00:48:59 https://teddydd.me/2023/backup-your-bandcamp-music/ 00:49:22 woops, already posted 01:21:45 if I have a list of URLs to a single site that I want to run in AB via !a commands, can h2ibot run those and ensure that there is always only one job to that site running? 01:22:08 or do I need to hack around in my IRC client's scripting for that? 01:25:41 pabs: i think you're looking for queueh2ibot, but i don't know how to operate it. JAA? 01:27:12 this is my list: https://transfer.archivete.am/14SVNt/blogs.fsfe.org-search-engine-discovered-individual-blogs.txt 01:27:35 I think the main AB job for the domain isn't going to find these, so I went search engine spelunking 01:28:10 (although, hmm, i think it normally limits the total number of jobs--not sure if it can limit by site) 01:41:09 yep, the main AB job definitely missed them all 02:51:57 OK, wild suggestion, but hear me out: what if we just stored everything in IPFS? 02:52:06 I owe arkiver $1 02:53:07 woah! problem solved! 02:53:31 rewby: ^ project10 found the solution to storage problems 02:53:41 🤯 02:53:54 it's perfect! 02:54:02 more than perfect, it's inter-planetary 02:54:09 *mind blown* 02:54:12 absolutely! 02:54:19 we were fools for not thinking about this before! 02:54:27 IPFS++ 02:54:27 -eggdrop- [karma] 'IPFS' is now at 1 02:54:47 nicolas17: For a bit Windows 11 was updating AMD drivers with "newer" versions even when the option was disabled and installed via external means. This caused a headache and a mismatch between the driver version and AMD Adrenaline software. You could quickly workaround it by doing a rollback but still annoying. 02:54:51 IPFS++ 02:54:53 -eggdrop- [karma] 'IPFS' is now at 2 02:54:56 crypto is the way 02:54:57 when you all get rich I'll accept donations via buttcoin 02:55:30 wdym we're making archivecoin 02:55:31 Archive Team coin /s 02:55:38 holy shit arkiver 02:55:42 you're on to something there 02:55:47 ICO when??? 02:55:50 eta? 02:55:53 arkiver: eta? 02:56:06 every item archived is a coin ;) so go archive those items 02:56:23 it'd never work, AT couldn't resist backing up the wallet.dat to IA 02:56:30 :P 02:56:39 true... 02:56:58 there has been a scam group at one point claiming some coin in cooperation with Archive Team i believe. long time ago, don't remember the details 02:57:02 there must be a way we can blockchain this 02:57:28 Our new coin, based on Proof of Distributed Preservation of Service, PoDPoS 02:57:46 yes! 02:58:29 arkiver: that's amazing lol 02:58:45 we need to get some NFTs going as well 02:58:53 connected to the folks with the Archive Team sticker? 02:58:57 absolutely! 02:58:58 Let's sell NFTs of the Archive Team Warrior logo 02:59:13 no no no you're thinking too simple 02:59:21 And then you get higher spots on the leaderboard 02:59:53 i'll spin up chat gpt and get it to feed paragraphs of text into stable diffusion 02:59:58 and then those are our nfts 03:00:25 DigitalDragons: i can't immediately find the details unfortunately 03:00:46 we'll feed that_lurker's memes into a machine lurning model and use it to pump out NFTs 03:00:53 xD 03:01:55 fireonlive: not enough training data, spin up a billion ec2 instances to scrape archive.org for the rest 03:02:06 ah yes 03:02:16 we'll be sure to also use residential proxies too 03:02:22 who cares if it crashes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ /s 03:02:49 IA's been running so smoothly the past few months, we have to liven things up somehow 03:02:58 lol 03:03:20 Do we really want to limit ourselves to just planets? Cosmic File System ftw 03:04:48 TheTechRobo: I think I'm seeing "total_tasks_queued exceeds global_limit" in my dreams 03:05:11 you only hit the global limit? amateur 03:05:49 i, like a real man, hit *both* the global and per-item limits awhile back 03:05:53 I'm working on it 03:06:07 https://lounge.thetechrobo.ca/uploads/2417b29e24fd63ca/image.png 03:06:08 your 40,000 distributed 300PiB gay porn backup accounts haven't been banned and content purged yet? 03:06:16 smh 03:06:29 you know IA wasn't doing well because that screenshot was taken when #burnthetwitch had 1 concurrent total 03:06:57 things are getting a tiny bit better 03:07:01 but it'll still take some time 03:07:22 i have a song