00:53:39 -+rss- Wikimedia DNS: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_DNS https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37412915 < on a scale of rat poison to holy water how much to we like wikimedia over quad9 :p 00:56:44 It sounds like they only support DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) and DNS-over-TLS (DoT) and not traditional DNS, not sure if that's an issue for AT or not 00:57:57 Yeah, we can't use either yet in DPoS. 00:58:54 ah ok 00:59:03 oh right 01:18:24 * pabs would use a local resolver rather than either of those, unless you want privacy 01:18:51 people's locally-available resolvers tend to be... 01:19:02 ...... 💩 01:19:13 to put it politely lol 01:20:12 pabs means running a recursive resolver locally, not using the ISP-provided 💩. 01:20:55 ah! 01:20:58 i could see this 01:23:08 yeah, run one on your laptop. I do this, works fine except unbound is probably not the best choice as it seems to cache temporary errors 01:23:40 I do so as well with kresd. Apart from the occasional horrible authoritative NS, it works fine. 01:39:58 * pabs ponders switching 02:45:45 are there any tools to automate subdomain and URL discovery? 02:46:57 https://github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder 02:55:57 http://eushells.com/ - "After almost 15 years in business, we have decided to close down EuShells.com. The reason behind the decision is that providing mainly IRC services is no longer a business with a huge market potential, and the expenses and downsides of running the business trumps the benefits. That as well as the lack of time maintaining 02:55:57 servers and services and maintaining a customer base. Furthermore, problems with PayPal deciding to close our business account after 14 years due to the extreme risks involved (really? few euros/month are our primary transfers) and after fighting with them for months without even getting anywhere, we have decided to give up." 02:56:02 this one's quite complicated 02:57:46 isn't that news from 2018-01-05? 02:58:22 indeed 02:58:44 though; some of it seems to be working still; coming from #archivebot and pabs' discovery 02:59:54 of note; the CN of the www.eushells.com has a valid Let's Encrypt certificate for rijah.dk, www.rijah.dk, diablo.rijah.dk, pics.rijah.dk, velvet.rijah.dk 03:00:11 plain https://eushells.com has a long-since expired cert for the same 03:00:34 well, *.eushells.com, eushells.com 03:00:41 they had some fun vhosts 03:01:02 yeah, irc vhosts on shell companies did not age well 03:01:36 example working site on eushells still: (h/t pabs) http://minimalsen.dk.web1.eushells.com/ 03:03:12 project10: Xzibition (https://www.xzibition.com/shells.php) is another long-standing 'unix shell' company that's "IRC friendly" and well... same for them (click on a server in the server list such as: https://www.xzibition.com/grid9) 03:03:31 they even have a disclaimer now where they certainly did not 'back then' "These do not reflect the views of Xzibition or its staff." 03:04:27 yeah, I'm old, heavy irc user back in the day, brings back good memories ;0) 03:04:40 :) 03:04:56 i used to use them or a similar provider back when 03:05:31 here's my non-api-key-run of eushells.com: https://bpa.st/TJELQ 03:05:46 also enjoy still seeing eggdrop around, nice it's maintained after all this time 03:05:55 :) 03:06:22 ,, putact #archiveteam-bs "waves" 03:06:22 ok: (no output) -1ms- 03:06:23 * eggdrop waves 03:06:28 :D 03:06:30 :D 03:06:43 it even is getting new IRCv3 features/support 03:06:50 i was quite surprised to see that 03:08:41 ah man, I can't look at any wikipedia pages that are IRC-relevant, super timesink for me if I do. Just found the page for BitchX ... 03:08:49 :3 03:09:05 nostalgia-hole 03:10:48 who decides on the project channel names here? 03:11:48 everyone pitches ideas then an op selects one 03:12:02 for 'official projects' 03:12:16 but i don't imagine eushells would be one for example 03:13:25 of course it's a free countrynetwork so anyone can make a channel for anything within the confines of the networks' rules :3 03:13:39 e.g. #memes 03:14:26 ah yeah, fair enough. Just wondering who injects the humor into the official project names, I guess it's the collective 03:14:53 ye 09:36:41 this maybe a very weird question, but has anyone looked into archiving public "deepnet" chats such as discord servers? 09:37:24 possibly preserving them in a format where a reader could read these chats and scroll through them, exactly as they were when they were archived? (not the entire discord client, just the chats) 09:37:50 or is there a project that aims to preserve these "non-web chats" in a variety of forms? 09:38:18 i saw #archivebot using a telegram grabber, but im curious if there's something of a wider project that aims to preserve public discourse in those chats 09:43:30 ShadowJonathan: see #discard (and/or https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Discord) 09:48:22 thanks 12:00:34 there's definitely been talk about it but discord makes it very hard to get to data outside of their walled ecosystem. you can't get to anything without being logged in and it's against their terms of service to automate things using a normal user account 12:01:05 so the only officially supported way would be w/ a bot account but that will only work on servers that you have admin to 12:02:29 Does ArchiveTeam do anything that ISN'T against a terms of service somewhere? 12:14:29 Cant break terms you never agree to ;) 12:15:09 (This is not legal advise and probably wrong) 12:16:38 “Your honour, I never agreed to follow Canadian laws because I was born here” :P 12:17:05 It is kind of stupid when you think about it 12:17:10 I guess it's just an edge case :p 12:18:31 Well, laws are a step above terms of service for a random website/app :p 12:33:37 "Your honour, I identify as a president, therefore laws do not apply to me" 12:56:55 Jesus that netsplit was so bad that it broke my irc client's automatic backlog fetching 12:58:16 Also, lol @ icedice 17:29:33 What are you guys up to lately? 18:02:27 ia links are still not up to the tasks, so everything slowed down to prevent upload backlogs 19:32:25 JustAnotherArchivist edited Template:Infobox project (+45, Data row FAQ link: replace tiny, easily…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50721&oldid=50384 19:36:26 FireonLive edited Reddit (+25, linkify Quad9): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50722&oldid=50605 20:01:57 JAA: I think the "[how to use]" might look slightly better with the [] being a part of the link 21:58:12 Any other opinions? I don't have a strong preference either way. 22:01:02 i don't think it should be a superscript 22:05:42 Could maybe use () instead of [], but I'm not sure which looks better. Maybe also try adding a question mark after "use"? 22:12:07 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Citation_needed doesn't link the brackets 22:14:12 i like how https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed shows the comic i was immediately thinking of 22:16:44 Yeah, I guess the citation needed template is what I had in my head when I made that change above. 22:17:08 i was sorta thinking osmething like that 22:30:53 I was first thinking more of something like the stuff in parentheses next to "Archiving status" in the infobox of https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Reddit , but the [citation needed]-style text does make more sense after thinking about it. Definitely would look better with an added "?" though. 22:32:16 (The way it currently looks is fine except for the lack of a question mark) 22:33:12 kiska: grafana is down 22:57:24 Oh heck. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/atari-acquires-atariage 22:59:46 Already in AB 23:59:37 does ArchiveBot extract links from 404/etc pages? 23:59:47 No