00:00:12 aw, for eg some wikis link real things from theirs https://wiki.gnome.org/DoYouKnow 02:40:37 Am I better off running telegram or imgur? 02:45:20 nicolas17 would be very happy with you running imgur im sure 02:45:29 idc 02:46:07 :o snubbed 04:46:42 nicolas17: Its not on my end :D 14:23:39 I'm trying to grab a copy of FuzzyMemories.TV with grab-site. It's still slow but a bit better than a few days ago. 14:49:10 JAA: Thank you ^ 16:41:35 https://x.com/scumbelievable/status/1700023183481401558?s=12 16:41:36 nitter: https://nitter.net/scumbelievable/status/1700023183481401558 16:41:53 DeviantArt reportedly to be removing adult content 16:42:35 (attempting to find a source) 16:46:01 https://www.deviantartsupport.com/en/article/what-is-deviantarts-policy-around-sexual-themes twitter search seems to be saying it’s new, but i have to dip for a little bit 17:12:38 https://stackdiary.com/x-updates-its-terms-to-prohibit-crawling-scraping-of-its-data/ 17:22:41 seems like this may be a nothing burger thankfully 17:23:44 but all the buzz on twitter so idk fully; maybe someone more... deviated knows better :) 17:43:46 https://mkx9delh5a.execute-api.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/f3b8b2103d6dbbee/image.png < then there's no erections unless it's behind a paid subscription? 17:43:51 i'm very confused 17:45:55 anyone here a DA stan than can clarify if things are new/dire? 17:46:11 twitter blowing up seems to say *something* changed 17:46:19 but it could just be twitter being twitter 18:21:50 fireonlive: Re DeviantArt, already mentioned in #devianttart, and it's an old policy that's existed since at least 1.5 years. 18:36:47 JAA: thanks! 18:37:10 JAA: i'll have to get a channel list from you at one point :P 19:24:58 JustAnotherArchivist edited Template:Infobox project (+222, Add categories to projects with dedicated IRC…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50723&oldid=50721 19:26:10 I even almost got the syntax right on the first try. Amazing. 19:26:41 fireonlive: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Category:Project_with_active_dedicated_IRC_channels although some of those are actually no longer active. Welp. 19:27:22 Oh, all the wiki farms show up, right. 19:27:23 :D awesome thankies 19:27:38 ah yeah, they point to wikiteam 19:28:36 Hmm, not sure what's going wrong on https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Stand_News 19:29:16 Oh, I guess {{{irc|archiveteam-bs}}} expands to the space there. Ugh, MediaWiki. 19:30:59 JustAnotherArchivist edited Vocaroo (-151, Clean up infobox, add references tag): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50724&oldid=49311 19:31:00 JustAnotherArchivist edited Stand News (-115, Clean up infobox, add references section): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50725&oldid=48073 19:32:04 I guess the category page is still getting filled as caches expire. :-) 19:38:00 JustAnotherArchivist edited Template:Infobox project (+3, Fix IRC channel category names): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50726&oldid=50723 19:39:00 JustAnotherArchivist edited Google+ (+45, Fix IRC channel): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50727&oldid=47906 19:40:00 JustAnotherArchivist edited LINE (-35, Clean up infobox): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50728&oldid=49834 19:42:32 :D 19:43:00 JustAnotherArchivist edited VDex Project (-213, Clean up infobox): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50729&oldid=50305 19:44:00 JustAnotherArchivist edited WattPad (-67, Clean up infobox): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50730&oldid=49011 19:45:01 JustAnotherArchivist created Category:Project with active dedicated IRC channels (+67, Redirected page to [[Category:Project with an…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Category%3AProject%20with%20active%20dedicated%20IRC%20channels 19:45:17 Huh, it doesn't redirect. 19:45:31 Maybe the target site must exist. 19:47:01 JustAnotherArchivist created Category:Project with an active dedicated IRC channel (+147, Created page with "This page lists all projects…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Category%3AProject%20with%20an%20active%20dedicated%20IRC%20channel 19:48:01 JustAnotherArchivist edited Category:Project with an active dedicated IRC channel (+1): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50733&oldid=50732 19:48:02 JustAnotherArchivist created Category:Project with a decommissioned dedicated IRC channel (+144, Created page with "This page lists all projects…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Category%3AProject%20with%20a%20decommissioned%20dedicated%20IRC%20channel 19:51:02 JustAnotherArchivist edited Template:Infobox project (+13, Fix treatment of 'empty' (whitespace-only)…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50735&oldid=50726 19:53:54 Maybe all the wikifarm pages shouldn't show up there, but oh well. Good enough, I think. 19:56:23 ye i think tha'ts great for now 19:56:27 thanks JAA :) 20:16:52 Is the current warrior project using 100% CPU for anyone else 20:18:35 mgrandi: --> #telegrab ... but yeah project can have cpu issues on posts w lots of comments, known issue atm 20:19:11 Alright sounds good 20:19:44 Was wondering why the fan on my Mac mini Linux server was going nuts 20:48:12 Yts98 edited LINE (+531, Update references, datetimeify): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50736&oldid=50728 22:15:59 https://github.com/junhoyeo/threads-api/releases/tag/the-end 22:18:19 IDK if the GitHub project is still active since this has been C&D'd 22:52:52 Handled in #gitgud 23:08:05 The FuzzyMemories.TV grab isn't going too terribly. <5% error rate so far. 23:08:47 There are quite a few 404s on video files and other URLs, which is a bit concerning. 23:09:16 i should cancel my secret grab-site then :3 23:09:28 but concerning indeed 23:12:45 Ah, I wasn't aware of anyone running anything. 23:14:00 i was pretty sure i’d fuck it up so i didn’t say anything 😅 23:15:46 Eh, grab-site is reasonably foolproof. 23:22:29 =]