for this 03:07:31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDwb9jOVRtU 03:08:29 arkiver: 🎵 03:10:19 ohh, "waiting for your *call*" 03:16:32 https://i.imgur.com/ZfB4dcR.png https://i.imgur.com/Q391viW.png 03:16:37 You're all missing the obvious solution: every collection and item should be an NFT 03:19:49 fireonlive: yeah that fits :P 03:20:06 :D 04:10:32 "https://lounge.thetechrobo.ca/..." <- oopsie 🤭 04:45:15 Woke up, got to work and opened irc. Noticed someone mentioned me. Scrolled up.... Word I did not expect to read today where meme, machine learning and NFT :P 04:46:02 :D 05:54:06 I just checked in for the first time today before heading to bed, and apparently I wasn't notified today was opposite day 12:40:35 pokechu22: it's effective 12:40:43 oranges pages-persos are up again 12:41:57 its unofficial and will last until the 30th of september 12:42:35 (cc thuban & fireonlive maybe) 12:45:04 arkiver: ^ 12:53:32 I've resumed my own mirroring of the pagespersos and it looks like its indeed back, getting a lot of 200 ok & stuff 12:56:55 thuban, pabs: queueh2ibot doesn't have an interface, it's just a script I run to send a list of commands to the channel slowly. 12:57:15 pabs: I don't think we need queueh2ibot for this one. An !a < job will suffice after removing the trailing slashes. 13:00:25 Yep, there was an Ethereum scam about AT a couple years ago. I don't remember the details either apart from that I posted an announcement on /r/Archiveteam about it. 13:01:27 This was in early October 2020 if someone wants to dig around. 13:01:40 https://old.reddit.com/r/Archiveteam/comments/j6z8kw/there_is_currently_an_ethereum_scam_ongoing_that/ 13:20:58 https://pages.perso.orange.fr/ prolonged until the 5th of october \ô/ \ô/ \ô/ 13:21:00 plcp: wooh! 13:21:04 time to get something going 13:21:08 its official now 13:29:42 hmm, just today I found an orage URL in search results and it redirected to the ending announcement 13:30:52 this morning it was still down, during lunch time too, but visibly they turned the lights back on afterwards 13:34:23 hmm, the "Gérer vos sites" link there gives me a 403 after captcha 13:35:08 ah, thats for people with a login 13:35:41 wishful thinking, thought they might have published a URL list 13:36:33 I do notice some sites have a HTML notice redirecting from one perso subdomain to another: http://wangchu.perso.orange.fr/ says it is at https://wangchu.pagesperso-orange.fr/ instead 13:37:36 We talked about this before 13:38:37 > <@antonindelfabbro:tedomum.net> Also, an history, from as far as I know:... (full message at ) 13:40:38 its a complete mess, on my side, I added a local reverse proxy to rewrite these dead links (and there are many other edge cases with old legacy URLs that never got a proper 302) 13:41:47 yeah AntoninDelFabbro|m got it right 13:43:15 That's Orange. It's years of mess above years of mess—what a mess 14:38:51 What the hell Unity? https://blog.unity.com/news/plan-pricing-and-packaging-updates 14:39:24 Basically starting on 2024 January, game devs/publishers have to pay a minute fee on each user/player installation that uses the Unity engine 14:39:33 ...Inb4 archiving more and more of Unity? 14:46:47 Well it's always the coporate greed that causes trouble . . . 14:54:41 short term money squeezing 14:54:45 long term company destruction 14:55:17 What is this 'long term' thing you're speaking of? Next quarter? 14:55:36 few years probably 14:59:30 This not only applies to games released since 2024 January, but also games before it too, retroactively 15:05:56 all that matters is the Qs 😎 15:06:41 Qs? 15:07:06 So...time to figure out how to archive Unity video games even more :c 15:07:18 Especially the countless free games out there ;-; 15:07:35 Itch.io being one example~ 15:09:02 Cute, arkiver thinks these managers are able to think a few years ahead. :-) 15:09:05 quarters, profits :( 15:09:27 “short term” 15:09:31 but the shareholders! 15:09:58 *buys one share* i demand better! 15:14:14 JAA: many can't, hence long term destruction 15:14:47 * fireonlive gives arkiver a coffee 15:28:39 ? 15:28:43 maybe i'm not understanding something :P 15:31:16 Read my first comment again in manager voice. :-P 15:47:40 I allow myself to post this 15:47:46 * Exorcism uploaded an image: (208KiB) < https://matrix.hackint.