for just random quotes < that i could find 02:32:40 ..... 02:32:42 the fucking irony 02:32:51 for those unaware: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Drunken_Archiving 02:32:56 nicolas17: i know right? lol 07:54:59 https://twitter.com/azurdiary/status/1697381007358591381 <-- oh right this died 07:54:59 nitter: https://nitter.net/azurdiary/status/1697381007358591381 08:37:40 Regarding the earlier warc talk: i zipped a warc file once, too for the same reason. Site trolled me with pagination ahenanigans and then some urls in the middle failed which caused the url to be on wrong page 15:36:17 just a remainder that gfycat is closing today, so try to archive anything that's left to retry to download. 15:37:46 also, that post about telegram bot going "doctor who" on posts and users going bonkers got me laughing. 15:41:07 😁 15:42:12 gfycat is either done or near done i believe but i haven’t checked too recently. very much well underway though 17:41:37 Just a reminder that VickoSaviour likes commenting on things they don't pay attention to. 18:00:30 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (-3): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50643&oldid=50634 18:13:29 ah yes, too early in the morning for me i guess lol 19:25:45 Skreutzer edited We-TeVe (+144, Site end announcement.): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50644&oldid=44862 19:26:46 Skreutzer created Veoh (+159, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Veoh 19:26:47 Skreutzer created BitChute (+171, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=BitChute 19:26:48 Skreutzer created DTube (+158, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=DTube 19:26:49 Skreutzer created Rumble (+163, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Rumble 19:26:50 Skreutzer edited Vlare.tv (+217, Site end.): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50649&oldid=38470 19:26:51 Skreutzer created BitView (+169, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=BitView 19:26:52 Skreutzer created GORF Tube (+164, Created page with "'''''{{URL|2=GORF…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=GORF%20Tube 19:29:47 JustAnotherArchivist edited We-TeVe (+174, Clarify shutdown): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50652&oldid=50644 19:37:48 Skreutzer edited Odysee (+100): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50653&oldid=47452 19:37:49 Skreutzer created RoxyTube (+171, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=RoxyTube 19:37:50 Skreutzer edited TikTok (+62, Users can for some time now watch and upload…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50655&oldid=50567 19:46:15 i wonder what teamarchive1 was called 19:50:01 It still exists, but I also wonder whether it had a name. 19:50:07 Or has, I guess. 19:51:06 ah! ye :) if it has a name of sorts 20:18:42 Guess we're documenting all existing video hosting platforms on the wiki now. 20:18:45 (I love it!) 20:19:57 Skreutzer created UGETube (+299, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=UGETube 20:19:58 Skreutzer created Breach TV (+169, Created page with "'''''{{URL|2=Breach…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Breach%20TV 20:19:59 Skreutzer created Brighteon (+173, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Brighteon 20:20:00 Skreutzer created JoshWho TV (+174, Created page with "'''''{{URL|2=JoshWho…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=JoshWho%20TV 20:20:01 Skreutzer created Corder (+162, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Corder 20:20:02 Skreutzer created Fruitlab (+167, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Fruitlab 20:20:03 Skreutzer created OurTube (+167, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=OurTube 20:20:04 Skreutzer edited Vanillo (+130, Info about the re-launch as a new project by a…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50663&oldid=50438 20:20:05 Skreutzer created Gvid (+158, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Gvid 20:20:06 Skreutzer edited Category:Video hosting (+462, Not sure if there's something…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50665&oldid=38461 20:20:07 Skreutzer edited Vidme (+1): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50666&oldid=47536 20:20:08 Skreutzer created TeacherTube (+217, Created page with…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=TeacherTube 20:20:57 FireonLive edited Gfycat (-5, saved! 🎉): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50668&oldid=50474 20:26:58 FireonLive edited Current Projects (+30, Gfycat is done): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50670&oldid=50633 20:55:07 Every time I see the wiki updated with Offline, and Saved 20:55:08 * vokunal|m uploaded an image: (97KiB) < https://matrix.hackint.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/zBQSNnSDuOpakYsbmcXHRcRo/image.png > 20:59:14 :D 21:00:04 JAABot edited CurrentWarriorProject (+3): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50671&oldid=50643 21:03:46 hmm, i wonder why JAABot's edits to CurrentWarriorProject have a bunch of "Manual Revert, Reverted" https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=CurrentWarriorProject&action=history 21:03:55 perhaps just because it's a project we had as the default before? 21:04:35 Yeah, "manual revert" and "reverted" mean the page text has been changed to match a previous revision 21:04:40 ah ok 21:04:46 :) 21:04:56 mediawiki's a bit of an enigma for me haha 21:04:57 they're separate from using the rollback or undo features 21:05:05 ah ok 21:05:37 I wonder if the dreaded "Projects" page could pull from our infoboxes in the future 21:05:40 hm 21:05:46 vokunal|m: Me: https://c.tenor.com/A080TLInvCwAAAAC/tenor.gif 21:05:51 They're listed at https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Special:Tags but the info there is a bit cryptic too. Not particularly useful information for a page like that but it can be helpful on actual content pages 21:06:33 ah! thanks 21:12:06 FireonLive created Template:Datetime (+89, a quick stab at making the datetime template as…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Template%3ADatetime 21:12:15 cc JAA ^ :p pls do make a change 21:12:23 if needed 21:13:22 i left out timezones like CEST/CEDT because people confusing 21:16:00 (also pokechu22 if any feedback; would like to standardize on it) 21:16:06 (and the rest of you) 21:17:01 vokunal|m: Alternatively me: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/032/675/oliver.jpg 21:19:22 fireonlive: Re timezones, websites regularly announce things in their zones, and I feel it's best to keep those values exactly (with the necessary corrections for people who can't manage to use the right TZ). Will take a look at the template later. 21:19:32 y’all ready to save facebook when it collapses? :p 21:19:53 ah makes sense 21:20:01 and tks! 21:20:20 Is there a bot I can throw facebook pages into? if so fuck yeah I am ready 21:21:04 The two Great Fires have alligned. All things are now possible 21:21:55 at the moment no haha 21:22:43 i vote we save the instagram thots first if meta collapses tho 21:22:49 👀 21:22:52 It'd be amazing to have a telegram like project for facebook, but there's like several million issues to work out first, and only half of them involve facebook 21:22:57 👀 21:23:29 facebook has like 300 resources that 404 or 400 for every page retrieved its not a well designed system 21:23:45 also fireonlive burly bears are not considered thots by majority of people FWIW 21:26:57 is it in our capacity to archive something that's only viewable with an account like that? 21:27:29 Profiles would be out for facebook but pages should be fine. Instagram is likely out without an account 21:28:59 flashfire42: ahh, darn. 21:35:10 FireonLive edited Template:Datetime (+327, add timezone, help text): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50673&oldid=50672 21:36:01 https://lounge.kuhaon.fun/folder/07f1a3113b5e6dd6/7xqsp3.jpg 21:36:11 FireonLive edited Template:Datetime (+51): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50674&oldid=50673 21:43:51 It seems everything except #down-the-tube is basically crawling, if not paused 21:48:34 vokunal|m I just queued every telegram link from the archiveteam wiki. I am now headed to work but hopefully that should be a bit more work for it 21:52:55 Cool. Ty 21:58:12 #urlteam is also chucking along nicely 22:00:15 FireonLive edited Template:Datetime (+222, Allow template user to only specify a date): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50675&oldid=50674 22:06:16 FireonLive edited Template:Datetime (+10, bring back the space? is there a better way…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50676&oldid=50675 22:06:28 who dreamed up mediawiki syntax i wonder