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.fedibird.com/DNuguDSNCaXhjrJOSmEQfjNS/1000017657.jpg > 15:48:50 Yeah, paid platform with no publicly accessible content. Not in scope for AT. 15:51:43 re: unity thing, the "sneaky" change of no more plus plan is more annoying for tiny devs imo, can't hide the unity splash screen (the mark of bad games :p) anymore unless you pay them 2k a year 18:54:55 so what's the plan on re-tackling orange? arkiver, you mentioned an emergency project before it went down; is that still on the table, or are we just going to try to pick up archivebot where it left off? 18:58:01 I don't think there's any super intelligent way of resuming the AB jobs, other than using information about what sites existed and what sites didn't (which would still speed things up). We do have databases and logs for the aborted jobs so that does allow resuming and redoing some stuff, but there's not a super elegant way of doing it 19:00:01 yeah 19:02:29 i think in principle there's probably enough time and enough data to cover everything through archivebot, but it would involve enough manual fiddling that i'd trust a distributed project more 19:16:30 that_lurker: See 15:48 19:16:41 yeah should have noticed that first 19:17:16 re: viaplay, they are in financial trouble; yearly subscriptions are stopped in NL, price increases are expected (after another price increase a couple months ago) 19:18:22 yeah they will most likely end up being in "lifesupport" by operating only in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Estonia regions 19:18:30 but yeah, I also don't see what there is for AT to do 19:19:11 Ryz: regarding Unity, do we know whether this fee will be retroactively applied to already-published Unity games? 19:20:57 > the fee applies to eligible games currently in market that continue to distribute the runtime. 19:21:04 https://unity.com/pricing-updates 19:21:18 Ouch 19:22:11 well, fuck. 19:22:16 I expect a massacre on itch.io then 19:22:33 oh wait no 19:22:53 Most of those probably don't have enough revenue, I'd guess? 19:23:02 > Please note: It is important to remember that games that do not reach the revenue threshold, including games that are not monetized in any way, are not required to pay the per-install fee. 19:23:04 phew 19:23:35 it's specifically the free games I was worried about 19:23:37 but those are exempt 19:23:40 Right 19:23:58 Oh ok. So games that are released for free or < $200k in a 12 month rolling period can remove the Unity splash and not incur any additional fees as well? 19:24:11 another concern is that this is going to interact poorly with pirated games 19:24:12 *$200k earned 19:24:55 because if the analytics snitching code isn't hacked out of it in the pirated release... 19:25:03 shinji257: I don't know about the splash 19:33:45 splash is still bound to the license afaik, so gotta pay for pro now since plus isnt a thing anymore 19:35:19 So you still have to pay that $2k/yr even if you don't sell anything just so you can remove the splash. 19:35:36 as far as I understand, yup 19:38:12 my main annoyance with the change (personally), but the pay-per-install could break your neck too depending on the game/revenue model 19:41:54 Yup 19:59:07 imer: https://twitter.com/tha_rami/status/1701622034537603188 19:59:07 nitter: https://nitter.net/tha_rami/status/1701622034537603188 20:00:02 yep, great stuff :D 20:01:30 Time to switch to godot i guess 20:02:03 i mean, that's even a greater outcome 20:17:48 https://twitter.com/stephentotilo/status/1701679721027633280 20:17:48 nitter: https://nitter.net/stephentotilo/status/1701679721027633280 20:17:48 how to bankrupt any gaming company using unity in 3 steps: download game, delete game, repeat 20:18:13 lol 20:19:33 -+rss- The Death of Unity: https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/the-death-of-unity https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37486431 20:20:01 https://mastodon.social/@gamingonlinux/111053921593232424 20:36:33 "Sorry! You've reached the maximum number of installs for this game. Please purchase more from our online store to continue playing." 20:41:23 imer: And if you hold a grudge against a particular company, reverse-engineer the Unity install tracking ping, then hammer that. 20:55:07 oh my god 20:55:11 JAA++ 20:55:11 -eggdrop- [karma] 'JAA' is now at 2 20:55:13 that's so evil i love it 20:58:58 Ok so I was here like a week ago asking about the yahoo video archives 20:59:06 hi! 20:59:10 And since then I have taken on indexing them all by myself 20:59:27 but anyway i'd just like to note that this one https://archive.org/details/ARCHIVETEAM-YV-003100001-003199999 is actually a mislabeled friendster archive lmao 21:02:56 hm it has files like '1/1/3116957/photos/75/96/3116957/0_722428468.jpg' 21:03:01 interesting yeah 21:05:19 cc arkiver 21:06:46 from a wget.log: 2011-05-09 23:39:05 URL:http://profiles.friendster.com/3111729 [26926] -> "data/3/1/1/3111729/profile.html" [1] 21:07:17 Rootliam: thanks for letting us know! 22:02:36 Rootliam: oh I'm indexing them too :P 22:03:13 I did the .tar.bz2 first because those *have* to be fully downloaded 22:03:37 plan was that while those were downloading and indexing, I could make a script to do .tar faster, by skipping over the file contents 22:03:59 but I finished with all .tar.bz2 and still didn't get around to *starting* said script, so downloading those fully too :P 22:06:35 collaborate: initiate! 22:09:54 where are you guys seeing all the stat pages of how on fire IA is at any given time? 22:12:52 Does the program you're using output the raw locations of the files in the tar nicolas17 22:15:36 Cause I did all the bz2/xz ones too with my own program that does, and similarly I was planning on adding libcurl support to skip downloading the whole file 22:17:10 Rootliam: isn't that useless for bz2? you can't seek to arbitrary locations in the tar if it's compressed 22:18:40 flashfire42: maybe this: https://analytics0.archive.org/stats/s3.php?tz=UTC 22:19:49 Yeah but I wanted to know what's in them, really they should probably be reuploaded uncompressed they're not much bigger 22:20:15 yeah I mean specifically "having the raw locations" seems pointless for .bz2 :) 22:30:25 Usernam edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+22): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=50765&oldid=50754 23:01:51 nicolas17: So would you like me to upload my program (exports index/positions and all the HTML files) once it can run entirely through libcurl/range requests? We could split the remaining archives and upload the data for anyone who wants to build a search engine out of it 23:02:21 looks like I have 48 out of 158 23:06:42 apropos of almost nothing, but i was clicking around on fart the other day or two and found there were indexes made for justintv/twitchtv? https://archive.fart.website/archiveteam/ 23:07:47 ...JAA had one made for.... something where the WBM had issues with case sensitivity too I believe 23:17:38 Hello! 23:18:24 Is anyone online atm? 23:20:24 Yes 23:20:55 I was wondering if anyone had a copy of a certain page from a certain time period. 23:21:11 Specifically a game's steam greenlight page 23:21:40 i'm not really sure where people keep this stuff, i'm only asking just incase it exists 23:23:14 If we do, it'd be on https://web.archive.org/ as most archiveteam stuff ends up there 23:24:06 do you know of a specific link? I'm not good at finding things. 23:25:23 If you've got the link for the current game page or what it would have been in the past, you can plug it in to the big field on the front page (or manually enter a URL like https://web.archive.org/*/example.com) 23:26:05 I have. it flat out isn't there. or rather, what specific year/day i'm looking for isn't. 23:26:27 I'm asking because i'm looking for a specific video 23:26:29 that was actually ON 23:26:35 a steam greenlight page that's now gone. 23:26:41 (yes I looked, it's impossible to find in my eyes.) 23:27:03 Can you link to the game page? I can try a few things that are a bit odd to explain 23:27:05 I would ask if anyone over at the wayback archive staff would happen to know if it was somewhere or not, but i'm really shy. 23:27:38 https://web.archive.org/web/20120908064316/https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92952101 23:27:49 it's this specific version of the page that has an old video 23:27:55 I can provide the actual video ID if you want 23:29:08 ah, the video is embedded from https://web.archive.org/web/20170915084413oe_/https://www.youtube.com/v/QQtMJmt35BA?border=0&autohide=1&fs=1&hd=1&enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=133558 it seems (based on my browser dev tools) 23:29:29 which corresponds to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQtMJmt35BA 23:29:31 oh it uses youtube? 23:29:48 yup, that's the video! 23:29:50 Seems like it uses youtube but also embeds it as a flash video back then 23:29:56 would anyone happen to have it archived somewhere? 23:30:00 finding this thing would be like 23:30:01 It seems like the earliest capture of https://web.archive.org/web/20150716191258/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQtMJmt35BA isn't present 23:30:29 are there any like, mirrors somewhere? 23:30:35 i'm not the guy who does tech stuff sadly 23:30:38 (i wish to be a nerd soon...) 23:30:39 YouTube is one of the archiveteam projects that does have data that's not on web.archive.org - I don't remember entirely how that works but someone else here should know 23:30:46 I'm not sure if they'd have something from 2012 though 23:31:20 Michael: if we archived every single youtube video found embedded on a website, internet archive would run out of disk space quick :P 23:31:30 I know, space is finite 23:31:47 i'm just crossing my fingers someone decided to inexplicably back it up. 23:32:13 youtube is just unimaginably large 23:32:51 archiving youtube also needs special tools, so I think whatever wayback machine does on its own to crawl generic websites won't do it 23:33:46 The other project is #youtubearchive (see https://borg.xyz/ya.htm) but it doesn't seem like they have it archived 23:34:07 IA does have some captures for random old youtube videos, even from back in 2012, but not this one it seems :| 23:35:50 I actually had an entire LIST of videos I was trying to find but wanted to only stick to one since I didn't wanna sound rude or anything. 23:36:00 specifically a list of Youtube IDs 23:36:03 some ranging from 2012 to 2013 23:36:39 I assume https://lostmediawiki.com/A_Hat_in_Time_(partially_found_early_builds_of_platformer_game_and_videos;_2012-2017) ? You can join #youtubearchive and use !s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQtMJmt35BA to check specific videos there 23:37:17 that exists? 23:37:21 thanks! 23:37:23 Wait 23:37:26 I think i've talked to you before 23:37:36 I checked that specific one and it didn't exist in the channel, but other ones I did find 23:37:41 err 23:37:41 wait what 23:37:51 I have no idea why I typed "but other ones I did find", that's not true at all 23:37:59 not really thinking :| 23:38:15 I don't think I've actually successfully searched for stuff in there before, not super experienced with the project 23:42:39 https://findyoutubevideo.thetechrobo.ca/ 23:42:41 try that 23:43:58 good evening hello 23:45:09 hope you're doing good 23:45:38 Yeah, a site like that seems good. 23:45:44 Are there any others? 23:46:18 that one ideally should have every decent youtube archive, so if you _do_ know of any others, let me know 23:46:47 the stuff i'm looking for is one none of these sites sadly. 23:46:52 Except for Metadata. 23:47:39 thuban: pokechu22: keeping it running in AB will not hurt 23:48:13 Rootliam: fireonlive: ah i see :/ 23:48:27 we won't rename the item though 23:49:38 fireonlive: I made one for picosong, yeah. There have also been a couple more. 23:50:29 ah right! 23:50:49 arkiver: can it be moved to the friendster collection perhaps? 23:51:04 find its lost brothers or something 23:52:35 Yeah, I plugged in most of these IDs, and none of them were archived. 23:53:09 entropy did not favour you this time i suppose 23:53:28 I was there was somehow another potential way to get these but I guess they're truly lost. 23:53:57 Have you tried emailing the hat in time developers? 23:54:03 arkiver: Is there possibly part of the YV archives that is actually missing due to this name mixup? 23:54:31 Yeah, the developers purged them a long time ago. The videos I mean. 23:54:34 It's lost media to even THEM. 23:55:23 i’d quote someone here but i’ll leave that nest